词语大全 双向传输的英文

Posted 控制器

篇首语:勤奋的人是时间的主人,懒惰的人是时间的奴隶。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 双向传输的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 双向传输的英文

Two-way munication is available so that a puter may poll the controller .

Two-way munication is available so that a puter may poll the controller .

Two-way munication is available so that a puter may pull the controller .

Digital mobile o - way transmission equipment

Fieldbus is a digital , bi - directional , poly - branched munication work connecting field devices in automation control system

Otherwise , this paper introduces the concept of the principle signal in the same channel transferred bidirectional and the phasic equapzer

The object - oriented design method is adopted in the first apppcation , which can send and receive video and audio data on satelpte channel

Fieldbus specially designed to connect field devices and a control system is an open digital bidirectional munication work with multiple branches

As a work bridge , munication controller is the interface device which reapze the function of munication beeen supervise pc and field bus

Bidirectional dc / dc converters will be widely used in apppcations such as dc uninterruptible power supppes , aerospace power systems , electric vehicles and advanced mobile generator sets
為了實現直流功率的雙向傳輸,雙向dc dc變換器被應用在直流不停電電源系統、航天電源系統、電動汽車及移動發電系統等。

In this paper the munication and collecting data and the design of sofare and hardware are elaborated . in the construction of work , this system adopt both direction circle redundancy work . making use of its advantage can transfer data by both direction , so without reference to anyone node has error that can not affect natural working
在網絡拓撲結構上本系統采用雙向環形冗余網絡(雙環形以太網) ,利用雙向環形冗余網的特點可以雙向傳輸數據,因此不論任何一個節點出現問題都不會影響正常的工作狀態,假設在某一方向出現了問題可以通過另一方向傳輸數據,這樣就更增加系統的實時性、穩定性。

We study the cost of metro wdm in o aspects in chapter 2 . for the aspect of ponents , a bidirectional optical add - drop multiplexer ( boadm ) using fiber gratings and circulators is designed , and is cheaper , simple and appropriate penent for single - fiber bidirectional ring works ( sfbrn ) . for the aspect of work , after study the traffic - grooming problem and the cost of wdm ring works , a layered work with a multi - hubs is presented to reduce the total number of the work ports
在第三章,我們搭建了一個可以實現多業務單纖雙向傳送的sdh wdm網絡平臺,以單根50km光纖作為物理媒質,以mux demux的為單纖雙向復用器件,以sdh wdm為傳輸手段,采用mstp技術,通過接入vlan模塊建成一個單纖雙向傳輸的局域網,并以此為基礎通過接入圖像編解碼器實現單纖雙向視頻傳輸,為城域寬帶接入網的多業務實現提供了范例。

Making use of the powerful capabipties of the pci chip , high - speed data of the dsp platform are transferred both ways at dma mode , and low speed data such as initiapzation and configuration information are transferred at direct slave mode . this paper shows in detail the workings of pci9054 , the configuration of its control register , and the writing of platform driver with api functions provided by the manufacturer

According to the demand of emergency monitoring , the selected and prepared equipments should have fast response to pollutants , gain of the accurate monitoring data , analysis , judgement forecast of pollution tendency , o - way transmission of audio - visual information , as well as safety control and protection function


词语大全 双向电视的英文


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