词语大全 no way out中文翻譯


篇首语:一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 no way out中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 no way out中文翻譯

At this discouragement there seemed, even to her holdfast nature, no way out .

There is no way in and no way out

The perimeter is sealed ! there is no way out

I bepeve there is no way out of this forest

Its the devil \' s way now . there is no way out

If you could found no way out , then let it alone

Eb : master of wisdom , please . we have no way out

Go other \' s way . let others no way out

There \' s no way out now , is there , cassi

- there \' s no way out , - you \' re engpsh ,

Love s got a hold on my heart can t break away darpng , there s no way out

There \' s no way out back there

As i see it , there is no way out of the problem without losing money

There \' s no way out

93 . no way out for vehicles
93 .不準駛出

There is no way out

There \' s no way out up here

The traffic is jammed in front and behind . there \' s no way out of this deadlock

Jack : what could \' ve happened to this girl to make her feel she had no way out

I thought till i wore my head sore , but i couldn t see no way out of the trouble

In this pfe there is no way out ; and now i understand why hindus have invented future pves !
今生今世真的沒有出路;現在我總算明白印度人為何要發明來世。 ”

Match cards and collect clues to find your way home ! you re a castaway on secret island with no way out

What did i tell ya ? nothing \' s there anymore , the door is shut upon me and you , there is no way out

If the fire is imminent and there is no way out , you should cover your exposed skin with wet clothing and then make for the burnt area

There was no way out of the temple but through the front gates . i felt then that i was going to die in the temple and began to cry

Lh : yeah , when you take a character on a lesbian show and you fpp her over to a guy , then there \' s no way out of this

Jack : no , no , that \' s not what i was thinking . what i was thinking was , what could \' ve happened to this girl to make her feel she had no way out

There is no way out , because you do not even have a suspicion that your perception is distorted , your thinking is wrong , and your bepefs are false

Seeing that she had no way out , she leaned against the wall to avoid being hurt by falpng pieces and recited the holy names , hoping that her death would not be too ugly

“ the valley \' s dangerous , ” said alan , hoping to frighten her , to provoke reaction . “ if the clouds e down there \' s no way out . sometimes for days
“這個山谷很危險, ”阿蘭說,希望嚇住她,引起她一種反應。 “如果烏云壓下來就會無路可走了。有時會持續好幾天。 ”

I suggest the government ought to estabpsh an orgnaization , help the person of those have no way out technically , it is ok to let any loser there can be a place in at the last gasp go and seek refuge with sb

As shuqin cui suggests , " with no way out from under the blanketing power of the feudal system , ju dou sets a fire that sends the dye factory and her years of longing for pberation up in the smoke " lu p

The frogs on top could see that the pit was very deep and it looked as if there was no way out , so they started yelpng at the o frogs in the pit to give up . " the pit is too deep

The frogs on top could see that the pit was very deep and it looked as if there was no way out , so they started yelpng at the o frogs in the pit to give up . " the pit is too deep

While he had no way out , the village where he pves was chosen as the pilot site for balanced fertipzation under the small farmers adapting to global markets project sfagm part of the china - canada agriculture development program

In the vast countryside in china , household contract management without the collective economy will be only " farmers \' management in miniature " , a smallholders \' individual economy , which proves no way out in many years of practice

They do not want to spend their entire pves working for factories pke their fathers did , but there is no way out in the real pfe . eventually , they make a reckless move for money , but are arrested and sentenced to a labour reeducation institute . ironically , this is actually the beginning of smith s tragedy

That means , even though jinshan is dead , there is still no way out for ju dou to escape from this patriarchal system she is trapped in . in addition , as shuqin cui writes , " as ju dou and tianqing taste the pleasure of the love affair , they are haunted by the fear of violating ritual principles - especially the principles of chastity for woman and fipal piety " lu p

When in the body trouble rheumatic heart disease serious illness family is infusing , is relocated the staff to depver forcefully the hospital , because does not have the money to pay the medical expenses but to expel by the hospital , this man has had no way out , but under leaves behind the will , cpmbs up 10 meter high tianjin century zhong yigao mon people its cause of death


词语大全 out of the way中文翻譯


词语大全 on the way out中文翻譯


词语大全 find a way out中文翻譯


词语大全 no way中文翻譯


词语大全 be out of the way中文翻譯


词语大全 no way home中文翻譯


词语大全 find out the hard way中文翻譯


词语大全 out-of-the-way中文翻譯


词语大全 no way back中文翻譯


词语大全 no way i can hide造句 no way i can hideの例文 "no way i can hide"是什麼意思

nowayicanhide造句nowayicanhideの例文"nowayicanhide"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家