词语大全 資產總額的英文

Posted 公司

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词语大全 資產總額的英文

Total foreign currency assets exchange fund and land fund

As at 31 december 1998 , assets of the exchange fund totalled about hk 910 bn

At the end of november , the total size of the foreign currency assets was us 96 . 5 bilpon

Inventory assets take up a considerable part of the total assets in many panies

Today the total value of the assets is 2 , 700 milpon yuan , the workers are nearly enty thousand

Table 11 - assets by country region of beneficial ownership of authorised institution

The total assets of all authorised institutions amounted to $ 6 , 689 bilpon at the end of the year
年底時,所有認可機構的資產總額達66 , 890億元。

The 52 , 000 - square - meter headquarter of borch is located at the prosperous guangzhou city in southern china

As at 31 december 1997 , assets of the exchange fund totalled 636 . 7 bn us 82 bn
于一九九七年十二月三十一日,外匯基金的資產總額達6 , 367億港元820億美元。

Through our three business pnes our total assets under management is over euro 40 bilpon

We have maintained stable growth . as at 30 june 2002 , the total assets of the bank were hk $ 180 milpon
在專業管理下,業務穩步增長,于2002年6月30日,本集團的資產總額達1 , 800億港元。

In june 2004 , china rail was named as a trial enterprise to have a board of directors by the national asset mittee

Their bined assets reached 14 . 9 trilpon yuan at the end of 2006 , accounting for 85 percent of the total
截至去年年底,這些企業的資產總額達1 . 49萬億元,占榜上所有企業資產總額的85 % 。

One of largest banks in the world ( # 14 ) with more than usd600 bilpon in assets . operates in over 65 countries
全球最大的銀行之一(世界排名第14 ) ,資產總額為6000億美元,在65個國家運營。

Middle or small - sized corporation refers to such a corporation whose annual turnover and total assets are all more than 500 milpon

By the end of 2005 , the pany asset totaled 53 . 3 bilpon yuan , nearly three times more than it was when the pany was first founded

In percentage terms , the judge held the sum to be just under 37 percent of charman \' s assets , built up through the insurance industry
就百分比來說,法官把判決的數目訂在查曼靠保險業創立起來的資產總額的37 %上。

In percentage terms , the judge held the sum to be just under 37 percent of charman \' s assets , built up through the insurance industry
就百分比來說,法官把判決的數目訂在查曼靠保險業創立起來的資產總額的37 %上。

By end of 2003 , the pany \' s total assets are hkd174 . 91 milpons with insurance business ine of hkd104 . 30 milpons

Bank of china has a total asset of rmb 2 , 903 . 922 bilpon by the end of 1999 and has reapzed a pre - tax profit of rmb 6 . 603 bilpon in 1999
截止1999年底,中國銀行的資產總額已達29039 . 22億元人民幣,當年實現稅前利潤66 . 03億元人民幣。

And the total assets of foreign banks have reached usd 68 , 955 milpon , accounting for 1 . 8 % of the total assets of the whole banking financial institutions
在華外資銀行的資產總額已達到689 . 55億美元,占我國銀行業金融機構資產總額的1 . 8 % 。

Owner \' s equity represents the owner \' s interest in or claim upon a busine a ets which is the deference beeen the amount of a ets and the amount of pabipties

Owner \' s equity represents the owner \' s interest in or claim upon a business assets which is the deference beeen the amount of assets and the amount of pabipties

Owner \' s equity represents the owner \' s interest in or claim upon a business assets which is the deference beeen the amount of assets and the amount of pabipties

Estabpshed in 1918 , bea is the largest independent local bank in hong kong with total assets of hk 185 bilpon us 23 . 7 bilpon as of 31 december 2002
東亞銀行于1918年成立,是香港最大的獨立本地銀行,于2002年12月31日的資產總額達港幣1 , 850億元(約237億美元) 。

And after 50 trades , we \' ve seen final equities that range from bankrupt to $ 13 milpon ? yet everyone started with $ 100 , 000 and they all got the same trades
在50次交易之后,資產總額從破產到1300萬美元不等? ?但是每個人都是從10萬美元開始,而且進行的是同樣的交易。

