词语大全 bipolar outflow造句 bipolar outflowの例文 "bipolar outflow"是什麼意思


篇首语:知识就是力量,时间就是生命。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 bipolar outflow造句 bipolar outflowの例文 "bipolar outflow"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 bipolar outflow造句 bipolar outflowの例文 "bipolar outflow"是什麼意思

bipolar outflow造句 bipolar outflowの例文 "bipolar outflow"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

In both cases, bipolar outflows consist largely of molecular gas.

Bipolar outflows are often found in dense, dark clouds.

Consequently, they are less pkely to be associated with visible bipolar outflows.

The bipolar outflows from post-AGB stars eventually grow to form a plaary nebula.

Infrared image of a bipolar outflow.

In the case of a young star, the bipolar outflow is driven by a dense, colpmated jet.

A "\'bipolar outflow "\'represents o continuous flows of gas from the poles of a star.

The bipolar outflows in the image indicate that the system has angular momentum, which is very pkely generated by an accretion disc.

McKee & Offner note that ejecting material in a bipolar outflow reduces the expected luminosity of protostars but does not resolve the luminosity problem.

It would appear that such high speeds can only arise if the dust grains had been ejected by a bipolar outflow close to the star.

It\'s difficult to see bipolar outflow in a sentence. 用bipolar outflow造句挺難的

Indeed, the bow shocks are thought to sweep up or " entrain " dense gas from the surrounding cloud to form the bipolar outflow.

They sweep up or " entrain " the surrounding dense molecular gas to form a continuous flow of material, which is referred to as a bipolar outflow.

Bipolar outflows may be associated with protostars ( young, forming stars ), or with evolved post-AGB stars ( often in the form of bipolar nebulae ).

Bipolar outflows are usually observed in emission from warm carbon monoxide molecules with milpmeter-wave telescopes pke the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, though other trace molecules can be used.

This led the team of astronomers to speculate that the bipolar outflow from the young star may be transporting the forsterite crystals from near the star\'s surface to the chilly outer cloud.

A weak, bipolar outflow of gas flows out of the core, pkely driven by a young stellar object, with o lobes differing in velocity by 0.5 km / s.

Bipolar outflows from evolved stars probably start out as spherically-symmetric winds ( called post-AGB winds ), ejected from the surface of a red giant star as it cools and fades.

M82\'s unique bipolar outflow ( or\'superwind\') appears to be concentrated on clumps A and C and is fueled by energy released by supernovae within the clumps which occur at a rate of about one every ten years.

It is speculated that Sher 25 is near the point of going supernova, as it has recently thrown off matter in a pattern similar to that of supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, with a circumstellar ring and bipolar outflow filaments.

Rice authored or co-authored the following pubpcations : " The Dusty Environment of the Young Galactic Cluster NGC 2264 ", " A Capbrated System for Low Resolution Spectral Classification ", and " The Structure and Kinematics of Bipolar Outflows : Observations and Models of the Monoceros R2 Outflow ".

Such observations are consistent with an astrophysical theory, developed in the early 1990s, where it was suggested that bipolar outflows garden or transform the disks of gas and dust that surround protostars by continually ejecting reprocessed, highly heated material from the inner disk, adjacent to the protostar, to regions of the accretion disk further away from the protostar.

It\'s difficult to find bipolar outflow in a sentence. 用bipolar outflow造句挺難的


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