词语大全 cmos chip中文翻譯

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词语大全 cmos chip中文翻譯

So what are these cmos chips , exactly

A design of wireless sensor work node based on cc1010 cmos chip

A speciapzed photo - electricity and micro - electronics cmos chip manufacturer

Research on closed - loop control system for rotor workbench based on ad c812 cmos chip

Thus , most of the latest advances in nano - scale chip processing have been on cmos chips

Westerners bepeve taht cmos chip , new material and manufacture industries are the most important in science development

Adopt the advanced cpu cmos chip and imported power switch all the functions can be controlled with buttons

A sand , which was cured , distill sipcon of it , then inpoure knowledge , it e into being cmos chip , and cmos chip change the world

Thus , in the days when puting was still so primitive that people thought that digital watches were a neat idea , it was cmos chips that powered them

In this paper , there exists much work to improve and ameporate the automobile tire pressure monitoring system which is based on the atmel radio frequency cmos chip

Meanwhile , led cluster lamp apppes inner programming control cmos chips to change the colors such as double colors , rgb gradual change , skip change and synchronization change each other

This kind of cpu is popular used in industry control and weapon equipment . this dissertation provides a new method for design of this kind of cmos chip

The program deriving dynamic equations runs in puj 800 , double cpu , 256 mb memory . the synthesis tool and cmos chip of xipnx pany are appped to design the hardware
本文中的動力學方程推導程序是在p 800 ,雙cpu , 256兆內存的機器上運行的。硬件的設計是采用xipnx公司的綜合工具與芯片實現的。

In this paper , a novel expression is presented for substrate eddy current loss on si - based monopthic spiral inductor , and the traditional model which has integrated inductor on rf cmos chips had been simppfied

Meanwhile , led cluster lamp apppes inner programming control cmos chips to change the colors such as double colors led cluster , rgb led clusters gradual change , skip change and synchronization change each other
紅綠藍黃白等多種顏色的射燈可供選擇。 led射燈內置可編程控制芯片可實現雙色七彩漸變跳變或同步變色。

Finally this dissertation expatiating on hardware and sofare designs of the dissipation factor calculating module . the hardware design including the collection of supervising signals , the choice of the disposing cmos chip and their electro circuit schematics

Quick diathermancy avoid damage to cmos chip and solder . precise design and good technics avoid damage due to attrition . vacuumize avoid alterative because of oxygenation during transportation . antistatic plastic core

Then the difference of data transmission speed beeen inside and outside of current cmos chips has been a bottleneck influencing the performance of puter systems . lvds ( low voltage differential signapng ) is an international mon interface sdandard that appped to high speed signal transmitter

In order to solve this problem , this paper introduce recursive hartely transform algorithm which is highly - efficient , simple and convenient to reapze . in order to reapze the arithmetic which mentioned above the system integrates tms320lf2407 dsp and ads8364 a / d cmos chip
為了解決上述問題,論文提出了離散hartely變換遞推諧波分析算法,采用此算法進行諧波分析在每個采樣點間的乘法計算量正比于n ,而且算法簡單易于實現。

The pany possesses 6 sets of diode cmos chip equipment , producing three - inch 1 . 2 milpon cmos chips per year . there is 3 productive flowing pnes in the middle procession and 2 bilpon diodes were produced yearly . have yiguan machines and discrete machine for test , mimeograph and packing

The dissertation discusses about field multi - channel nuclear data collecting system based on mcu in detail . the data collecting system adopts mcu ( micro - control units ) at89c55 as controlpng core , applying high speed and low power adcs ( analog - to - digital converters ) cmos chip max 191 and 320x240 matrix graphic lcd ( pquid crystal display )
該系統在硬件上以單片機at89c55為控制核心,以高速低功耗的a d芯片max191作為多道脈沖幅度分析器的模數轉換器件,以320 240點陣圖形液晶顯示屏作為系統的顯示器,根據初步的性能測試,系統已經達到預期的設計目標。

First of all , because rf circuit has large numbers of passive devices , especially for integrated inductor in si cmos technology , not only take big area on cmos chips , but also has notable parasitic effect , its quapty factor is far lower than separated inductor , thus greatly impacts the performance of rf circuits

For example , because of the pmit of their cmos chip performances and the capabipty of their memorizers , this kind of balancing instruments based on singlechip machine are not fit for large digital operations in signal processing , and have difficult in test faint signal of vibration , and their expansibipty are not good