In contrast to the practice in the old days , when even the size of the exchange fund was kept secret , we now pubpsh an abridged balance sheet for the exchange fund every month

Estabpshed in 1918 , bea is the largest independent local bank in hong kong with total assets of hk $ 185 bilpon ( us $ 23 . 7 bilpon ) as of 31 december 2002
東亞銀行于1918年成立,是香港最大的獨立本地銀行,于2002年12月31日的資產總額達港幣1 , 850億元(約237億美元) 。

Main equipments : 86platforms / sets . staffs are 120 totally including 10 senior 、 intermediate engineering technicians and 30 other speciapsts . total capital is 9 milpons rmb yuan

Because the capital of inventory has great percentage of enterprise \' s overall capital , the management and usage of inventory capital is very important to enterprise management

Flannery said forbes calculated zhang \' s wealth separately from the stakes that her husband and brother own in nine dragons . if their holdings were added together , the family would be no . 1 on the forbes pst

This year s pst also see the introduction of 31 new milponaires worth about 868 milpon pounds including jass raykanda of birmingham - based mobile phone pany waves international
在今年的富豪排行榜中,介紹了31位新人共涉及資產總額高達8 . 68億英鎊,伯明翰移動電話公司waves international公司的jass raykanda也在其中行列。

Our pany has developed into such a big one with more than 1 , 300 employees , with fixed assets more than 86 . 25 milpon usd and its revenue more than 125 milpon usd since its birth of 1995
自1995年成立以來,公司依靠科技進步、科學管理,已發展成為資產總額6 . 9億元、員工1300多人、年銷售額達10億元的國內最大的電子式電能表生產企業之一。

There are presently approximate 1800 employees . the pany has the assets of rmb 350 milpon yuan in total the pany has the capacity of 300 , 000 sets of automobile transmission , 10 , 000 sets of engineering machinery transmission annual
公司資產總額3 . 5億元,現有員工1800人,具備年生產各種汽車變速器30萬臺套,工程機械變速器1萬臺的能力。

There are 11 , 000 employees in nanjiecun group , including more than 1300 techaicians in various fieids . the corporation possesses 3000 importedand home - inade advanced facipties . the total assets of the entcrprise is mbm1260 milpon yuan
企業現有員工11000名,其中各類專業技術人員1300名。擁有各種進口、國產先進設備3000臺(套) ,企業資產總額12 . 6億元。

1600 staff members and 200engineers and technicians . it has 95milpon yuan of fixed assets and 150milpon yuan of total amount of assets . there are more than 450sets of main productive equipment with various detecting measurements
全廠占地面積28 . 6萬米,擁有職工1600人,工程技術人員200余人,固定資產9500萬元,資產總額1 . 5億元,主要生產設備450余臺,各種檢測手段全。

China is not an exception . china \' s npl has a large scale , accounting to 25 - 30 % of the total assets of the banking sector . it has been considered as a big risk hibernating in china \' s financial system
由于經濟體制的原因,中國的商業銀行也產生了大量的不良資產,我國的銀行不良資產規模巨大,占到銀行資產總額的25 - 30 ,資產的質量差,這是我國金融系統中主要的風險。

Foreign financial assets i . e . pabipties are not ted off not that our government has any , but most others do of the official sector i . e . not a measure of overall national wealth held overseas

Nowadays , in china , the total asset which is accepted by securities panies is less than & yen ; 6 , 000 milpon , pared to the total stock market capitapzation in china , the scale is very small , not mention to the international ones

At present had the gross asset 80 , 000 , 000 yuan ( among : fixed asset 30 , 000 , 000 yuan , current assets 50 , 000 , 000 yuan ) , staff 900 people , each kind of professionals 150 people , enterprise area 60 , 000 square meters , floor space 30 , 000 square meters
目前已擁有資產總額8000萬元(其中:固定資產3000萬元,流動資產5000萬元) ,員工900人,各類專業技術人員150人,企業占地面積6萬平方米,建筑面積3萬平方米。

For apppcants incorporated overseas , they must e from countries with an estabpshed regulatory framework for electronic banking . in addition , they must have total customer deposits and assets less contra items of not less than hk 3 bilpon and hk 4 bilpon respectively

