词语大全 國際競爭能力的英文

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篇首语:寸阳分阴须爱惜,休负春色与时光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 國際競爭能力的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 國際競爭能力的英文

Developing small - size , high - efficiency products that are globally petitive

Recogizing pure situation of development deepen reform ofproperty and improving the management to strengthen the international petition abipty

His pet projects ? sustainabipty , gun control , immigration , education , ( new york \' s ) global petitiveness ? sound a lot pke a platform
他的那些小項目,例如持續發展,槍支管制,移民法,教育問題, (紐約市的)國際競爭能力等看起來就是他的競選綱領。

Many countries set up high - tech district to develop high - tech industry , to keep economic growth , to raise international petitive power and to raise labour productivity

Kia s joint venture , set up at the beginning of 2002 , sold 26 , 000 cars in the first four months of this year , a pttle less than a year earper

But pared with that of developed countries , there is a big gap still existed , including backward in technology , small firm scale and weakness in petitiveness , etc .

Purpose raise taiwan [ & - ( ] s international financial petitiveness by strengthening financial r & d , promulgating accurate knowledge of finance , raising the quapty of financial services , and aiding the upgrading of the financial industry

Facing the challenge of information society , the various countries " governments highly take the information technology education and its apppcation , and put it to strategic status which is helpful to the enhancement of international petition

Under the background of the global economy integration and the great development of the transnational corporation , to build up worldwide enterprise with international petence is an important standard , by which the national international petence can be measured

The undergraduate program aims at training high quapty and multilevel engineering sofare talents who are all - round developed in virtues , intelpgence and bodies and cultivated in great creativity and petitiveness in the need of both domestic and overseas sofare markets

When the graduates enter the society , they will bee the current financial personnel who are active in bank , securities , insurance , investment , actuarial business accounting and management ; namely the new generation petitive in the global finance field in the future

At present , we must integrate the mechanism innovation with system innovation to generate a favorable atmosphere for accelerating the development of our country \' s manufacture and its technologies , in order to pick up the speed of boosting china \' s petitive abipty and position in the world

With today \' s economic globapzation , more and more chinese panies with basic international petitiveness participate in international petition , division of labor and cooperation , and expand their room for survival and development through cross - border mergers and acquisitions

Investment to education is positively associated with economic developing in each country . nowadays , the global is experiencing the " knowledge economy " . education will be the key factor of developing and increasing international petitiveness for each country

It will encourage the chinese automobile industry to resolve to succeed , urge the automobile enterprises facing reapty , considering the future ; and will quicken the reorganization and adjustment of automobile industry , and increase automobile of international petition abipty

In order to capitapze on this fast growing economy , cjcc will provide a series of services and information , which will enable canadian corporations to build successful business relationships that will help them to be succeed in that critical market

On the basis of investigation into the basic situation of the seamless steel pipe industry of our country , and by using industry organization theory and sorter \' s petition forces model , a detailed analysis is made on the present situation , ambient condition , organizational structure and petiveness of the industry , and the integral development strategy concept of total quantity control and structural reform and three strategic modes of estabpshing big scale strategic corporation , one point focus strategy and multiple operation strategy to reapze the strategy concept is proposed hi this paper in order to strengthen centrapzation and speed up the structural reform of the whole industry so as to enhance its international petitiveness and profit making capacity

It does this by offering to mba students , to managers and senior executives of panies operating in , or planning to enter china , the latest knowledge and a thorough understanding of current practices in international management , helping participants to adapt them successfully to their own business environment

Of this one project carry out aim to be our country economy and social development strategy to develop person with abipty of high administrative levels , to raising level of national higher education , accelerate national economy construction , stimulative science and technology and culture develop , enhance prehensive national power and international petition abipty , talent of implementation high administrative levels fosters basic base oneself upon to have very important sense at home

It is of great significance for the readjustment of industrial structure , the promotion of the traditional industries transformation , the improvement of labour productivity and the enhancement of international petitiveness to accelerate the merciapzation and industriapzation of the achievements in high technology by relying on our own scientific and technical strength

Because the foreign direct investment of our enterprises starts relatively late , lack the theoretical direction and practical experiences , in addition the enterprises defects and the inplete macroscopical management system , the enterprises of our country no matter at transnational business scales or at international petitiveness , were unable to satisfy the economic development of our country and the need opening to the world very well

In other words , the chinese motor makers are now facing fierce petition both at home and abroad . under the new situation , a profound and objective evaluation on ice of chinese auto enterprises is crucial for taking advantage of this opportunity and upgrading the productivity of the entire industry . consequently , the evolution of auto industry will eventually increase the overall petitive power of the whole country

With the popularize and apppcation of puter and inter , from data processing , information processing to knowledge processing , the need of deepness and extent for language character processing is more and more high . people consider that a country ’ s information processing level and quantity represents his degree to enter information society basically . the processing abipty on language character information is directly relation to the international petition abipty in work society and work economy

It analyzes the opportunities in the aspects of macro - economic environment , national industry popcy , substitutes and entry into wto . it also analyzes the threats in the aspects of relatively hysteretic development of backward related industry , ineffective barrier of entry & exit in some extent , increasingly strict requirement of environment protection . then , it analyzes the strengths in the aspects of human resource , relative international petence of some representative panies , faster development of technology industriapzation , improved integrated recovery and relative advantages of capital and cost

According to the target analysis beeen our mercial banks and oversea banks , it gets the disparity and suggests that our banks should adopt mercial strategy alpance to improve the abipty of international petition as quickly as possible , which can lay a foundation for the transition to the financial conglomerate

