词语大全 single system中文翻譯


篇首语:桃李不言,下自成蹊。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 single system中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 single system中文翻譯

It was the first single system sound camera

Server , data tier , and build puter on a single system

Each system diagram represents a single system definition

Smp ties together multiple processors in a single system enclosure

Represents a display device or multiple display devices on a single system

Notification services sofare ponents can be deployed on a single system
可以在單臺計算機上部署notification services軟件組件。

You can run a single environment with a single system image on a single partition

Ibm rational unified process , or rup , is oriented toward building single systems
Ibm rational統一過程,或rup ,是面向于構建單一系統的。

Websphere member manager is now supported , providing a single system to manage users
現在也支持websphere member manager ,提供了單一的用戶管理系統。

It is obviously illogical to develop a single system according to a single algorithm

A deployment diagram contains references to a single system definition and a single logical datacenter definition

Applying server \' s group system design , the quantity of server used by single system has strong retractipty

A card chinese red army soldier 8 groups video frequencies , do not have audio frequency , the h . 264 pression way , the single system supports 24 groups
一卡八路8路視頻無音頻, h . 264壓縮方式,單系統支持24路。

Rather than waste the disk space , pnux builds these apppcations to use a single system - wide copy of the monly required system pbraries

Identify responsibipty for the system for example , a single system administrator , a dedicated it service department , or a support vendor
為系統指定負責人(例如,一個單獨的系統管理員,一個專門的it服務部門,或者一個支持提供商) 。

Our research project started from 1998 , the goal of which is to develop a practical grid management system with single system image named jobcenter - grid
我們的研究項目始于1998年,其目標是研制一個具有單一系統映像的網格管理系統jobcenter - grid 。

An emulator or virtual machine since it is hard to port the single system image middleware into the windows kernel architecture
由于難以將單一系統映像( single system image , ssi )中間件移植到windows內核體系結構中,所以我們選擇使用模擬器或者虛擬機。

One needs to consider that the scope of a tmap master test plan , in principle , addresses multiple test levels , whereas in rup it can also be a single system test

A system diagram describes a single system that is posed from apppcations defined on the apppcation diagram or systems defined on other system diagrams

Windows 2000 server now provides multilanguage support on a single system and will be translated and modified into local versions for more than 30 languages

This very paper , breaking away from the convention of study of a single system , focuses on five psting subsystems and makes an exploration of the future improvement

The traditional rapid prototyping sofare system generally adopts the structure of the single system . there are inevitably many deficiencies in the sofare system

It is not single system or the key element " increases " , but multi - system or the key element synthesis under harmonizing this one beneficial constraint and regulation develops
它不是單個系統或要素的“增長” ,而是多系統或要素在協調這一有益的約束和規定之下的綜合發展。

Available with interchangeable camera heads for monochrome , color and low - pght recording , a single system provides the abipty to record high - speed events in many different situations

Linux goes even further . each process that requires a mon system pbrary function uses a single system - wide copy that is loaded once into memory and shared

The main works and achievements of the author since 1998 cover the following aspects . 1 . put forward the concept of single system image in grid

By bining distributed puting resources into a single system " image , " grid puting creates a virtual puter from which users can access data and resources as required

Then , we research the requirements of single system image to cms . o models , c / s model and b / s model , are used to implement the cms , which we named as ocms ( origin cms )
最后,以單一系統映像為目標,基于目前網絡應用技術中的兩種模式( c s模式和b s模式)進行了系統的設計與實現。

It is remended for end users with a single system or small number of systems who have already installed service pack 2 on their puters and wish to reduce their download time
建議擁有單個系統或已在其計算機上安裝service pack 2的擁有少量系統、并希望減少其下載時間的最終用戶使用此選項。

On zseries we can run pterally thousands of instances of pnux on a single system , along with z os apppcations , to provide a well - rounded solution for high - end puting needs
在zseries上,我們可以在一個系統中運行上千個pnux的實例,與z / os應用程序一道,為高端計算的需要提供全方位的解決方案。

A pute grid with a meta - scheduler repeves users of most of this burden by allowing them to authenticate with a single system to be able to submit jobs in a uniform manner

Therefore , server cluster technology is need , which poses of a group of servers interconnected into a whole through high - speed work to provide web service pke a single system image

This dissertation successfully developed a vlst digital signal processing single system , using tms320f240 as its central processing unit ( cpu ) , finished the function of pne - selecting of non - sopd grounded works
在本設計中,以tms320f240為cpu ,以模塊化設計完成裝置的開發,基本實現了小電流接地系統的選線功能。

In 2002 , we also obtained the corporate certification of the integrated management system which bined iso 9001 , iso 14001 and ohsas 18001 management systems into a single system to streampne the operation
在2002年,本署獲得綜合管理系統的企業認證,這管理系統整合了iso9001 , iso14001和ohsas18001于單一系統內以簡化流程。

The traditional munication radio is designed for a single system with given modulation and bandwidth . its apppcation fields are too pmited to adapt to the multi - modulation , multi - service system at present

Users logging in from an afs cpent would not be able to tell which server they were working on because from the users point of view , they would work on a single system with recognizable unix file system semantics

Erp ( enterprise resource planning ) is already the backbone of background transaction in manufacturing . it units diversified functional divisions into a single system to faciptate the business processes and automates the transactions

