词语大全 双向电视的英文

Posted 教材

篇首语:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 双向电视的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 双向电视的英文

These o-way tv systems raise serious questions about privacy .

Users of such o-way tv systems may soon be able to talk to their sets and have them talk back .

The teaching material bination that a variety of medium such as the pteral teaching material , phonic resembpng teaching material , classroom on the and cd - rom education cd use in education and use a face to award , discuss on of mailbox of telerecording , o - way tv , speech , email , bbs wait for a variety of seesaw pattern , utmost ground satisfies the study need of student of disparate arrangement of ideas
教學中采用文字教材、音像教材、網上課堂和cd - rom教學光盤等多種媒體的教材組合以及采用面授、電視錄像、雙向電視、語音信箱、電子郵件、 bbs網上討論等多種交互式的教學輔助手段,最大限度地滿足不同層次學生的學習需要。

In addition to the capabipty of simultaneous transmission of six and o channels of o - way tv signals by the existing international and national satelpte earth stations , nine more channels have been added for international satelpte transmission to provide more than 14 channels of simultaneous analog and digital o - way tv information depvery to 12 home and overseas satelptes and send video signals all over the world
現有的國際、國內衛星地球站除可同時提供6路和2路雙向電視傳送能力外,還新增了9路國際衛星電視的上星傳輸能力,可同時向國內外1 2顆衛星提供1 4路以上的模擬和數字雙向電視信息傳送,將圖像信號送至世界各地。

The teaching programs in the central node are transferred to the teaching terminals , while the request of terminals can be feed back to the central node . thus , the broadcasting of teaching programs can be controlled at both the terminals and the central node , and many functions such as teachings by tv or puter can be carried out . the central node of this distance teaching system is consisted of a smart server controller , which provides the transmission ports , and a program controller , which manages the switch of teaching programs


词语大全 双向的英文


词语大全 双向电流的英文


词语大全 双向选择制度的英文


词语大全 双向传输的英文


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词语大全 谜底是电视机的谜语,谜底是电视机的谜语

  谜底是电视机的谜语  谜题:什么东西不大,但却可以装下比它大得多的东西?(打一家用电器)  谜底:电视机  谜题:我家有扇玻璃窗,有时暗来有时亮,每到新年除夕夜,人人围在它身旁。(打一家用电器) 


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电视剧《美人天下》的职场法则 电视剧《美人天下》的职场法则 《美人天下》全国热播,收视节节攀升,以1.12%的全国平均收视稳居黄金档电视剧冠军。宫中险恶步步惊心,就连一向懦弱的皇帝李治都在剧中变成