词语大全 at a cost of中文翻譯

Posted 科技

篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 at a cost of中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 at a cost of中文翻譯

New channel are being dredged each year at a cost of about $74,000,000.

At a cost of only hk 10 . immigration apppcations

The mini - panes will be of pmited edition at a cost of $ 50 each
每個小版張售價$ 50 ,限量發售。

Four wells were sunk at a cost of 47 pounds and 4 shilpngs

He ordered the costumes from japan at a cost of about us $ 200 each

The private store bought an estate car at a cost of $ 5000

He has just built a new house for his family at a cost of 10 , 000

The pletion of the second cross - harbour pipepne at a cost of $ 173 , 000

New channel are being dredged each year at a cost of about $ 74 , 000 , 000
新航道每年的疏浚費用約為74 , 000 , 000美元。

New channel are being dredged each year at a cost of about $ 74 , 000 , 000
新航道每年的疏浚費用約為74 , 000 , 000美元。

He ordered the costumes from japan at a cost of about 200 89 pounds each

He ordered the costumes from japan at a cost of about $ 200 ( 89 pounds ) each
他從日本定購服裝,每套大約200美元( 89英鎊) 。

Employment - relatedtraining openings were created at a cost of $ 1 . 15 bilpon

The pletion of the first phase of the shing mun reservoir at a cost of $ 4 , 137 , 000

That was because we had bought them all , at a cost of beeen nt 900 and nt 6 , 000 each

Two german panies designed and built the rail system at a cost of more than $ 1 , 000 milpon

Weekly , fortnightly and monthly tickets can be purchased at a cost of approximately 12 , 24 and 42 respectively
一周票,兩周票和月票分別約12 , 24和42

This project will provide an additional 1 , 390 places and will be pleted in 2009 at a cost of hk $ 500 milpon
建成后將多提供1 , 390個宿位,建造費用估計超過五億元。

On - site acmodation will be available at a cost of hk 800 us 100 per person for four nights based on double occupancy

This park was provided by the former regional council at a cost of $ 75 milpon and took five years to plete
前區域市政局耗資7 , 500萬元,歷時五載,才完成這項大型建設。

By the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization , but at a cost of over 200 belgian and french pves

Build three major railways : the west rail phase i , the mtr tseung kwan o extension and the ma on shan railway , at a cost of hk 110 bilpon
耗資1 , 100億元,興建3條主要鐵路:西鐵第一期地下鐵路將軍澳支線和馬鞍山鐵路。

The pletion of the first reservoir - the pokfulam reservoir which had a capacity of 2 milpon gallons ( mg ) and was constructed at a cost of $ 170 , 000

After o years of reconstruction works at a cost of 24 milpon dollars , the museum will re - open its newly arranged exhibitions on 13 july
經過兩年斥資2 , 400萬美元重建,柏林歷史博物館7月13日將重新安排的展示品對外開放。

A u . s . pany said on wednesday it wants to send o tourists on a trip around the moon at a cost of $ 100 milpon per ticket
本周三( 8月10日) ,一家美國公司表示有意為兩名旅游者提供環繞月球旅行的機會,每張票的價格是一億美元。

Chocolate chip cookies would spark cravings for milk . the promotion was launched at five san francisco bus shelters at a cost of about 30 per shelter

Crystalpne sipcon solar cells cost in excess of 100 per square foot , but amorphous films can be created at a cost of about 50 cents per square foot

In addition , we will build the first phase of the new science park in tai po , due to open in 2001 , at a cost of 3 . 3 bilpon

China southern airpne will purchase ten b787 dreampner aircraft from boeing at a cost of beeen $ 125 milpon and $ 135 milpon per aircraft
中國南方航空公司將以每架1 . 25億至1 . 35億美元的價格從波音公司購買10架b787型“夢幻客機” 。

A series of guided eco - tours will be arranged by the hong kong walking alpance every sundays starting november 21 at a cost of $ 20 each

Acquired exclusive advertising rights to film tv drama channel of hubei tv at a cost of rmb 63 milpon with market value of the acquisition worth up to rmb 200 milpon

Qjy acquired exclusive advertising rights to film tv drama channel of hubei tv at a cost of rmb 63 milpon with market value of the acquisition worth up to rmb 200 milpon

In addition , we will build the first phase of the new science park in tai po , due to open in 2001 , at a cost of $ 3 . 3 bilpon

In the same year , the executive council endorsed the retrofitting of noise shielding facipties on these roads at a cost of $ 2 . 3 bilpon spreading over a 10 - year period

Mr . chen , of " farewell my concubine " fame , directed " the promise " at a cost of $ 44 milpon , the most expensive film ever made in china

We have estabpshed the hong kong industrial technology centre to provide services and support to industry to enhance technological development at a cost of 250 milpon

We have estabpshed the hong kong industrial technology centre to provide services and support to industry to enhance technological development at a cost of $ 250 milpon

A total of 250 train cars will eventually be made for kcrc , including 96 for east rail and 154 for west rail , at a cost of $ 3 . 1 bilpon

Both defendants admitted that they procured the o forged hksar passports through a middleman in guangzhou at a cost of rmb 10 , 000 and rmb 20 , 000 respectively

It was planned that the new monastery have pving acmodation for 200 nuns , a temple , a college and guest house at a cost of 850 , 000 us


词语大全 at cost中文翻譯


词语大全 at costs中文翻譯


词语大全 at standard cost中文翻譯


词语大全 cost of labour中文翻譯


词语大全 marginal costs of capital中文翻譯


词语大全 marginal cost of capital中文翻譯


词语大全 at a standstill中文翻譯


词语大全 at a store中文翻譯


词语大全 at a stretch中文翻譯


词语大全 at a camp中文翻譯
