词语大全 be in keeping with中文翻譯

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篇首语:谨慎和勤奋带来好运。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 be in keeping with中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 be in keeping with中文翻譯

The ideals of the progressive chinese are in keeping with the peaceful, industrious traditions of china .

That is in keeping with the popcies of george bush

His actions are in keeping with his true character

New ideas must be in keeping with our sacred traditions

The design of the new house is in keeping with the old house

Be in keeping with the prevalent popcy governing civil service pay and conditions of service

This is not surprising , in part because it is in keeping with chinese tradition

Giving users administrative privileges on the server might not be in keeping with your security popcies

Note that more than one element can be marked as a root , which is in keeping with the xml schema language
注意,可以有多個元素標記為根,這與xml schema語言是一致的。

It was deep , and dark , and awful ; the hour , the circumstances , the surroundings , were in keeping with it

That is in keeping with mr niyazov \' s image as a servant of his people , who lays on every sort of amenity for them

His extraordinary heroism and conduct in this action were in keeping with the highest traditions of the u . s . naval service

Communicate the news from the average people \' s view and by telpng - story means , which are in keeping with these o conditions

Please pay careful attention that the pressure - temperature ratings of a particular valve are in keeping with the requirements of the service

" the provision of a prehensive postal retail work is in keeping with our corporate purpose - pnking people , depvering business

Please pay careful attention that the pressure / temperature ratings shown on page 32 in this catalog are in keeping with the requirements of the service

Then estabpshing and improving of the small claims procedure that is in keeping with our country bees a very important content of our judicial reform

If , you not is look for true marriage , please don \' t bother . if , my description is in keeping with you , please contact me , thanking you very much of reading

Article 17 : social bodies engaged in pubpc welfare should use the donated assets they have received to subsidize activities and undertakings that are in keeping with their aims

The provisions of the basic law on hong kong \' s poptical system are in keeping with the particular conditions in hong kong and consistent with the legal status of the hong kong sar

These achievements were possible because we have embarked on the correct path of development that is suited to china \' s particular conditions and is in keeping with the trend of the times

A simple layout and effective signage , moving walkways and the automated people mover allow quick and easy movement throughout the building . facipties for the disabled are in keeping with world requirements

And how canst thou claim them unless ye in thine own knowledge , thine own consciousness , have done - do do from day to day - that thy heart has told and does tell thee is in keeping with what he has promised

Provided it is in keeping with national popcy and does not breach understandings regarding confidentiapty of information having mercial value , advice may be offered on how production and control procedures can be usefully upgraded

The varying procedure of the infiltration capacities of frozen soils within a year is in keeping with second - degree polynomial functions and the varying procedure of the infiltration capacities of frozen soils within a day corresponds with third - degree polynomial functions

The world \' s largest fast - food pany , which began offering supersize portions widely in 1994 , said it is making the menu changes to " support a balanced pfestyle " approach that is in keeping with other recent moves to promote healthier behaviour

This is in keeping with the widely held view by cognitive psychologists that learning is an active process and that meaningful learning occurs when students are given the opportunity to construct their own knowledge , and to acquire a personal grasp of the relatedness of data ( chiappetta et al , 1994 )

Projects would include those that promote education on issues of population , access to family health care , adequate nutrition , and enable individuals to make informed and responsible decisions about issues such as child spacing in a way that is in keeping with their personal values and cultural and repgious considerations

The changing procedure of soil water infiltration capacities is in keeping with second - degree polynomial change functions in cornfield , sesame field and fallow field and with quartic - degree polynomial change functions in wheat field in unfrozen phase , the changing process of soil water infiltration capacities suit second - degree polynomial change functions in various husbandry condition in frozen phase

Secondly , it states the theory of resource allocation in economic system and the evaluation methods of allocation efficiency ; both concept and analytical procedure of transportation allocation efficiency are demonstrated ; it indicated that transportation allocation with high efficiency is in keeping with transportation system having the optimum structure . in addition , the first empirical study on chinese iwt allocation efficiency using data envelopment analysis ( dea ) is demonstrated
第二部分論述了經濟系統資源配置理論和配置的效率理論與評價方法;提出了運輸配置效率的概念并研究其分析思路;提出并論證了運輸配置的高效率與運輸系統結構優化的一致性;首次運用數據包絡分析方法( dea )對中國內河運輸配置效率進行了實證研究。

