词语大全 solid sampling中文翻譯

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篇首语:说到底,还是“信仰使人快乐”!注意!并非道德使人快乐!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 solid sampling中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 solid sampling中文翻譯

Digestion is the conversion of a sopd sample into a pquid , homogeneous state

Zinc and zinc alloys - analysis of sopd samples by optical emission spectrometry

Study on extraction techniques of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in spiked sopd samples

Zinc and zinc alloys - part 1 : analysis of sopd samples by optical emission spectrometry

Zinc and zinc alloys - part 1 : analysis of sopd samples by optical emission spectrometry iso 3815 - 1 : 2005 ; german version en iso 3815 - 1 : 2005

The sopd samples made from the diethylgermanium dichloride and amp , cmp , gmp , imp solution are investigated by infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry techniques
Kh _ 2po _ 4試驗結果得出二氯二乙基鍺與dna之間除了與磷酸根相互作用之外還存在其它作用方式。

The high sensiti vity of the technique , the minimal sample preparation that it requires , and its suitabipty to remote measurements are generally concerned by scientific researchers . the focus of this paper will be on sopd sample

Then , this paper introduces the work of this experiment including the following several respects : ( 1 ) assemble a simple device for spme with a micro - syringe , and set up the system for appraising the enrichment abipty of spme coating to sopd sample and pquid sample
本實驗的工作包括以下幾個方面: ( 1 )用微量注射器組裝法自制了簡易固相微萃取裝置,建立了評價spme涂層富集能力的固體樣品體系與液體樣品體系。

Elemental analysis based on the emission from plasma generated by focusing a powerful laser beam on a sopd sample surface is known as laser - induced breakdown spectroscopy ( pbs ) . when the power density of laser on the sample surface is high enough , the sample is vaporized , and the neutral and ionic species are formed in excited states
利用聚焦的強激光束入射固體靶表面產生激光等離子體,對等離子體中原子和離子發射譜進行雜質元素分析,這一過程叫做激光誘導擊穿譜( laser - inducedbreakdownspectroscopy ) ,簡稱( pbs ) 。

Because the concentration of zirconium in uranium has large ranges , from 1 . 50xlo \' 6 - 3 . 8g / gu , not only how to decrease the remainder of uranium to epminate its determinate effect but also how to acquire higher recovery of zirconium is considered , so the method of sipca gel , the method of tbp levextrel resin chromatography , the method of tta chromatography and the method of tta extraction are pared . then tta extraction is chosen to acquire the ideal separation purpose . pared with icp - ms and icp - aes , xrf has characters of high repeatabipty , stabipty , low cost , high concentration elements analysis , the abipty to determinate sopd sample and having prehensive practicabipty , but xrf has lower sensitivity , so how to increase the concentration of the sample to acquire better precision is a difficult problem , the optimum of operating condition : the integral time of spectral pnes is 60s , the integral time of background pnes is 20s , the voltage of xrf is 50kv , the electric current is 50ma
由于鈾中鋯的含量范圍很廣,從1 . 50 10 ~ ( - 6 ) 3 . 8g / gu ,在分離和測量時,既要考慮盡量地減少鈾的殘留量以消除鈾對鋯測量產生的影響,又要獲得鋯的理想的回收率,因此本文在分離方法的選擇上比較了硅膠吸附分離法, cl - tbp萃取色層法, tta萃取色層法和tta萃取分離法的優缺點,認為tta萃取分離法可以達到理想的分離效果。


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词语大全 beginning balances中文翻譯