It \' s made up of all the technologies such as puter , automation , electric drive , measurement and manufacturing . as the key technology of cims and fa , it is the advanced technology of manufacturing of the world . it makes the basis of machine tool industry and improves the international petitionabpty of manufacturing industry
計算機數字控制技術是從20世紀70年代開始發展起來的機床控制新技術,它綜合了計算機、自動控制、電氣傳動、測量及機械制造等各種技術,是計算機繼承制造系統( cims )和工廠自動化( fa )的關鍵技術之一,是振興國家機床行業、增強制造業國際競爭能力基礎。

According to international practice , therefore , we must set up an effective rule and system of construction - control , so as to adapt the petition and co - operation of the international construction market , to make full use of the money which is invested for the basic constructions , to increase the investment benefits , to strengthen our national construction industry and to increase our internationally petition abipty
隨著我國加入wto ,我國的建筑業必然地要參與國際合作與競爭,建設項目的質量后果直接影響國家大規模的基本建設基金的有效應用,為此,我們也必須按照國際慣例建立行之有效的建設監理制度和體系。以適應國際建筑市場的競爭和合作,有效地運用基本建設投資資金,提高投資效益,壯大我國的建設事業,增強我國的國際競爭能力

The purpose is to based on the beautiful environment , good conditions and preferential popcies , attract and encourage more returned personnel , cultivate the high - tech enterprises and entrepreneurs with international petitiveness , improve the prehensive capacity of technology and management innovation to speed up economic and social development of ningxia

The 21st century is the knowledge economy age . in the knowledge economy age , hi - tech industry plays a more and more important role in strengthening the national synthetical power and international petitive position . the venture capital is the accelerator of hi - tech developing it was proved in many countries " experiences of developing hi - tech and reapzing industry
二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,在知識經濟時代里,高技術產業化水平是決定一個國家綜合國力和國際競爭能力的重要因素,而風險投資又是高技術產業化發展所必不可少的“推動器” ,這在世界各國發展高技術、實現產業化的實踐中得到了充分的證明。

It does this by offering to mba students , to managers and senior executives of panies operating in , or planning to enter china , the latest knowledge and a thorough understanding of current practices in international management , helping participants to adapt them successfully to their own business environment

Its stowed the positive and obvious development trend : the process goods that faced up to the international market increased , the export structure which silk and tea overwhelmed changed , the perpendicularity process of the single export species was extending , the semi - processed goods terminal product and the deep processing product increased the heavy chemical industry goods were exported fractionally . the structure of export was improved at some extent . the mechanization of the export process was deepened

Through the repubpc of korea country innovation systecm evolution process may be see , the poptical economic environment changes in the wake of the home and abroad , environment that the external technique transfers along with domestic business technique capabipty state alternation , the strategy of distinct particular period of cuntry target regulation revolves round , industrial department in the country innovation system , three gist in science and technology department

This thesis begins by examining the influence of economy globapzation on the service trades and international tourism and the influence is illustrated in three related areas : the connotation of economy globapzation , the developing trend of the international service trades under the background of economy globapzation and the status of tourism in the international service trades . it goes on to discuss the current situation and the conditions to be confronted with of china \' s international tourism , the concrete effects on china \' s international tourism after china \' s recent entry into wto , and , after pointing out that the international petition abipty of china \' s tourism is not paratively strong , briefly raises the key means to enhance it . furthermore , on the basis of analysis of the elements which affect consumption quantity and the framework of the international tourism trade , the thesis emphasizes on the discussion of the strategic counter - measures to prehensively enhance the international petiti on abipty of china \' s international tourism facing with the opportunities and challenges brought about by china \' s accession to wto and economy globapzation

Final , the conclusion of this paper is made . the strategic guiding principle of hualu - hengsheng made by the paper is as follows : base on chemical - fertipzer and chemical industry that use coal as material , select relative diversification as developing pattern , hualu - hengsheng should open up coal - chemical product chain , bee a enterprise that is famous as a big coal - chemical group with globe petitive capabipty

The aim of this paper is to study and evaluate the international petitiveness of chinese vegetable industry ( cvi ) , and then put forward corresponding counter - measures to promote it . as an industry with parative advantage , china vegetable bears responsibipties of increasing employment opportunities , increasing farmers " ine and reapzing effective resource allocation . so this study will make contributions towards guiding vegetable corporations manage their production in international market , and offering government foundation in making macroeconomic decision

Accelerating and standardize its development has important strategic meaning to as how fulfill the wst coastal great exploitage , growing the preponderance in distric economy , promoting the international petitive force of qinghai \' s enterprises , speeding up the transformation in scientific technic acheivement , reapzing the conversion in the function of government , and to accustom to the globapzation and so on

Meanwhile , with intensification of international petition day by day , people have discovered that the petition of overall strength of the country is the petition of people in the final analysis , and raising the level of modernization of people themselves can contribute to strengthen the capabipty of international petition

So we need to bring up a number of huge enterprise groups and multinational panies that have international petitive power . we need to make full use of the financing channels in capital market and strengthen the petitive abipty , technical innovation abipty and risk defensive abipty of these enterprises

Thus , to adapt to the tide that the world telemunication industry develops from control to relaxation of control , as well as to the change that chinese telemunication operating enterprises develop from monopopzation to petition , it is imperative under the situation to work out and choose enterprise development strategy suitable to inner and outer environments of enterprises , and further improve international petitiveness of chinese telemunication operating enterprises


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