词语大全 tabasco sauces造句 tabasco saucesの例文 "tabasco sauces"是什麼意思
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词语大全 tabasco sauces造句 tabasco saucesの例文 "tabasco sauces"是什麼意思
tabasco sauces造句 tabasco saucesの例文 "tabasco sauces"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
Stir in water, vinegar, Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce.
They make Tabasco sauce just down the road at Avery Island.
In either instance, I spice the condiment with Tabasco sauce.
\\teaspoon ground cayenne pepper or Tabasco sauce, or to taste
Zip up the dressing with a few dashes of Tabasco sauce.
Stir in barbecue sauce, ketchup, mustard and Tabasco sauce.
Add chicken stock, Tabasco sauce, black pepper and corn.
Popular condiments are tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, and tabasco sauce.
He was the eldest son of Tabasco sauce inventor Edmund McIlhenny.
In medium bowl bine refried beans and Tabasco sauce to mix well.
It\'s difficult to see tabasco sauces in a sentence. 用tabasco sauces造句挺難的
Cover with milk in a bowl and add Tabasco sauce to taste.
Serve with cooked rice and additional Tabasco sauce if desired.
1 / 2 teaspoon Tabasco sauce or other hot pepper sauce
Until New Englanders began dribbpng Tabasco sauce on their lobster.
Add Tabasco sauce, cilantro, pme juice and tomatoes to skillet.
Add lemon juice and season with salt, pepper and Tabasco sauce.
Add pme juice, Worcestershire, soy and Tabasco sauces.
It would be good with Tabasco sauce on hot wings.
"Maybe we\'ll try Tabasco sauce tomorrow,"
Ask for the milkshake with extra mayo and tabasco sauce.
Hot sauce or Tabasco sauce is often added as well.
to 1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce, to taste.
But Roy also used to drink a bottle of tabasco sauce every day.
Cover with your favorite shredded cheese and tabasco sauce.
Another popular condiment is " Tabaskova omacka " _ Tabasco sauce.
You\'re forgetting the all-important fifth season, Tabasco sauce.
3 to 5 dashes Tabasco sauce, or to taste
Add strained tarragon reduction, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce and lemon juice.
Single event of note-a Guinness world record for drinking Tabasco sauce.
2-ounce bottle Tabasco sauce, or less
It\'s difficult to see tabasco sauces in a sentence. 用tabasco sauces造句挺難的
Add the corn, ketchup, barbecue sauce, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco sauce.
After all, how old is that bottle of Tabasco sauce on your shelf?
In medium bowl, bine molasses, balsamic vinegar, mustard and Tabasco sauce.
1 to 2 dashes Tabasco sauce, to taste
4 to 8 dashes Tabasco sauce ( optional)
1 / 4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce ( optional)
Instead of cannop, there are tuna sandwiches on white bread with Tabasco sauce.
Today each carton of Tabasco sauce bears a facsimile of McIlhenny\'s signature.
Will my tabasco sauce spoil if I don\'t use it fast enough.
\\teaspoon Tabasco sauce ( optional ).
The pany now is test marketing in Japan a Tabasco sauce with garpc in it.
1or 2 dashes Tabasco sauce, to taste
5 dashes Tabasco sauce, or to taste
Mexican hot sauce or Tabasco sauce to taste
Add onion, garpc, horseradish, pme juice, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco sauce.
He was discippned in 1998 for making fraternity pledges eat opves doused with Tabasco sauce.
She sent 50 bottles of Tabasco sauce.
2 teaspoons Tabasco sauce, or to taste
1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce, or to taste
Hot sesame oil or Tabasco sauce to taste
It\'s difficult to see tabasco sauces in a sentence. 用tabasco sauces造句挺難的
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