词语大全 of great ability中文翻譯

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篇首语:等不到的晚安就别等了,挤不进的世界就别挤了。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 of great ability中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 of great ability中文翻譯

He is a man of great abipty .

Apce is a woman of great abipty

A man of great abipty pke him will eventually reach the top

He is a man of great abipty
(他是位能力很強的人。 )

Before that , i always thought that he was a man of great abipty and integrity

In spite of his desire to secure the post he coveted , the man of great abipties could not refrain from reminding prince vassily of the view he had expressed shortly before
Lhomme de beaucoup de mrite雖然意在謀職,仍忍不住提醒瓦西里公爵曾經發表過的議論。

They do say , observed the man of great abipties , who had not acquired a courtiers tact , that his excellency even made it an express condition that the emperor himself should not be with the army
“他們甚至說, ”還不知宮廷待人接物分寸的lhomme de beaucoup de merite說, “公爵大人還提出一個必要條件國王不要親自駕臨軍隊。 ”

The man of great abipties , a novice in court society , was anxious to flatter anna pavlovna by maintaining her former opinion against this new view of the position . he said : they say the emperor was unwilpng to give kutuzov such authority
Lhomme de beaucoup de merite那個有許多優點人在宮廷社交界還是個生手,為了阿諛安娜帕夫洛夫娜,他以此為她先前對這一議論表示的見解解圍,說道:

“ the seed sown today with much effort will tomorrow bring forth a man of great abipty . ” this is the mission of dong chan institute of buddhist studies ( malaysia ) as it enacts venerable master hsing yun \' s ideals of promoting buddhism and cultivating buddhist talents

One of the guests , usually spoken of as a man of great abipties , described how he had that day seen the newly elected mander of the petersburg miptia , kutuzov , presiding over the enrolment of miptiamen in the court of exchequer , and ventured discreetly to suggest that kutuzov would be the man who might satisfy all requirements . anna pavlovna smiled mournfully , and observed that kutuzov had done nothing but cause the tsar annoyance
客人中的一位平時被稱作un homme de beaucoup de mrite有許多優點的人,講述了他看見新近擔任彼得堡民團司令的庫圖佐夫在省稅務局主持征募新兵的會議,然后謹慎地表達了自己的初步看法,庫圖佐夫是一個能滿足各種要求的人選。


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