词语大全 第二基本形式的英文


篇首语:水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 第二基本形式的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 第二基本形式的英文

To discuss curve of the second elemental form

The article not only presents the first , second and third elemental form of pseudo sphere , but also the third elemental form of conoid and curve

As a result , ( i ) let k ( x ) be the function assign to each point x of m the infinimum of the sectional curvatures of m at that ponit , if k ( x ) satisfies , then m is totally umbipcal . ( ii ) let q ( x ) be the function assign to each point x of m the infinimum of the ricci curvatures of m at that ponit , if q ( x ) satisfies q > 1 / 4 ( n - 2 ) ( c + 4h2 ) - 1 / 4nc , then m is totally umbipcal , ( iii ) let a be the square length of the second fundermental form , if satisfies , then m is totally umbipcal
) )中具有非零平行法平均曲率向量的緊致全實偽臍子流形m ~ n ,得到了( ? )如果m ~ n在其點x的截面曲率的下確界函數k ( x )滿足條件:則m ~ n是全臍的( ? )如果m ~ n在其點x的ricci曲率的下確界函數q ( x )滿足條件:則m ~ n是全臍的。 ( ? )如果m在m中的第二基本形式h長度的平方滿足條件:則m ~ n是全臍的。

This paper contains three chapters . we discuss the pinching problems on the length of the second fundamental form of pact space - pke submanifolds mn with unit parallel mean curvature vector in the de sitter space spn + p . in particular , a sufficient condition for mn with constant scalar curvature to be totally umbipcal is given
討論desitter空間s _ p ~ ( n + p )中具有平行的單位平均曲率向量的緊致類空子流形m ~ n的第二基本形式長度拼擠問題,給出了具有常數量曲率的這種子流形是全臍球面的一個充分條件。


词语大全 資本形式的英文


词语大全 表層形式的英文


词语大全 形式電荷的英文


词语大全 物化形式的英文


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