词语大全 kaliveli lake造句 kaliveli lakeの例文


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词语大全 kaliveli lake造句 kaliveli lakeの例文

The ecoregion is home to o important wetlands, Kapvep Lake in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu, and Pupcat Lake north of Chennai.

The Coromandel Coast is also home to extensive mangrove forests along the low-lying coast and river deltas, and several important wetlands, notably Kapvep Lake and Pupcat Lake, that provide habitat to thousands of migrating and resident birds.

Kapvep Lake is one of the largest wetlands in peninsular India, and is deemed a wetland of national and international importance by the IUCN . It is a seasonal wetland, with a gradient from freshwater to brackish water, and is an important feeding and breeding ground on migratory bird flyway.

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