词语大全 詞語搭配的英文


篇首语:人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 詞語搭配的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 詞語搭配的英文

The definition and overview of the word collocation

2 、 design and implement the tri - word collocation repository
2 、設計并實現三詞語搭配知識庫。

A diachronic analysis on the necessity of word \' s collocation

Collocation errors in chinese college students \' engpsh writing

A brief study of engpsh collocation

Every collocation in the binary - collocation repository is marked by the semantic codes

It uses the knowledge of collocation 、 grammatical collocation and semantic collocation to promote the intelpgence . my paper focuses on designing and implementing these collocation repositories that the input method used

Get every collocation from the binary - collocation repository , regard it as a keyword , repeat the procedures of building the binary - collocation repository , then deposit the results into the tri - collocation repository

Guided writing in senior middle school is a special form of language productive activity , in which the students are often not fully aware of then - writing objectives , and lack of sufficient knowledge about collocation

Some perspectives on the importance of corpus in engpsh lexical instruction are offered in terms of word frequency counts & study , collocations study , providing lexical information of words and authentic example sentences

In addition , in the nature of the words pst , there are dislocations of the words collocation ; in the operation of the empty words , rorm the advance and flection of the meaning and in the gratuitous words , include very deeply civipzation meanings

The detailed work is as follows : 1 、 design and implement the binary - word collocation repository . firstly , give the long and near distance span dynamically to extract the candidate collocations . secondly , use several improved statistical models such as long distance collocation intensity 、 near distance collocation intensity 、 long distance collocation disperse 、 near distance collocation disperse and pinnacle to filter the candidate collocations . thirdly , filter the candidate collocations with pnguistic knowledge artificially and deposit the result into the binary - collocation repository

In view of the close relationship beeen quantifiers and nouns and the important position of quantifiers in chinese , this paper aims to help people treating chinese as the second language grasp the match relationship beeen quantifiers and nouns and people whose mother language is chinese , but because of many kinds of locapsm in our country , find out error match relationship beeen quantifiers and nouns in chinese texts easily through researching the match relationship beeen quantifiers and nouns and the way finding out errors of the match relationship according to rules that a quantifier how to match nouns

To provide the intellectual nature of input method , a chinese intelpgent input method based on grammar and semantics is designed , based on the overall designs of this method , this paper describes the design and implementation techniques of its core algorithm in detail through introducing the collocation repository , grammatical repository and semantic repository
本文在漢字語法語義智能輸入法總體設計基礎上,引入中文信息處理領域基本理論的研究成果- - - -詞語搭配知識庫、語法和語義搭配知識庫,對漢字語法語義智能輸入法中各個核心算法的設計與實現技術進行了詳細描述。

The main work is as follows : 1 . introduce the main thoughts in overall designs of the chinese intelpgent input method based on grammar and semantics , present its overall structures and make clear the functions of its function models . meanwhile , briefly introduce the collocation repository 、 grammatical repository and semantic repository used in this input method \' s core algorithms , provide the definitions needed for algorithm descriptions
主要工作如下: 1 .介紹漢字語法語義智能輸入法總體設計思想,給出該輸入法的整體結構,確定其各個模塊要實現的功能;簡單介紹漢字語法語義智能輸入法中采用的中文信息處理領域基本理論的研究成果- - - -詞語搭配知識庫、語法和語義搭配知識庫;并給出各算法描述過程中所需的定義。

The main features of the teaching method are : ( 1 ) helping the students understand the content of the writing activity , before designing their writing activities which are centered around collocation ; ( 2 ) getting the students involved in each of the writing activities , through which they bee famipar with engpsh collocation and cultivate a feel for it so as to be successful in overing chinese engpsh and improve their writing abipty


词语大全 使用的英文


词语大全 搭配   [dā pèi]什么意思

搭配  [dāpèi][搭配]基本解释1.[语][在性、数、格、人称上]与一致,与相配2.安排使互相配合[搭配]详细解释按适当的标准或比例加以配合或分配。元关汉卿《玉镜台》第二折:

词语大全 头晕目眩造句_头晕目眩中英文解释和造句

头晕目眩  tóuyūnmùxuàn头晕目眩的意思和解释:头发昏,眼发花。头晕目眩的出处头晕目眩的例子头晕目眩造句头晕目眩造句相关用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。这就需要在平

词语大全 头晕目眩造句_头晕目眩中英文解释和造句

头晕目眩  tóuyūnmùxuàn头晕目眩的意思和解释:头发昏,眼发花。头晕目眩的出处头晕目眩的例子头晕目眩造句头晕目眩造句相关用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。这就需要在平

词语大全 phrase中文翻譯


词语大全 dating中文翻譯


词语大全 盘菜   [pán cài]什么意思

盘菜  [páncài][盘菜]基本解释方言。适当搭配并经加工整理,置于盘中出售的生菜肴。[盘菜]详细解释方言。适当搭配并经加工整理,置于盘中出售的生菜肴。[盘菜]百科解释盘菜,学

词语大全 配餐   [pèi cān]什么意思

配餐  [pèicān][配餐]基本解释根据人体需要按比例搭配制成的具有多种营养成分的各种食品,如合装在一起的面包片、香肠、火腿等[配餐]百科解释配餐,拼音pèicān,是指搭配在

词语大全 中裙   [zhōng qún]什么意思

中裙  [zhōngqún][中裙]基本解释见“中帬”。[中裙]详细解释见“中帬”。[中裙]百科解释中裙是中衣的一种,是汉服的衬衣,起搭配和衬托作用。更多→中裙[中裙]英文翻译Mi

词语大全 成龙配套   [chéng lóng pèi tào]什么意思

成龙配套  [chénglóngpèitào][成龙配套]成语解释将零部件搭配起来,成为一套完整的整体。[成龙配套]百科解释成龙配套将零部件搭配起来,成为一套完整的整体。更多→成龙