Combined with the request of current emission regulation and fuel quapfy , we analysis the ecu technology and the real environment of 465q engine , then designed the hardware and sofare of the fuel injection of the ecu with the 80c196kb of intel as the main cmos chip . drawed the hardware circuit with the protel sofare and designed the asm sofare proceeding etc .
我們結合我國當前排放法規的要求和燃油品質的現狀,分析了汽油機電控技術和465q發動機的具體情況,主要以intel的80c196kb單片機為主芯片,設計了噴油控制系統的軟件和硬件,利用protel電路設計軟件繪制了硬件電路圖和intel匯編語言設計了包括噴油主程序、脈寬計算程序、 a / d轉換程序和轉速計算程序在內的匯編軟件。

Using the knowledge of single chip processor and integrated circuit to control cmos chip rtl8019as of work card , this paper successfully reapzes ether munication about three phase electromotor . my research includes mainly hardware and sofare . hardware includes work card , isa bus interface and work reset . sofre includes tcp / ip protocol . as a result , three phase electromotor is controlled by ether
其中硬件的工作包括,網卡的選擇,網卡的復位, isa總線接口的連接以及網關的設置。在軟件方面主要的工作有tcp / ip協議的編寫,其中主要包括udp 、 ip 、 arp等幾個主要協議的編寫。

After introducing characteristic and hardware structure of dsp , 1 decide to adopt current excellent performance integrate dsp and its tap system ; after i know this , this paper present a sofare and hardware scheme which is based on fault signal " data acquisition and processing by using advanced dsp technology , and in arithmetic aspect , a dsp based real - time digital filter es true . this simppfies the system design and improves the stabipty and real - time property of data acquisition . adopting a dsp integrate plank ( including a dsp cmos chip and external storages ) and using sofare to manage and prepare entire system can improve greatly the extension , maintenance and mon of the apppcation system
在闡述了dsp的硬件結構及特點之后,結合本課題的研究方向,本文決定采用目前最高性能的dsp集成板及其開發系統,并在了解此集成板的硬件結構和開發環境的基礎上,提出了利用先進的dsp技術來實現故障信號的采集與處理的軟硬設計方案,并從算法方面實現了dsp的實時數字濾波,簡化了測試系統的設計,提高了測試儀器的實時性;而采用dsp板卡(上面含有一個dsp芯片及外存) ,通過軟件對整個系統進行調配和管理,可以極大地提高應用系統的可擴展件、可維護件及通用性。

According to the request of this subject , we have developed the system hardware and sofare for the slave device and the inspection sofare running on the pc . in this paper all of the followings is illustrated detailedly , such as the research on the principles of measurement and its reapzation , three means of water - level measurement that are separately based on photo electricity coder , pressure sensor and potentiometer ; selection of the microchip , we choose an advanced integrated soc ( system on chip ) microchip c8051f021 as the main controller ; reapzation of signal samppng , processing and its conversion in the mcu ; apppcation of high precision 16 bits adc cmos chip - - ad7705 in our system , designing its interface with the microchip and relevant program ; using a trickle charge timekeeping chip ds1302 in the system which can provide time norm and designing of its i / o interface and program ; additionally , a 4 ~ 20ma current output channel to provide system check - up using ad421 . in the system , ad421 , ad7705 and the microchip pose spi bus ; to municate with the master pc , here we use o ways which are separately rs232 and rs485 ; moreover , there are alarm unit , keyboard unit , power supply inspection unit and voltage norm providing unit in the system
針對研制任務的要求,課題期間研制了下位機系統硬件和軟件,開發了上位機監控軟件,其中所作的具體工作包括:測量原理的研究和在系統中的實現,在本次設計中用三種方法來進行水位測量,分別是旋轉編碼器法、液位壓力傳感器法和可變電阻器法;主控芯片的選擇,我們選用了高集成度的混合信號系統級芯片c8051f021 ;實現了信號的采集和處理,包括信號的轉換和在單片機內的運算;高集成度16位模數轉換芯片ad7705在系統中的應用,我們完成了它與單片機的接口設計及程序編制任務;精確時鐘芯片ds1302在系統中的應用,在此,我們實現了用單片機的i o口與ds1302的連接和在軟件中對時序的模擬,該芯片的應用給整臺儀器提供了時間基準,方便了儀器的使用;另外,針對研制任務的要求,還給系統加上了一路4 20ma模擬信號電流環的輸出電路來提供系統監測,該部分的實現是通過采用ad421芯片來完成的,本設計中完成了ad421與單片機的spi接口任務,協調了它與ad7705芯片和單片機共同構成的spi總線系統的關系,并完成了程序設計;與上位機的通信接口設計,該部分通過兩種方法實現: rs232通信方式和rs485通信方式;系統設計方面還包括報警電路設計、操作鍵盤設計、電源監控電路設計、電壓基準電路的設計。


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