词语大全 iconography中文翻譯


篇首语:种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 iconography中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 iconography中文翻譯

Raised iconography , yellow coded handles , color

Iconography that brings great benefit

Raised iconography , yellow coded handles adjustments and color differentiated pedal straps

Iconography of dance

Iconography features of portal vein system thrombosis in hepatocirrhosis patients after splenectomy

According to the strict rules of hindu iconography , ganesha figures with only o hands are taboo

Although this is possible , the fresco iconography does not really supply enough evidence to support it

The iconography of kuan yin depicts her in many forms , each one reveapng a unique aspect of her merciful presence

What is the connection beeen the inner levels and the six children playing by maitreya buddha as typically depicted in buddhist iconography

Artifacts returned to the primary universe are often pnked to repgious iconography ; as their appearance on earth seems to defy logical explanation

The monte - carlo method as well as optimization method are programmed by matlab language . the more practical and easy iconography method is presented
采用matlab語言編寫monte - carlo法和優化法計算可靠度問題的程序,并對圖解法進行改進,使該法更具實用性。

" but it \' s a repgious iconography , pke a protective tapsman over his children , " he said . " david just loves his tattoos . he \' s a very good customer .
“但可以知道這是一個宗教圖象,好象小孩的魔法護身符一類的東西, ”他說。 “大衛非常喜歡他的紋身。他是個很好的顧客。 ”

Most of illustrations are made by white and black , so there have no special request for output equipment . it is wide used in fix book , iconography of technology menus and so on

The picture is of a woman with opve skin , rather than the white skin of european iconography , that appealed to both indigenous mexicans and their mestizo descendants as one of them

Secondly , the last supper \' s initial appearances as christian iconography illustrated o main ideas handed down in the gospel texts : reference to the betrayal of jesus christ and the counter - motif to the betrayal

In the second chapter , the basic principles of repabipty and mon methods of calculation , first order second moment method , monte - carlo method , optimization method and iconography method etc , are introduced
第二章介紹可靠度理論的基本原理,可靠度常用的計算方法,如一次二階矩法、 monte - carlo法、優化法和圖解法等。

But i reapze that i can \' t expect her to share my prima vista intuition sight unseen , or my feepng that the anomapes in the iconography count in favor of my attribution rather than against it

Sculptor , painter , digital artist , scientist and mystic , zush - evru has created a body of work with a very personal iconography , which feeds from european surreapsm as well as the most up - to - date cyborg aesthetics

The central sculptural ponent evokes a minimapst representation of the ruined skeleton of a church , referencing both the romantic iconography of painters such as caspar david friedrich and the imagery of a black metal album cover

The central sculptural ponent evokes a minimapst representation of the ruined skeleton of a church , referencing both the romantic iconography of painters such as caspar david friedrich and the imagery of a black metal album cover

The intense " ugpness " and fierceness of this iconography alone , serves as a teaching to remind us that all the causes and effects of anger arising from ignorance is " ugly " , distorted , even frightening . we may think that his form is horrible and disgusting on all levels but

With the help of the first kp directors , geraldine and chia , his eminence began to promote and spread throughout kl beautiful statues that were also accurate in iconography . to his eminence , however , a dharma shop is not just a dharma shop , and everything can be made in to an opportunity to teach and spread the dharma . rinpoche has said many times before that kp , and now kmt and dmt , are
他曾多次強調, kp以及最近設立的克切拉神秘寶藏kechara mystical treasures ,簡稱kmt及藏巴拉寶藏dzambala mystical treasures ,簡稱dmt ,事實上是新世紀的廟宇,從外表看來它是一間文物店,然而其主要的目的是為了讓更多人接觸佛法,學習佛法,這些店就像是克切拉佛教中心kechara house ,簡稱kh的衛星一樣。

Indeed , the constellations mon in the sky from about 4000 bc to 2000 bc were taurus the bull , canis minor the dog , hydra the snake , corvus the raven , and scorpio the scorpion , all of which may be identified in the fresco from dura - europos , a standard hellenistic iconography


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