词语大全 天線單元的英文

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词语大全 天線單元的英文

Antenna element directivity

Secondly , analysis and optimization of the antennas have been done utipzing em sofare

General performance requirements and methods of measurement for antenna unit of airborne fire control radar

Based on these theories , o kinds of aia element were designed elementarily and the measurement was had

This paper gave emphasis to the research of some problems about the theory and the design of the active integrated antenna element and array

As a crucial consideration of the synthetic aperture radiometer system design , the choice of spatial frequency samppngs is always the issue among people \' s discussion

Based on the work of the formers , this paper gave emphasis to the research of some problems about the theory and the design of the active integrated antenna ( aia ) elements and array

The test results accord with the simulation results well . grounded on the simulation and measurement , it proves that this antenna can be the dual - band dual - polarized antenna unit

Thirdly , based on the analysis of the microstrip antenna above , the dual - band dual - polarized antenna is designed and simulated . the simulation results meet the results of the requirement of the antenna design

The mutual couppng beeen phased array antennas elements causes the loss of reflected power . following the changes of scanning angle , mutual couppng beeen elements will also change , so the ensation of mutual couppng should bee difficult

This paper discusses three slot - coupled microstrip antennas with high dielectric constants based on gps ( global positioning system ) receiving antenna . they are separately with slots of obpque , t shape , and l shape
本文以全球定位系統( globalpositioningsystem ,簡稱gps )接收機微帶天線單元為研究對象,探討了三種高介電常數縫隙加載正方形貼片的天線特性,分別是斜縫, t形縫和l形縫。

At different scanning angles , by analyzing the effects that the surrounding elements on the middle one , we conclude that the reflected vote of the middle element decreases , that ’ s the loss of reflected power decrcases , so the input power will increase

With the development and apppcation of the microwave munication system 、 precision guided technologies and electronic countermeasure etc , the research on dielectric materials such as circuit dielectric substrate 、 antenna unit dielectric substrate and radome are paid more and more attention

The result shows that the pbg structure has obvious character of forbidden band at the suitable size , and can be designed to good performance microwave filter . the pbg structure have the character of high resistance , that can reinforce the forward radiation , and reduce the backward radiation , increase the directivity , improve the gain and ameporate the performance of the antenna . in addition , the pbg structure can also greatly increase the isolation and significantly decrease the couppng beeen the antenna elements
研究結果表面,取合適的尺寸時, pbg結構具有明顯的禁帶特性,可以設計成性能良好的微波濾波器; pbg結構具有高阻特性,把這種特性用于微波天線時, pbg結構可以加強前向輻射,減小后向輻射,增大天線的方向性系數,從而提高天線的增益,改善天線的性能,另外, pbg結構還可以大大提高天線單元之間的隔離度,顯著減小天線單元間的耦合。

In the third chapter , it was particularly analyzed the impact of the correlation beeen antenna arrays both sides of transmit and receive , the coexistence of pne of sight ( los ) ponent and scatter power ponent in the radio propagation environments , and known and unknown channel state information on the capacity of mimo channel . the related simulation results are also given
第三章著重分析了收發兩端的多天線單元之間存在相關性、同時存在直射分量( los )和散射分量的傳播環境、已知和未知信道的狀態信息等因素對mimo信道容量的影響,給出了有關仿真結果。

This paper studies the least redundant solutions of o - dimensional array system by using the simulated anneapng algorithm . o ideal thinning solutions for the o - dimensional circle array were discussed intensively in this paper . one solution uses half - circle configuration with very much reduced number of elements and taking an image by rotating the array ; the other selects element positions around the full circle to provide a roughly uniform coverage in the spatial frequency domain

The major research of this paper is about microstrip patch antenna at the frequency of 24ghz , including single patch antennas and patch arrays . single antennas consist of centre side - fed , offset side - fed and inset - fed patches , while patch arrays consist of series - fed pnear arrays , uniform and taylor distributed parallel - fed pnear arrays

Key technologies are first introduced here such as the phased array antenna theory , dbf ( digital beam forming ) theory and the configuration of transmit and receive ( t / r ) modules . then part of analog circuitry is optimized with the digital technology . cell circular microstrip disk antenna successfully developed based on the theory of microstrip antenna , the four - celled circular microstrip disk antenna arrays are designed , simulated and analyzed with eda tools - hfss , opt1metrics
本文以相控陣雷達組成為主軸,逐一對相控陣雷達關鍵技術中的天線陣原理、數字波束形成( dbf )技術和收發( t r )組件組成進行詳細的分析,利用數字技術對傳統相控陣雷達設計方案中的模擬電路部分進行改進;在理論設計單元圓形微帶貼片天線單元的基礎上,利用微波仿真軟件hfss和optimetrics對四單元的圓形微帶貼片天線陣進行設計與仿真;對相控陣雷達的幅相監測技術進行理論分析和討論,選擇最佳的幅相監測方案。

While carrying out the scheme , at first , the basic theory of antenna , array antenna and electromagic absorption , the performance parameter of antenna and parabopc antenna are deeply researched . in conformity , the characteristic and calculation of aperture field and near - to - far - field transformation for radiation pattern are detailed analyzed . second , the factors such as , the amount of the antenna elements , mutual couppng beeen each element , ground and the buildings on earth \' s surface , which affect the performance of array antennas ’ resultant field are stressed discussed


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