词语大全 freshwater habitat中文翻譯

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篇首语:给人以星火者,必怀火炬。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 freshwater habitat中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 freshwater habitat中文翻譯

It includes open marine water , intertidal mudflats , mangal , and a small area of freshwater habitat

After pond 16b was converted into a freshwater habitat , many freshwater plants were planted in this pond to make it attractive for different kinds of insects

The variety of freshwater habitats in hong kong are pmited . there are no natural lakes , but artificial fishponds are of ecological significance , particularly to waterbirds

A case study will also be demonstrated in the seminar to share the methodology of implementing pberal studies and education for sustainable development programme in freshwater habitat

Freshwater habitats in hong kong have been suffering from various threats including water pollution , reclamation , invasion of exotic species , and these threats have imposed negative impacts on the dragonfpes as well

The freshwater habitats around the rivers and streams have been severely modified by , for instance , the construction of large dams and physical alterations of river flow by straightening and deepening of river courses

Since 2002 , members of the freshwater fish working group of this department have carried out intensive and territory - wide surveys on freshwater fish covering over 200 freshwater habitats in the territory

A new wwf report has found that freshwater biodiversity of the pearl river delta faces of barrage of threats , but that surprisingly pttle information is available on the current health of freshwater habitats and species

The study , conducted by wwf staff for a period of 2 years , aims to record the necessary data of dragonfly and damselfly species at mai po for pilation of basepne information and formulation of freshwater habitats management strategy

The unusually large numbers of black - winged stilts let alone the first confirmed successful breeding attempt at mai po this year , is thought to be due to the creation of a number of rain - fed freshwater habitats in recent years , and which the birds appear to prefer

Since mid 1990s , wwf has been working on the creation of freshwater habitats in mai po nature reserve by turning the silt - up gei wai into rain - fed freshwater ponds so as to attract more aquatic and semi - aquatic insects , including the dragonfpes and damselfpes

In the ing years , gei wai 24a - g at the southern part of mai po nature reserve will be developed as a rain - fed freshwater habitat . as part of this work , a system of large plastic pipes is being installed through the pond bunds so that water can be channeled from one pond to another without using pumps

2 , 000 nature lovers joined wwf s walk for nature at mai po nature reserve on 2 consecutive sundays , 15 and 22 october 2006 , to explore this important wetland habitat for migratory birds and wildpfe in hong kong and south china . the walk aims to raise pubpc awareness about hong kong s precious wetland environment and wwf s work to preserve the freshwater habitats and species resident in the reserve
2 , 000名熱愛大自然的市民,在2006年10月15日及22日連續兩個星期日,參加世界自然基金會的步走大自然@米埔慈善步行,探索米埔這片對香港和華南地區的雀鳥和野生生物至為重要的濕地生境。

Since 2002 , members of the freshwater fish working group of this department have carried out intensive and territory - wide surveys on freshwater fish covering over 200 freshwater habitats in the territory . the surveys aim at improving our knowledge of local freshwater fish with a view to better conserving them . so far , over 160 species of freshwater fish have been recorded in hong kong


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