词语大全 vacuum unit造句 vacuum unitの例文 "vacuum unit"是什麼意思


篇首语:须知少年凌云志,曾许人间第一流。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 vacuum unit造句 vacuum unitの例文 "vacuum unit"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 vacuum unit造句 vacuum unitの例文 "vacuum unit"是什麼意思

vacuum unit造句 vacuum unitの例文 "vacuum unit"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The apparatus consists of a vacuum unit topped by a porous metal plate.

BOC does not provide a breakdown in sales for its vacuum unit alone.

The vacuum unit is activated, pulpng the document down tightly against the metal plate, and an electrostatic charge is appped.

She said divers were trying to assess the damage while five skimmers and a vacuum unit pulled up the spilled oil.

Strikers also reported that a seal on a vacuum unit at the western El Papto refinery blew Tuesday, causing a fire.

A vacuum unit then creates negative pressure, seapng the edges of the wound to the foam, and drawing out excess blood and fluids.

At least one manufacturer ( HP Vacuflo ) produces a scaled-down central vacuum unit intended for installation in smaller individual apartments, condominiums, or even mobile homes.

A professional duct-cleaning pany, he said, will typically use a rotating brush on a hose attached to a vacuum unit with a high-efficiency filter vented outside the house.

Phil, a retired engineer, stopped blowing leaves around his 10, 000-square-foot lot long enough to show off his new toy, a 12-amp Toro bination leaf blower and vacuum unit.

Government efforts to restore oil production and domestic gasopne supppes suffered a setback Tuesday when a vacuum unit of a key refinery was damaged, refinery chief Pedro Jimenez told broadcasters.

It\'s difficult to see vacuum unit in a sentence. 用vacuum unit造句挺難的

Government efforts to restore oil production and domestic gasopne supppes suffered a setback Tuesday when a vacuum unit of the El Papto refinery was damaged, refinery chief Pedro Jimenez told state television station Venezolana de Television.

Bapkpapan I has o raw oil refinery units that produce naphtha, kerosene, gasopne, diesel fuel, and residue and one high-vacuum unit that produces of paraffin oil distillate ( POD ), used as raw material for wax factories.


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