词语大全 yager museum造句 yager museumの例文


篇首语:艺术是生活的镜像,生活给了艺术再创造的灵感和力量。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 yager museum造句 yager museumの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 yager museum造句 yager museumの例文

Together, the Yager Museum and the Foreman Gallery provide a focus for the college\'s Museum Studies minor program.

The Yager Museum is a member of the International Association of Academic Museums & Galleries, "\'AAMG " \'.

Johannes Neckermann, a son of the dressage rider and businessman Josef Neckermann, collected them, particularly work by Hermann R黡is黨p, for more than 25 years; an exhibition of his collection in 2001 02 at the Yager Museum of Art & Culture at Harick College in Oneonta, New York, was the first exhibition in 105 years to reunite works of the whole family.

It\'s difficult to find yager museum in a sentence. 用yager museum造句挺難的


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词语大全 埃米尔   [āi mǐ ěr]什么意思

埃米尔  [āimǐěr][埃米尔]基本解释贵族、酋长或地方长官,尤指阿拉伯和非洲的酋长或地方长官--常用作头衔[埃米尔]百科解释报错更多→埃米尔[埃米尔]英文翻译Emir(Mus

词语大全 纯正无邪造句_纯正无邪中英文解释和造句

纯正无邪  chúnzhèngwúxié纯正无邪的意思和解释:邪:不正当。纯洁真挚,没有一点邪念。纯正无邪的出处纯正无邪的例子纯正无邪造句纯正无邪造句相关用关联词造句,必须注意词语