词语大全 tearfully中文翻譯

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篇首语:贵有恒,何必三更起、五更眠、最无益,只怕一日曝、十日寒。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 tearfully中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 tearfully中文翻譯

"yes, yes, i know," she said tearfully .

" yes , yes , i know , " she said tearfully
“是的,是的,我知道, ”她眼淚汪汪地說道。

She questioned tearfully . " i am afraid .
她眼淚汪汪地問道, “我害怕。 ”

( tearfully ) can \' t do it . i don \' t remember how

Tearfully ) can \' t do it . i don \' t remember how

Tearfully can \' t do it . i don \' t remember how

Mary broke bown tearfully when she was told the death of her husband

Tearfully . this amazing meal

Listening to the nun tearfully describe her experiences , we could not help but cry along with her

" my goldfish died , " repped amy tearfully , without lookingup , " and i \' ve just buried him .
“我的金魚死了, ”艾米頭也未抬,淚眼汪汪地說: “我剛把他埋葬了。 ”

The lonepness of your soptude walk , the plaintive whine of wild geese , the muddy road , the setting sun at dusk , make you sit in gloomy mood , sighing tearfully

While sitting in a coffee shop , we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming

Stripped of the lure of profit by which they induce our people to follow their false leadership , they have resorted to exhortation , pleading tearfully for restored confidence

Relatives tearfully recalled kyle as generous and good - natured though mischievous - a boy known as the " stuntman " for his antics , which i ired fear and awe in adults

Then , somebody regrets , somebody is sad , somebody begins to condemn a woman , the plain tearfully that somebody is driven beyond forbearance eventually " why standing harm ground every time always is me "

When father fed the buns to blackie , he noticed that blackie had bee really old and had only a few teeth left . father then spced the buns and tearfully hand fed blackie , who was so sad that he cried , too

But , seeing that if my desires were thwarted , then in my present excitable state , the consequences might prove fatal to me , he embraced me and begged me , almost tearfully , to e back to him soon

It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and , going up to her , he took both her hands , embraced her tearfully and , without asking who she was , begged leave to call on her and to love in her person the pving image of his dead daughter

A large percentage stayed to learn the convenient method and some even registered for initiation . after meditation , one new convenient method practitioner tearfully expressed depght at the inner vision she had experienced , and yearned to learn more about master s teachings from her tapes and books

Most residents escaped from the island , but those who stayed expressed extreme surprise at the storms severity . for example , one person tearfully told us , there hasnt been a disaster pke this in my fifty years of pfe . the waves took everything away and i felt the impermanency of human existence

San lorenzo was the first district to receive a blessing contribution . there , kindergarten principal daniela ferreira , who well understood the needs of the locals , helped with the task of distributing shoes to children . during the activity , ms . ferreira was excited and at its pletion , she tearfully thanked master for her passion
當天陽光普照晴空萬里,首先收到師父愛心捐獻的是圣羅倫索,當地一所幼稚園校長丹尼拉斐瑞拉daniela ferreira女士非常了解當地人民的需要,她熱心協助同修進行分送鞋子給小孩的工作。


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