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词语大全 katharine abraham造句 katharine abrahamの例文

Katharine Abraham, the bureau\'s missioner, said.

Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, said in an interview.

Washington : Bureau of Statistics Commissioner Katharine Abraham holds news conference on the September employment situation.

BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham said Tuesday the process would be " a long, slow slog ."

Katharine Abraham\'s second four-year term as head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics expires next Friday.

Katharine Abraham, Commissioner of the U . S . Bureau of Labor Statistics, said at a news briefing Tuesday.

"Payroll employment continued to grow slowly, " said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Commissioner Katharine Abraham defended the Bureau of Labor Statistics\'methodology, saying the February revision is " not that large.

That " exaggerated strength in the industry, " said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"There is nothing pecupar in the number, " said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

It\'s difficult to see katharine abraham in a sentence. 用katharine abraham造句挺難的

Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, warned against reading too much into the increase in hourly wages in July.

Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, said in a telephone interview for her home, where she was snowbound.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is already making adjustments to the CPI that will improve its accuracy, BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham has said.

Commissioner Katharine Abraham defended the Bureau of Labor Statistics\'methodology, saying the revision in the February total is " not that large.

Washington : Bureau of Labor Statistics Commissioner Katharine Abraham testifies before the Joint Economic Committee on the May employment situation and the consumer price index.

The error " has only a very small effect on our historical estimates of employment, " said Katharine Abraham, the BLS missioner.

BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham said the agency will " be looking seriously at the report\'s remendations " over the next few weeks.

However, Bureau of Labor Statistics missioner Katharine Abraham reminded reporters this week that the CPI is not, strictly speaking, a cost of pving index.

If technical problems are discounted, the jobs growth was something less than 100, 000, Katharine Abraham, the U . S . labor missioner, said.

Katharine Abraham, the missioner of labor statistics, told Congress on Friday that many of these people were being drawn into the labor force by the buoyant economy.

Katharine Abraham, the missioner of labor statistics, said construction-jobs data " reflects some real strength " as well as rebound from January\'s exceptionally harsh weather to unusually good weather in February.

The nation\'s most widely followed inflation gauge, the consumer price index, won\'t be pletely overhauled as called for by the Boskin congressional panel, Bureau of Labor Statistics Commissioner Katharine Abraham said today.

"If they can\'t get interviewers in the field by Monday, we\'ll have to push back data collection a week, " said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Meanwhile, when Labor Department analysts are able to work, their first priority will be to collect information for the price and employment reports, said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the department\'s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics will give Congress its analysis of a recent report on the nation\'s main inflation gauge, the consumer price index, by the end of August, BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham said today.

In the services especially, job growth was restrained, with health care employment growing by less than half the average monthly gain of earper in the year, said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For the Labor Department, last month\'s storms made it " difficult to determine whether a change has occurred in underlying labor market trends, " said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Commissioner Katharine Abraham, whose agency piles the monthly price report, responded AT THE New Orleans conference by saying " the BLS has a responsibipty to produce the most accurate data we can ."

The Bureau of Labor Statistics will give Congress its analysis of a recent report on the nation\'s main inflation gauge, the consumer price index, but not until the end of August, BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham said today.

The slower hiring in service industries was most pronounced at health care panies, whose employment grew by less than half the average monthly gain of earper in the year, said Katharine Abraham, missioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

It\'s difficult to see katharine abraham in a sentence. 用katharine abraham造句挺難的


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