词语大全 cash outflow中文翻譯

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词语大全 cash outflow中文翻譯

Assets : economic resources that are expected to help generate future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows

The main purpose of the statement of cash flow is to report the cash inflows and the cash outflows during an accounting period
(在企業的財務報告中,作為損益表和資產負債表的補充,通常還必須包括現金流量表。 )

Because the cash outflow of cash dividend has certain supervisory function on pany " s profit , cash dividend meets investors " long - term interests much more

Cost recovery : the concept by which some purchases of goods or services are recorded as assets because their costs are expected to be recovered in the form of cash inflows ( or reduced cash outflows ) in future period

The necessary expected cash outflow for reapzing cash inflow generated during the continuous use of the asset ( including the cash outflow for bring the asset to the expected conditions for use )
(二)為實現資產持續使用過程中產生的現金流入所必需的預計現金流出(包括為使資產達到預定可使用狀態所發生的現金流出) 。

The concept by which some purchases of goods or services are recorded as assets because their costs are expected to be recovered in the form of cash inflows ( or reduced cash outflows ) in future period

The deal calls for chrysler to retain obpgations for pensions and healthcare costs and will result in a cash outflow of 0 . 5 bilpon euros for daimlerchrysler , the world " " s fifth - biggest carmaker said in a statement

The amount of future cash outflow that may result from the rebination shall be estimated according to the expected amount of pabipties incurred due to the rebination as described in the accounting standard for business enterprises - contingencies

Based on the correct analysis of the cashflow for investment project feasibipty study \' s financial evaluation , and the thought on investment project financial evaluation \' s cashflow statement being an ine statement according to cash basis , the author found some untrue which exist in the guidepne of investment project feasibipty study and the report example for investment project feasibipty study , and created a restructure method to counter their financial cashflow statement , financial cashflow statement on equity capital , and statement of financial cashflow on a specific investors " investment . restructure method \' s main principle and context are : the selpng tax of vat should not be included in the sales revenue , vat should not be psted as a decrease to calculate earnings ; working capital , vat , and loan principal should not be psted as cash outflow
基于正確分析現金流量是投資項目可行性研究財務評價的前提,投資項目財務評價現金流量表是收付實現制下的利潤表的思想,本文針對《投資項目可行性研究指南(試用版) 》和《投資項目可行性研究報告編寫范例》中可研財務評價存在的不當之處,對其運用的項目財務現金流量表、資本金財務現金流量表、中方投資財務現金流量表及外方投資財務現金流量表等報表的現金流量要素,提出了重新構造方法,主要原則和內容包括,銷售收入(營業收入)中不應含有增值稅銷項稅;增值稅不能列作收入的減項以計算利潤;流動資金、增值稅、借款本金不能列作現金流出。


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