词语大全 vacuolar membrane造句 vacuolar membraneの例文 "vacuolar membrane"是什麼意思

Posted 液泡

篇首语:临文乍了了,彻卷兀若无。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 vacuolar membrane造句 vacuolar membraneの例文 "vacuolar membrane"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 vacuolar membrane造句 vacuolar membraneの例文 "vacuolar membrane"是什麼意思

vacuolar membrane造句 vacuolar membraneの例文 "vacuolar membrane"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Autophagy appears to involve an active participation of the vacuolar membranes .

Pcr analysis indicated that all pnes had been integrated of ssmapkk . northern analysis revealed the presence of expression of ssmapkk mrna in transgenic pnes . in principle , ssvp overexpression can increase proton electrochemical gradients across the vacuolar membranes , which permit the secondary active transport of na + and solute molecules
理論上, ssop的過量表達可增加轉基因植株細胞跨液泡膜的質子電化學梯度,為次級轉運提供驅動力,從而增加可溶性物質和na十向液泡內的轉運,提高轉基因植株的抗旱和抗鹽性。

Additionally , protein bands were found in the range of 62 kd in microsomes from oryza sativa and 45 kd from arabidopsis thapana - , 2 ) the ipar - pke protein was mainly locapzed in the vacuolar membrane ( tonoplast ) and plasma membrane in the leaf and root tip of arabidopsis thapana for confirming the biological role of the ip3r - pke protein , we investigated the effects of methyl viologen ( stimulating ip3 produce ) and heparin ( a petitive inhibitor of inositol 1 , 4 , 5 - triphophate in animal ) on stomatal movement by epidermal strip bioassay . when the epidermal strips of arabidopsis thapana were treated with methyl viologen , it stimulates the stomatal closure
擬南芥表皮條用甲基紫精處理,可以引起氣孔的關閉,當處理90分鐘的時候,氣孔的相對開度由100降到58 ,統計學分析氣孔開度的變化有顯著差異;甲基紫精引起氣孔關閉的作用可以被肝素部分抑制,當甲基紫精和肝素同時處理90分鐘的時候,氣孔的相對開度由100降到92 ,統計學分析氣孔開度的變化沒有顯著差異,說明氣孔的相對開度基本上沒有變化。

It\'s difficult to find vacuolar membrane in a sentence. 用vacuolar membrane造句挺難的


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