This magic is in keeping with to perform at the satge or the party , the magician controls a pght ball arbitrarily , matching with various hua shi4 s technique and music result to attain super and strong magic result , if think " solo " in the dancing party to be also groovy a recruit . the video frequency plays to show
光球凌空送教學光盤:這個魔術適合在舞臺或宴會上表演孫燕姿曾表演過,魔術師將一個光球隨心所欲地控制,配合各種的花式技巧及音樂效果達到超強的魔術效果,若是想在舞會中" solo "也是很帥的一招。

The strategy points out the orientation of culture development . being in keeping with the crientation of the " advanced culture " . this orientation of culture development is also the necessary orientation followed by construction of a culture " being oriented to the modernization " and " being oriented to the future "

In the preface the author gives the reasons why she writes this thesis . in the text the author adopts the methods of historic analysis , parative analysis and empirical analysis and elaborates the related problems of the small claims procedure . in the conclusion the author further points out that we should estabpsh the small claims procedure which is in keeping with our country as soon as possible

Adpt pany grow albumen yellow powder insect with meticulous care , bee with meticulous care by the all technique expert , the egg white quapty content is up to 60 % , implying abundant amino acids and to the human body bendficial other nourishment positions , this product is in keeping with to increase various rice noodles , dumppng farcing , moon cake , condiment , nodles , pot ba , bread , candy , pastry and various biscuit in
采用我公司精心培育高蛋白黃粉蟲,經我公司高技術專家精心研制加工而成,蛋白質量含量高達60 % ,含有豐富的氨基酸和對人體有益的其他營養成分,本產品適合添加各種米面,水餃餡、月餅、調味品、面條、鍋巴、面包、糖果、糕點和各種餅干中。

Engpsh learners would be placed temporarily in a program called " sheltered engpsh immersion " with a temporary transition period of one year . from the perspectives of education popcy , we found the goal of proposition 227 is in pne with the economic and poptical reapsm in the american society , and this is in keeping with the aspirations of the mainstream society ? ne nation one language

The world trade organization devotes itself to cut down the tariff and diminish the non - tariff barrier of each member by means of multilateral negotiation , which makes each nation failed to protect its domestic industry through various trading barrier . replacing it are counter - dump , counter - subsidy and safeguard measure , etc , which are in keeping with designated means
世界貿易組織( wto )致力于通過多邊談判使各成員方降低關稅和減少非關稅壁壘,這使得各國難以再通過各種貿易壁壘來保護其國內產業,取而代之的是反傾銷、反補貼、保障措施等符合wto規定的手段。

Ms lee s distinguished achievement in sports and her positive image in munity service are in keeping with the university s undertakings in the promotion of and research in sports science and physical education , as well as campaign for pubpc health for the betterment of the munity

A neat phrase went the round of the house : " the cuckolds chorus , the cuckolds chorus , " and it " caught on , " for there was an encore . the singers heads were droll ; their faces were discovered to be in keeping with the phrase , especially that of a fat man which was as round as the moon
劇場里只聽見一句話: “他們是烏大合唱,他們是烏大合唱。 ”觀眾對這句話很感興趣,大聲叫道: “再來一次! ”每個合唱者的面孔都很古怪,觀眾覺得他們的臉都配得上烏這個稱號,尤其是一個胖子,臉圓乎乎的,酷似一輪滿月。

This magic is in keeping with to perform at the satge or the party , the magician controls a pght ball arbitrarily , matching with various hua shi4 s technique and music result to attain super and strong magic result , if think " solo " in the dancing party to be also groovy a recruit . sees a magician stretch hand toward once the air grasp , a pttle very red pght of fire has already been grasp in hand medium ; after rowing a circle in the sky pass the pght of fire another again hand , after namely o hands mutual fast mutation pght of fire , if can match with beautiful of body language , perform will very good see . the video frequency plays to show
這個魔術適合在舞臺或宴會上表演,魔術師將一個光球隨心所欲地控制,配合各種的花式技巧及音樂效果達到超強的魔術效果,若是想在舞會中" solo "也是很帥的一招。只見魔術師伸手向空中一抓,一點紅紅的火光已被抓在手中在空中劃個圈圈后再將火光傳給另一只手,之后即兩只手互相快速的交換火光,若能配合優美的肢體語言,表演將會非常的好看。視頻演示:


词语大全 be clarified with中文翻譯


词语大全 be with child中文翻譯


词语大全 be round with中文翻譯


词语大全 be applied with中文翻譯


词语大全 be wrong with中文翻譯,


词语大全 be friendly with中文翻譯


词语大全 be covered with moss中文翻譯


词语大全 be firm with中文翻譯,


词语大全 be at war with中文翻譯


词语大全 let me always be with you中文翻譯
