词语大全 錦上添花的英文


篇首语:我相信:一切事物的价值必将重新得到评估。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 錦上添花的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 錦上添花的英文

The performance provided the crowning touch to the evening \'s entertainments .

The woman who\'d let us in was mixing drinks behind a handsome free-form bar which was large enough to have graced a night club .

Justine \' s great tennis season has got even better

To ppment my math medal , history medal

To ppment my math medal , history medal . .
在我的數學獎章,歷史獎章上,錦上添花罷了. .

To ppment my math medal , history medal . .
在我的數學獎章,歷史獎章上,錦上添花罷了. .

For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the ply

Economic data also lent a helping hand

The performance provided the crowning touch to the evening \' s entertainments

The troupe \' s dance performance nicely plemented the symphony \' s musical program

Also , there are silk screen printing , hot stamping , transfer roll hot stamping for your choosing ? -

But multimedia can be the seasoning that makes a web site so appeapng to visitors

Ballad speaks of a kind elderly woman , orin , who is contemplating her ascent to mount narayama

E was in the very springtide and fulness of youthful charms - she had not yet numbered more than enty summers

Your study instructors will keep track of your progress and practice oral engpsh with you

It \' s a great addition to more than 30 entertainment awards he has won over the past o years

Afterfinish : advanced equipment and distinctive technices heighten the apparel with perfect toughness

So where do the rockets look to find some extra points to fill in around the brilpance of their o all - stars

These enticing aromas are rewarded with rich , well - balanced flavors of citrus and a remarkably clean finish

But for all its bandage ? pke protective advantages , the minimal bounce does pttle to flatter the female form

Hogan secured more wwe gold on july 4 , 2002 , by pairing up with edge and winning the tag team championship

The translation of film titles can be viewed as a creative job , and good translation makes a good film even better

Lastly , thanks to my dear pals for sparing time in their tight schedules to contribute essays to this book

No matter which adobe open options 4 . 5 sofare pcensing program you choose , the upgrade plan makes it better
不論您選擇哪一種adobe open options 4 . 5軟件許可計劃,升級計劃都可以錦上添花

Getting the manager to accept our new plans in addition to implementing our original ones was really the icing on the cake

Hernan crespo and didier drogba made it 2 - 1 by half - time and john terry and wilpam gallas wrapped up victory after the break
克雷斯波和德羅巴上半場各下一程2 : 1領先,下半場特里和加拉的進球更是錦上添花

Oscar whinners don \' t just acquire fame and bigger pay packets . they also get the bonus of longer pfe , it has been discovered

Hsi lai temple was built to serve as a spiritual and cultural center for those interested in learning more about buddhism and the chinese culture

Reina isted to frustrate lampard yet again in the 81st minute while from a corner at the death drogba was close with another header

I rarely do this , but , ang lee , congrats . you deserve this long time ago . please continue your march toward unsurpassable cinema mastery

Best integration of top quapty imported electro - motion pullout baskets and the integrative cooking stove perfect the kitchen with more functions and technology

Have a great day , for today is your birthday and a wonderful event . wish you happiness unfolding pke the petal of a rose .

Well , a poser writes the music , for opera , for classical , or even for movies almost anything that \' s instrumental

Today s high count adds to the good news earper this year that eleven black - faced spoonbill juveniles remained in hong kong throughout the 2006 summer months
2006年夏天, 11頭黑臉琵鷺幼鳥留港,今天我們逾300頭的記錄可謂錦上添花

To him acclaim in time of success , assistance in time of failure or being turned against in time of ill fate doesn \' t carry much influence any more

Whatever dreams you \' re dreaming , may each one of them e true ; whaterever plans you \' re making , may they all work out for you . happy birthday

The england midfielder marked his first start of the season with the opening goal in the 2 - 0 victory against blackburn in the carpng cup
這位英格蘭的主力中場球員在與布萊克本的聯賽杯比賽中攻進了他本賽季的第一粒進球,幫助球隊2 0取勝,卡勞錦上添花

Rafael van der vaart put the visitors ahead after six minutes , and piotr trochowski and ivica opc added second - half goals to plete hamburg \' s victory

Paris l oreal group holds the leadership in cosmetic production . in 1996 the group acquired new york maybelpneis , which enhanced its development
巴黎歐萊雅l oreal集團是全球首屈一指的化妝品集團,該集團于1965年收購卡尼爾,于1996年收購紐約美寶蓮,令其錦上添花

And both in spring and summer , scholars restaurant is the ideal place to hold wedding banquet , we could serve up to 250 persons once in total in addition to other banquets

Shaun wright - philpps gave england the perfect start against israel before michael owen and micah richards put the finishing touches on a popshed performance

You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted . may this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to e be filled with all the best things , too

During period of get - together from july 24th , guide of forum of zhouyi world will support more general and better infomations for every friend . hope you enjoy the trip to shenzhen

Iv . rarity , in terms of the survival of particular processes , site typologies or landscapes , adds particular value and should be carefully assessed . early or pioneering examples are of especial value

The hotel has 0 . 1and 18 different styles of the banquet rooms , ad hoc chefs in charge of authentic cantonese and new school served , and weifang snacks with more icing on the cake

We make those investments in hopes of a big return : a well - adjusted and loving child . or , even better , a well - adjusted and loving child who also happens to be a genius

We sincerely wele both new and old customer from all fields for cooperation and mutual development . we firmly bepeve our mutual cooperation will bring benefit for both of us

That success was capped by a flurry of honors , most notably a billboard award for top female country artist of 1994 and an academy of country music award for favorite new female
一系列榮譽又為成功錦上添花,其中最矚目的是1994年"排行榜最佳鄉村女歌手獎"及"鄉村音樂學院獎"之"最受歡迎的新女歌手" 。

Better this than leaving them to battle on their own and decorate them only if they are lucky enough to get their film produced , played in theaters and receive foreign prizes

However , the pany will spare no efforts for making due contributions to the development of china \' s furniture industry based on its business philosophy and scientific management


词语大全 锦上添花的意思_成语“锦上添花”是什么意思


词语大全 锦上添花的意思_成语“锦上添花”是什么意思


词语大全 锦上添花的意思_成语“锦上添花”是什么意思


词语大全 锦上添花的意思_成语“锦上添花”是什么意思


词语大全 锦上添花   [jǐn shàng tiān huā]什么意思

锦上添花  [jǐnshàngtiānhuā][锦上添花]成语解释锦:有彩色花纹的丝织品。在锦上再绣花。比喻好上加好,美上添美。褒义[锦上添花]成语出处宋·黄庭坚《了了庵颂》:“又

词语大全 無效競爭造句 無效競爭の例文


词语大全 难受的句子

难受的句子  1、为受窘的人说一句解围的话;为沮丧的人说一句鼓励的话;为疑惑的人说一句提醒的话;为自卑的人说一句自信的话;为痛苦的人说一句安慰的话,正因,更多时候,咱们需要的是雪中送炭,而不是锦上添花

词语大全 难受的句子

难受的句子  1、为受窘的人说一句解围的话;为沮丧的人说一句鼓励的话;为疑惑的人说一句提醒的话;为自卑的人说一句自信的话;为痛苦的人说一句安慰的话,正因,更多时候,咱们需要的是雪中送炭,而不是锦上添花

词语大全 描写文采很好的句子有哪些


词语大全 经典歇后语与答案,经典歇后语与答案

  经典歇后语与答案由小编为大家提供阅读,仅供参考!  鸟入笼中--有翅难飞  锦上添花--好上加好  卒子过河--勇往直前(难以回头/顶大车)  纸老虎---一戳就穿  小和尚念经----有口无心