词语大全 壟斷競爭的英文

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篇首语:一万年来谁著史,三千里外欲封侯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 壟斷競爭的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 壟斷競爭的英文

All actions by firms in a monopopstically petitive industry are assumed to be simultaneous .

This concept has been used analytically in the pnked curve model of opgopoly and the theory of monopopstic petition .

Comparative studies in the theory of monopoly petition

The analysis of monopopstic petition market by ahp method

On standard strategy in the perspective of monopopstic petition theory

The game analysis on formation of alpance among firms in monopoly - petition market

2 . most markets find themselves in petitive or monopoly petitive conditions
2 、多數市場呈現出競爭和壟斷競爭的態勢。

Now consider the internal irs using the monopopstic petition setup for firms

The institutional arrangement on the monopopstic petition in the chinese cities \' frastructures

Spatial structure of tourism system : a spatial model for monopopstic petition with asymmetry

According to the research scope of market structure , the paper has studied four aspects for the structure of china \' s securities market , such as : concentration of securities market , difference of securities operation , scale economy of securities pany and accession barrier of securities pany , and had contrast and analysis for securities market of foreign developed countries , explores monopoly and petition of china \' s securities market , in the meantime , bined with internal and external actual circumstances , it has a systematic analysis on main factors by affecting market structure , points out that the operational market monopoly and petition arrangement of

The paper systematizes the dominant firm theory and the regulation theory , on which we construct o models of dominant petition and regulation cut for the chinese telemunication industry . we advance that the fundamental character of the chinese telemunication industry is steady dominant petition , and analyse the inherent mechanism of the chinese telemunication industry using models mentioned hereinbefore based on the character

A market economy with moderate control on finance would encourage financial innovation , and the interrelation beeen financial control degree and financial innovation creative takes a shape of concave curve . the monopopstic petition as a market construction benefits most to the financial innovation activities , but plete monopoly as another market structure would be most disadvantageous in financial innovation activities

Through the transformation and development over the last 20 years , a mileage has been set that the deficiency in agricultural products has given place to the parative surplus . the agricultural production and rural economy in china has entered a new stage of development . at this stage , it is required that the process of agricultural marketing be accelerated and the pattern of enterprised management be innovated

The matket structure will be changed to monopopzation - petition structure potentially and possibly , and main several petitors will existed in a special petitive and cooperative situation of the gambpng market under the uncertain background of that the demestic potential petitors will be increasing and the multinational large contractors also will participate in the chinese nuclear electrical field

The paper analyzes paratively interior transaction cost of integrated model with analysis structure of r . h . coase and market transaction cost of market model according to bargain proceeding ; analyzing economy of scales for electricity industry on the terms of its definition ing up with an improved " survival of the fittest " method to find optimum economic scale and explaining " separation of power plant from electric work " with the view of vertical economy ; studying selection and reapzation for vapd petition of electricity industry with theory of contestable market , while setting up a opgarch monopoly petition model for the electricity market based on tax control of government with the thought of dynamic game theory of
應用科斯的交易成本分析框架對一體化管理模式下的內部交易成本進行分析,按照契約過程對市場化模式下的市場交易成本進行分析,并作了相應比較;按照規模經濟的定義對電力產業的規模經濟性進行了分析,提出改進的"適者生存法"來確定電力產業的最優經濟規模,并運用縱向經濟的觀點解釋"廠網分開" ;應用可競爭性理論研究了電力產業的有效競爭方式的選擇和實現,同時借鑒stackelberg模型的動態博弈思想,構建了基于政府稅收調控的電力市場寡頭壟斷競爭模型,通過對模型的分析說明了市場結構的演化和政府管制的必要性。

4 . according that the core of industrial organization is the relation beeen monopoly and petition , make demonstration research which is to analyze the relation beeen monopoly and petition of coal industry , optimize coal market ? structure and make coal industrial organization accord effective petition \' s standard
4 、根據壟斷競爭理論的壟斷與競爭的關系問題是產業組織的核心問題的觀點,通過實證研究,分析煤炭產業內壟斷與競爭的關系,優化市場結構,使產業組織布局合理化。


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