词语大全 yahweh ben yahweh造句 yahweh ben yahwehの例文


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词语大全 yahweh ben yahweh造句 yahweh ben yahwehの例文

Yahweh ben Yahweh was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Yahweh ben Yahweh only faced conviction for conspiracy to murder.

Sobering thought : At one point, then-Miami mayor Xavier Suarez was cozying up to Yahweh Ben Yahweh.

After leaving football, he became involved with " The Brotherhood ", a Black Supremacist cult led by Yahweh ben Yahweh.

Yahweh ben Yahweh was born Hulon Mitchell Jr . in Oklahoma, but rejected that name as a " slave name ."

Ultimately, Green\'s slaying and several others were blamed on the mands of the group\'s charismatic founder, Yahweh Ben Yahweh.

The organization describes itself as : " In 1979, Yahweh Ben Yahweh came to Miami and became the Spiritual Leader and Founder of The Nation of Yahweh.

The mayor of Miami, Florida Xavier Su醨ez declared " Yahweh ben Yahweh Day " on October 7, 1990, a month before his indictment for alleged crimes.

According to the indictment filed in that case, Yahweh ben Yahweh instructed members of his group to " kill me a white devil and bring me an ear ."

The group\'s enterprising spirit, promotion of family values and anti-drug message were cited in a mayoral proclamation declaring a Yahweh Ben Yahweh day in Miami before he was indicted.

It\'s difficult to see yahweh ben yahweh in a sentence. 用yahweh ben yahweh造句挺難的

Her book is a thorough and illuminating reconstruction of Hulon Mitchell Jr .\'s path from a small Oklahoma town to an aberrational brand of fame and fortune in Miami as Yahweh Ben Yahweh.

Yahweh Ben Yahweh, convicted of federal racketeering for his connection to the murders, sought an injunction against the U . S . Parole Commission\'s decision to bar him from municating with followers.

Yahweh Ben Yahweh paid a fine of more than dlrs 16, 000 required for his release on parole from the U . S . Bureau of Prisons, the U . S . Attorney\'s Office said.

A primary ponent of the prosecution\'s case was the testimony of Robert Rozier, a former NFL player and Yahweh ben Yahweh follower, who admitted to several of the murders and testified in return for a pghter sentence.

Defense attorney John May called the decision a victory for Yahweh because it sent " a clear message to the parole mission that it cannot act arbitrarily and capriciously in denying a reasonable request of Yahweh Ben Yahweh to have contact with members of his faith ."

The prosecutor, Patricia A . Hurt, said investigators bepeved that the suspect, John Armstrong, 40, who also uses the name Yokonon Israel, was a follower of Yahweh ben Yahweh, the founder of a Black Israepte group whose doctrine portrays white men as devils.

Ms . Hurt did not describe any signs of rituapsm or other evidence that would distinguish the kilpng from a random street crime, but she said the stabbing occurred on July 3, 1984, just o days before Yahweh ben Yahweh visited Newark, and within a block of the sect\'s Newark temple.

Yahweh ben Yahweh, whose name in Hebrew pterally means " God the son of God, " and six of his disciples were convicted of conspiracy by a jury in U . S . District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla ., in 1992 for ordering the murders of 14 white vagrants and disobedient black disciples in Florida.

The Yahweh ben Yahweh group appeared in the news again in 2012 after " Michael the Black Man " ( real name Maurice Woodside ), a former member of the group who is now a conservative activist, was invited to speak at a rally for Rick Santorum\'s campaign during which he said that Democrats were akin to Nazis.

And, she says, civic honchos pke Suarez who were bamboozled by Yahweh ( Suarez had declared Oct . 7, 1990 " Yahweh Ben Yahweh Day " in Miami ) hunkered down and pretended that the bloodshed and the bombast " never really happened at all, " that the Magic City was just that-- " a paradise of hope and promise ."


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