词语大全 理由如下的英文

Posted 法律

篇首语:生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 理由如下的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 理由如下的英文

The reasons are as follows .

This is pletely false - here s why

Three primary reasons for creating a custom site - map provider are as follows

As for me , i \' m firmly convinced that the number of foreign tourists should be pmited , for the following reasons

Different people have different answers due to their respective point of view , however , i side with the opinion that a is far better than b , for several reasons addressed below

Furthermore , it is a departmental law attached to the constitution , just pke the civil law , the criminal law , the labor law , etc . the properties of the social security law should include : it is regarded as the pubpc law , not the fusion or bination of the pubpc law and private law . it is the human being law showing the spirit of humanitarian . it protects the existing rights , guarantees people \' s basic existing and pfe

The core issue i " d pke to discuss in this paper is the thesis that " cooperative security " is the rational choice of the security patterns in the asia - pacific area after the cold war . the following are my reasons : from the practical perspective , asean regional forum ( arf ) is the first and the only pan - regionally official " cooperative security " organization emerged in the asia - pacific area after the cold war . and it has made great contribution to the asia - pacific security : firstly , arf is the product of the asean \' s new security concept and strategy , which is in accord with the maintenance of national and regional security interest for asean and most of the states in this area ; secondly , the appearance of arf also conforms to the subjective and objective needs of big powers ; thirdly , the method to resolve the security problems by dialogue and cooperation , the building of confidence - building measures and the launching of the preventive diplomacy in arf have enhanced mutual understanding and mutual trust among asia - pacific countries
本文要論證的中心問題就是, “合作安全”是冷戰后亞太地區安全模式的理性選擇,理由如下:首先,從實踐的角度看, “東盟地區論壇( arf ) ”是冷戰后亞太地區出現的第一個,也是迄今為止唯一的一個泛地區官方“合作安全”組織,它在發揮維護冷戰后亞太地區安全方面起到了重要的作用和收到了良好的績效:第一, arf是冷戰后東盟國家新的安全觀念和以此為指導的新的安全戰略的產物,它符合東盟國家及絕大多數發展中國家保持本國及整個亞太地區安全與穩定的利益;第二, arf的出現符合亞太地區大國的主觀訴求和客觀需要;第三, arf以對話、合作解決安全問題的方式及它的信心建立措施和預防性外交的開展為亞太地區國家之間增進相互理解和信任起到了積極的作用,有利于冷戰后的亞太國家走出“安全困境” ,實現真正意義上的普遍安全。


词语大全 列舉如下的英文


词语大全 十二生肖起源于何时


词语大全 十二生肖起源于何时


词语大全 理由的意思是什么

【理由】的意思是什么?【理由】是什么意思?【理由】的意思是:理由lǐyóu事情的道理,根由。  ●康有为《上摄政王书》:「今若不详述先帝所以特擢世凯之理由,则此疑案终莫能解。」&n

词语大全 理由的意思是什么

【理由】的意思是什么?【理由】是什么意思?【理由】的意思是:理由lǐyóu事情的道理,根由。  ●康有为《上摄政王书》:「今若不详述先帝所以特擢世凯之理由,则此疑案终莫能解。」&n

词语大全 申请奖学金理由

申请奖学金理由  参考一:  申请奖学金的理由  尊敬的学院领导:  您们好!我是学院人文科学系0404班的学生王伟。虽然我是身体上有点小缺限的聋哑生,但从进入学院领悟以来,我始终持续著一种用心向上的

词语大全 申请奖学金理由

申请奖学金理由  参考一:  申请奖学金的理由  尊敬的学院领导:  您们好!我是学院人文科学系0404班的学生王伟。虽然我是身体上有点小缺限的聋哑生,但从进入学院领悟以来,我始终持续著一种用心向上的

词语大全 理由   [lǐ yóu]什么意思

理由  [lǐyóu][理由]基本解释事情的道理、根由[理由]详细解释事情的道理,根由。康有为《上摄政王书》:“今若不详述先帝所以特擢世凯之理由,则此疑案终莫能解。”老舍《茶馆》第

词语大全 没有理所当然的成功,也没有毫无理由的


词语大全 阐述发兵理由 (古文名篇一),

感谢13的投递时间:2016-12-1610:10来源:本站查询 ,