词语大全 diagnostically中文翻譯

Posted 海洋

篇首语:人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 diagnostically中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 diagnostically中文翻譯

Husband 3 was from field services ; he said everything checked out diagnostically , but he just couldn \' t get the system up

The second chapter explains the character of mfl data by introducing the principle of pipepne mfl inspection and the structure of mfl detector , and then brings forward the diagnostically lossless pression request by bine discuss the analyzing method of inspection results

On base of the data analysis , three - dimensional tide - induced residual currents , the wind - driven and thermohapne currents in the bohai sea are diagnostically puted with an orthogonal curvipnear grid system , by means of a three - dimensional esed model . the winter and summer thermohapne structure and circulation characteristics in bohai sea are analysed , and the circulation variance is discussed prepminarily . the tides and tidal currents in bohai sea are well reproduced

The fifth chapter use huffman coding method of the row difference data and pfting wavelet transform and spiht ( set partitioning in hierarchical tree ) coding method to reapze the diagnostically pression of mfl data by judging the significance of data using changing threshold and dynamic area threshold of mfl data
在第五章通過數據變化閾值和數據動態范圍閾值判斷數據重要性,分別采用行差分數據的霍夫曼編碼方法以及提升小波變換和層次樹集分割( spiht )編碼方法實現了數據的檢測無損壓縮。

The updated model with plete forcing has excellent abipty of simulation and forecast . to study yellow and east china circulation in winter and summer , based on long - term ocean observation data of january and august , the fine structure of yellow and east china seas circulation is diagnostically calculated with plete forcing ( including surface wind stress , boundary transportation , barocpnic effect , tide , changjiang river runoff ) in winter . the influences of factors on main circulation patterns are discussed respectively

Based on ncep / ncar reanalysis sst and wind data set and fsu wind stress data , the dynamical roles of atmosphere over the tropical pacific on ocean are diagnostically analyzed . by using a dynamical ocean model over tropical pacific , the importance of dynamical roles of different areas atmosphere on ocean is studied . in the part iii of this work , a intermediate coupled model ( icm ) is employed to study ssta forecast experiment
本文用ncep / ncar再分析海表溫度、風應力和風場資料就熱帶太平洋地區大氣對海洋的強迫進行診斷分析,并用一個熱帶太平洋動力海洋模式研究不同區域大氣對海洋強迫作用的重要性,在此基礎上用一個中等復雜程度的耦合模式對enso事件進行預報試驗。


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