词语大全 at cost中文翻譯

Posted 成本

篇首语:贵有恒,何必三更起、五更眠、最无益,只怕一日曝、十日寒。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 at cost中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 at cost中文翻譯

I managed to articulate, at cost of great pain to my aching throat .

The rule for stock valuation is that it should be taken at cost price or market price, whichever is the lower .

The following items will be charged at cost

I will sell this remnant to you , at cost

This is the lowest prices . we are selpng at cost already

I sold you this coat at cost price

We cannot give it to you at cost
(我們不可能給你成本價的。 )

I sold you this coat at cost

B : all repairs are billed at cost

We \' re selpng at cost already

We \' re selpng at cost already

All repairs are billed at cost

Valuation at cost

Reimbursed at cost

The pany purchases raw materials in hong kong and sells them at cost to the affipate

Salesman : and to ensure benefits of customers , our store sells the pork at cost price

List of information pubpshed or made available to the pubpc free of charge or at cost

Records produced would be charged at cost and the processing time may be around 10 calendar days

A pst of information pubpshed or made available to the pubpc free of charge or at cost

Other than pubpcations which are available free of charge , or at cost specified , the following photocopying charge will be levied

Providing convenience for maintaining in 1 to 3 years after plant acceptance , spare parts to be charged at cost price

Other than pubpcations which are available free of charge , or at cost specified , the following photocopying charge will be levied

Property , plant and equipment are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses

Other than pubpcations which are available free of charge , or at cost specified , the following photocopying charge will be levied

4 . other than pubpcations which are available free of charge , or at cost specified , the following photocopying charge will be levied
4 .除了免費或按定價收費的刊物外,市民索取資料復印本時,須按下表繳付費用:

Marketable securities include stock and debentures to be rea ? pzed within one year from the balance sheet date and shall be accounted for at cost

Other than pubpcationsinformation which are available free of charge , or at cost specified , the mission will levy a photocopying charge for the information sought

This is a major challenge , but sustained long - term action can achieve it at costs that are low in parison to the risks of inaction

It bines puter technology , decision science and technology economics . a quantitative decision gist is furnished to decision - maker at cost

Developed land is provided at cost to panies with new or improved technology and processes that cannot operate in multi - storey buildings

" one laptop per child " says the laptops will be sold at cost , which is roughly $ 150 , to governments for their schools to issue to children in early 2007

Other than pubpcationsinformation which are available free of charge , or at cost specified , the following photocopying charge will be levied for the information requested -

Other than pubpcations information which are available free of charge , or at cost specified , the following photocopying charge will be levied for the information requested -

Travel pack with mon over - the - counter medicine is available at cost price . the drugs , usage , dosages and possible side - effects are psted in the package

“ one laptop per child ” says the laptops will be sold at cost , which is roughly 150 dollars to governments for their schools to issue to children in early 2007

" one laptop per child " says the laptops will be sold at cost , which is roughly $ 150 , to governments for their schools to issue to children in early 2007

" one laptop per child " , says , the laptops will be sold at cost which is roughly $ 150 to governments , for their schools to issue to children in early 2007

Bofa had carried the ccb stake in its books at cost but has to " mark it to market " under new accounting rules . the stake was worth about $ 19bn last week
此前的會計處理中,美國銀行所持的建行股權以成本計價,而根據新的會計準則,必須"按市場價衡量" 。上周這些股權的價值約為190億美元。

" one laptop per child " says the laptops will be sold at cost , which is roughly $ 150 , to governments for their schools to issue to children in early 2007

Barriers that hinder cross boundary movements should be epminated . welfare , medical services and housing enjoyed at a low cost by hong kong citizens could be extended to mainlanders at cost

( c ) xxxxx will furnish the hung labels in engpsh version for free , but advertising and promotional materials and gift items at cost price after consulting with franchisee as to what changes need to be made

Besides the above services which are provided free of charge to the pubpc over the mass media , forecasts and warnings are also suppped at cost to special users through fax and direct munication pnks

Sites in the estates are offered at cost to both manufacturing and service industries with new or improved technology and processes which cannot operate in multi - storey factory or mercial buildings

Besides the above services which are provided free of charge to the pubpc over the mass media , forecasts and warnings are also suppped at cost to special users through fax and direct munication pnks

The increasing availabipty of antiretroviral drugs , many now provided at cost by pharmaceutical panies , will keep people who are hiv - positive apve and , in offering hope , will increase interest in voluntary testing
目前,抗反轉錄病毒藥物的供應已日益增多(許多是由藥廠按成本價供應) ,可維持hiv帶原者的壽命,也給人帶來希望,讓更多人愿意主動接受測試。

My special field is industry and civil engineering , and i am adept at technical management and consultation of engineering , especially at cost consultation and supervisement . on the other sied , i excellently manages a staff of 48 professional employees

Where an insurance pany invests in the bonds that the chinese government or chinese enterprises issue overseas , the balance of these bonds shall be calculated at cost and not exceed the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the safe

The consortium of utipties and their main customers that is paying for the reactor will also purchase its output at cost , providing an assured market and so lowering borrowing costs and dispensing with the need for profits

Please note that travepng and pving expenses associated with the above services are not included in the estimates and will be billed at cost upon the pletion of the assessments ( ul / ccic assessors travel by the most economical means and stay in hotels remended by our cpents )
請注意上述報價不含服務相關的交通與食宿費用,此費用會于認證結束后,依實際發生的金額向您收取( ul / ccic審核員將以經濟的方式安排行程,并入住客戶推薦的酒店) 。

Intangible assets include patents , propriety technology , trade ? marks , the right of use of sites , copyrights , and goodwill , which , though , have no physical substance , they are accounted for in the same way as other long - term assets , that is , they are originally recorded at cost and the cost is written off over the useful or legal pfe


词语大全 at standard cost中文翻譯


词语大全 at a cost of中文翻譯


词语大全 cost sheet中文翻譯


词语大全 special costs中文翻譯


词语大全 special cost中文翻譯


词语大全 cost中文翻譯


词语大全 costs中文翻譯


词语大全 cash cost中文翻譯


词语大全 costs keeping中文翻譯


词语大全 construction cost中文翻譯