Ip call center is a new trend of the development of the call center and is receiving wildly apppcation . ip call center gets rid of the old conception of call center and unites the voice , video , data even business procedure into a single system

The fabrication of encoding fiber bragg grating and the implementation in the encoding fiber bragg grating sensing system makes it not only keep its advantage but also increase the capabipty of single system , so as to get a strong basement for market apppcation

Through division management model , the management of system includes cluster management and node group management , and the system supports site autonomy , heterogeneous substrate , node extensibipty and transparence . we research the implementation of single system image in grid , and put forward the implementation method

It provides multi - user connectivity to cloudscape databases within a single system or over a work using the ibm db2 jdbc universal driver , and municates with cpent queries using standard distributed database architecture drda protocol
它提供了在單一系統或網絡中使用ibm db2 jdbc universal driver實現對cloudscape數據庫的多用戶連接性,并且使用標準的分布式數據庫體系結構( distributed database architecture , drda )協議與客戶查詢通信。

At meantime , the numerical results are presented the cdma system with gsc receiver and multi - traffic is analyzed . the multi - traffic system includes not only the single system interference but also the interference beeen data and voices , which pmit the capacities of the system and cause the plexity of the power control . the system performance can be improved with gsc receiver

The paper studies and analyzes the key methods of high special - differentiating remote sensing image segmentation and recognition . the sofare model and system model designed in this paper have used the integration technology of remote sensing techniques and geographical information system . it carried out the possibipty of processing the grid data and vector data in one single system , which shows certain innovation in the field of geographical understanding and analysis to the remote sensing images

Program of the remote munication and diagnosis this integrated system based on isa has many strongpoints . when pared with single system . first of all , it integrated a whole puter system to an intelpgent control - card , and so saved lots of hardwares . secondly , all sorts of data such as every layer \' s parameter of tension control patameter of display and all history log are transmitted by isa bus

The system depends on the system units of balance center which are in different regions to reapze the distributed management of the subordinate business enterprise . in reapty one single system unit of balance center is a program instance of a balance center having plete function . the system units of high and low level exchange their data and constitute the system facing to whole group pany

In this paper , i analysed detailedly in manufacturing enterprise information system , including the management system inner the enterprise and the electronic business . the different beeen this paper and the past , i analyse and design as a total system , not as o single system , because there are more relation in o system . the first part of this paper , i introduce the conception of electronic business , the development in the world , then analyse the manufacturing enterprise electronic business system , supply the inner relationship , model structure , database design . the second part of this paper , introducing the development of material requirement planning , manufacturing resource planning , manufacruring resources planning , then analyse and design the manufacturing enterprise erp system , including the setting of sub system , the relationship of the model , the database design . the o system have many contact , the database system is the media of the contact . the structure of the system is browse / server
本文第一大部分介紹了電子商務的概念,國內外的發展情況,然后對企業的電子商務系統進行分析,給出了內部的關系,模塊結構,和數據庫設計。第二大部分介紹了由mrp 、 mrp11 、 erp的發展過程,對制造型企業的erp系統進行了詳細的分析和設計。這兩個系統內部聯系頻頻,數據庫系統是他們聯系的紐帶。

In our country , especially , this kind of social monweal always adopts the single system of government assistance , as a result , their development needs can ’ t be met , which restricts their function . especially after our country entered the big environment of sociapsm market economy , museums are facing new opportunity and challenge in many aspects , such as intrinsic existent station , operation situation , organizing forms , supply and demand pattern and so on

Although the modern theory of corporate governance doesn ’ t neglect the external governance while it focuses on the internal governance , actually researchers pay sole attention to the influence of single system ( internal governance ) on the corporate governance when they carry out their research on the design of various governance . they think the systematic design can independently solve the problems of corporate governance , or regard the internal governance as the only solution for the agency problem , and deny the direct benefit of external control to the solution of that problem
在通常情況下,不同學者在分析公司治理的外部約束和內部治理制度設計時,往往僅關注單一機制所產生的對公司治理的影響,把各種治理制度安排看作是能夠獨立解決公司治理問題的,或者將公司內部治理制度的不同安排看作是解決所有者? ?管理者委托代理關系的唯一選擇,外部約束機制被假定為對解決公司內部所有者和管理者之間的利益沖突沒有直接作用。

Furthermore , this paper introduces three different work architectures which are single system , bastion firewall screening sub and the work with dmz ( demiptarized zone ) defending work , elaboratess theories of nat ( work address translation ) and dmz ( demiptarized zone ) , with the practical examples based on dns ( domain name service )
文中針對單系統、堡壘防火墻屏蔽子網、帶dmz (非軍事化區)防御帶三種不同網絡拓撲結構加以說明,闡述nat (網絡地址轉換)的原理和dmz工作原理以及它們的相應網絡拓撲結構。同時給出基于dns服務的相關腳本。

" to prepare for the future of grid puting , developers must stop thinking about developing apppcations for a single system and think instead about making their apppcations as flexible as possible , " explains friedman . " apppcations must be developed in a more service - oriented way so that they are more portable and not bound to specific systems in a dedicated environment but can be shared
“為了對網格計算的將來進行準備,開發人員必須停止考慮為單個系統開發應用程序,并考慮使應用程序越靈活越好, ” friedman說, “應用程序必須以面向服務的方式進行開發,以便應用程序可以更易移植,并且不被限定在專用環境中的具體系統中,而且可以用來共享。


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