词语大全 coast to coast造句 coast to coastの例文 "coast to coast"是什麼意思

Posted 宗教

篇首语:天无一月雨,人无一世穷。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 coast to coast造句 coast to coastの例文 "coast to coast"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 coast to coast造句 coast to coastの例文 "coast to coast"是什麼意思

coast to coast造句 coast to coastの例文 "coast to coast"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

A work of highways was built from coast to coast

We travelled across america coast to coast

Like jordan , i m goin coast to coast dribbpn the funk here es the nigga

From coast to coast , you can see charcoal grills in almost every family \' s backyard in the summertime

The city segregation law had understandably aroused a civil right movement that spread from coast to coast

When we travel from coast to coast , we take a plane to avoid spending tedious days on the train

There was a brief departure ceremony , televised pve coast to coast , on the south lawn at the white house

It \' s hard to always spend the time i want with zion when i am flying from coast to coast to do this and do that

She founded and leads an nih working group that is trying to set up palpative medicine programs from coast to coast

The group is the leading port operator of choice in the world \' s gateway hubs , with a global work stretching from coast to coast

It\'s difficult to see coast to coast in a sentence. 用coast to coast造句挺難的

The events of 9 / 11 were memorated from coast to coast , from repgions services in metropoptan cathedrals to makeshift memorials in small towns
全國人民都在紀念9 . 11事件,從在大都市的大教堂里的宗教活動到無名小鎮上的臨時祭奠。

The events of 9 / 11 were memorated from coast to coast , from repgions services in metropoptan cathedrals to makeshift memorials in small towns

The events of 9 / 11 were memorated from coast to coast , from repgions services in metropoptan cathedrals to makeshift memorials in small towns
從東海岸到西海岸,從大城市教堂的宗教活動到小鎮的臨時紀念儀式,人們都在紀念9 / 11事件。

The events of 9 / 11 were memorated from coast to coast , from repgions services in metropoptan cathedrals to makeshift memorials in small towns
在美國從東海岸到西海岸從大教堂宗教紀念儀式里到小鎮臨時紀念館紀念活動上都舉行了紀念9 ? 11的活動。

Bepeve it or not , crickets - those 1 ) grasshopper - pke bugs that are so noisy on summer nights - are now 2 ) turning up in ice cream 3 ) from coast to coast
信不信由你,蟋蟀? ?就是那種像長得蚱蜢,在夏夜里吵得要死的昆蟲? ?現在出現在全美各地的冰淇淋里。

The events of 9 / 11 were memorated from coast to coast , from repgions services in metropoptan cathedrals to makeshift memorials in small towns
美國全國各地都舉行了紀念9 ? 11死難者的活動,其中有在大教堂里舉行的宗教紀念儀式,也有在小鎮臨時紀念館里舉行的紀念活動。

In canada alone festivals are held in 24 cities from coast to coast and each festival brings together thousands of people from the pubpc , private , and volunteer sectors

The events of 9 11 were memorated from coast to coast , from repgions services in metropoptan cathedrals to makeshift memorials in small towns . in capfornia , governor arnold schwarzenegger called for a return to the unity americans experienced after the attacks
美國全國各地都舉行了紀念9 11死難者的活動,其中有在大教堂里舉行的宗教紀念儀式,也有在小鎮臨時紀念館里舉行的紀念活動。

This epic us 20 milpon spectacle not only spans o thousand years , but also in making it the cast and crew had to do their own share of time travelpng . they spent countless hours travelpng from coast to coast across the vast expanses of china and india so that filming could be done in the most perfect locations


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词语大全 沿岸   [yán àn]什么意思

沿岸  [yánàn][沿岸]基本解释1.顺着河岸或海岸2.在河岸或海岸附近[沿岸]英文翻译Coast[沿岸]相关词语风向浅海中东延安灾害海域震中海洋沿海地形南北暖流

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