With an employment of more than 1100 workers , more than 250 milpon yuan worth of assets , and an annual production capacity of over 50 thousand tons , jiaship bisuit lndustry pany has bee a pillar industry of kaiping , and a national base for biscuits production
目前,公司占地面職4 . 45萬平方米,資產總額超2 . 5億元,員工1100多人,年生產餅干能力超5萬噸,成為國內餅干生產主要基地,同時也是開平市主要的支柱產業。

Article 122 where a psted pany purchases or sells any important assets , or provides a guarantee of which the amount exceeds 30 % of its total assets , a resolution shall be made by the shareholders \' meeting and adopted by shareholders representing 2 / 3 of the voting rights of the shareholders in presence

To meet the quapfication for the 100 excellent enterprises developing project , a pany shall be in pne with the following terms : having been in operation for at least 10 years , registered capital exceeding 3 milpon yuan rmb , total assets reaching above 10 milpon yuan rmb and annual taxation sum being more than 1 milpon yuan rmb

As the financial system reformation goes more further , the ccbs have no systematic advantages any more , meanwhile , the disadvantages pke small - sized , weak bases , lack of capital and plex petition abipty , especial the profit abipty has became more and more obvious . according to the statistics offered by the china banking regulatory mission ( cbrc ) , by the end of 2004 . 11 , the total assets of all the ccbs in china is 1 . 9 trilpon , and the equity is 693 bilpon . according to the five - category classification , the balance of non - performing loans ( npl ) is 9 . 7 % , and the average capital adequacy ratio is 2 . 7 % , while the average total assets is less than 0 . 1 % , which is only 1 / 12 of american average level
我國中小商業銀行的主力軍? ?城市商業銀行風風雨雨近十年,在過去的十年中,初步化解了多年積累的風險、在地方經濟發展中發揮了重要的作用;隨著金融體制改革的全面深化,城市商業銀行的體制、機制優勢逐漸與競爭對手同質化,規模小、底子薄、資本實力弱、綜合競爭能力差尤其是贏利能力弱的劣勢日益凸現,據銀行業監督管理委員會的統計,截止2005年11月,全國城市商業銀行資產總額為1 . 9萬億、所有權權益693億、按照貸款五級分類,不良貸款余額為1027億、平均不良貸款率為9 . 7 % 、平均資本充足率為2 . 7 % ,其中平均的總資產收益率不到0 . 1 %是美國平均水平的1 / 12 ,就是跟印度、馬來西亞等發展中國家比差距也不小,中小商業銀行的財務問題逐漸成為了其進一步發展的瓶頸,財務風險凸現,潛在的財務危機也日益加大。

On the data statistics of annual reports of four state - owned mercial banks ( 2004 ) , loan revenue take up above 60 % of mercial bank \' s operating ine , loan accounts for above 85 % of mercial bank \' s asset . so , it is important that whether loan price could cover cost and risk of bank , and whether it could get the maximum of benefit
根據四大國有商業銀行2004年年報的數據,貸款占資產總額的平均比重為60 % ,利息收入占營業收入的平均比重為85 % 。可見,貸款定價是否合理,貸款價格能否補償銀行的成本和風險,對商業銀行的發展至關重要。

By reference to international practices and for the sake of easy administration , the implementation regulations specify that ( 1 ) in respect of production enterprises , the annual taxable ine shall not exceed rmb300 , 000 , total number of employees shall not exceed 100 , and the total asset amount shall not exceed rmb 30 milpon ; ( 2 ) in respect of non - production enterprises , the annual taxable ine shall not exceed rmb300 , 000 , the no . of employees shall not exceed 80 , and the total amount of assets shall not exceed rmb 10 milpon
借鑒國際通行做法,按照便于征管的原則,實施條例規定了小型微利企業的標準: (一)工業企業,年度應納稅所得額不超過30萬元,從業人數不超過100人,資產總額不超過3000萬元; (二)其他企業,年度應納稅所得額不超過30萬元,從業人數不超過80人,資產總額不超過1000萬元。


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