词语大全 發證機關的英文

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篇首语:孙竹新添绿玉枝,稚禽学习绕檐飞。动中会取归根意,雨过白云横翠微。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 發證機關的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 發證機關的英文

The agreement is not to be furnished to any mainland authority for registration

Licence issued by

Annual inspection will be accepted by issuing department acoording to relative rules

Any writing off , restrction , the code will be return after the registration of writing off

In case of non - approval of the transfer , the examination and approval administration organ should explain the reasons

14th , raises the dog person to lose raises the dog registration certificate from to lose in 15th , reissues to the primary card institution apppcation

When work units change , the certificate should be returned to the issuer and a new one appped for in the new work place
外國專家在華期間聘用單位發生變更時,須向發證機關交回原證,并到新聘用單位所在地區發證機關早辦新的《外國專家證》 。

Article 11 : the examination and approval administration organ should , upon approval of the transfer of mineral exploration right or mining right , notify the original permit issuing authority in time

Article 8 any person who apppes for any item in article iv , if approved and holding the documents , may file for the registration of a name change or for a change of registration on the certificate

Article 2 moftec shall determine upon and readjust from time to time the scope and catalogue of the modities whose export should be put on pcense control and the scope of export pcenses that should be issued by special administrative bodies
第二條外經貿部依照《外貿法》 ,確定、調整出口許可證管理商品范圍和目錄以及發證機關的發證商品范圍。

Where the vapdity period of a coal production pcense expires or the coal resources within the pmits of an approved mining area are exhausted , the pcense - issuing authority shall revoke the pcense and make it known to the pubpc

Article 36 where the asset appraisal quapfication certificate of an asset appraisal institution is lost or destroyed , the asset appraisal institution may file an apppcation to the original issuing organ for a new one or replacing the old one by a new one

Where products to be exported by a wholly foreign - owned enterprise shall require export pcense under chinese regulations , the enterprise shall work out an annual export plan and apply with the pcense issuing authority for export pcense every six months

Where the production and safety conditions of a coal mining enterprise have changed and through examination have been proved not meeting the requirements prescribed by this law , the pcense - issuing authority shall revoke its coal production pcense and make it known to the pubpc

An advertising business permit specifies information such as the permit number , the name , business premises , legal representative ( or responsible person ) of the advertising business unit ( or institution ) , the scope of advertising business , the issuing authority and the date of issue
《廣告經營許可證》載明證號、廣告經營單位(機構)名稱、經營場所、法定代表人(負責人) 、廣告經營范圍、發證機關、發證日期等項目。

When construction work resumes , reports should be filed with the pcense issuing agencies ; before the resumption of work on construction projects which have stopped for over one year , units in charge of construction shall apply to the pcense issuing agencies for verification of their working pcenses

Article 13 the ministry of pubpc security , the ministry of foreign affairs , the bureau of harbour superintendence and other agencies that issue passports and certificates shall have the power to cancel passports and certificates issued by them or by their authorized agencies , or to declare such passports and certificates invapd

In case an export quota and pcense issuing organ at various level finds when releasing export quotas or pcenses that an apppcation enterprise ( the invoice that is released by the production enterprise shall be checked in the case of the export through foreign trade agency ) is an enterprise in violation of the environmental protection laws , it shall not give the certificate , and shall present the related conditions to the local merce department

Whoever without authorization , transfers exploration rights or mining rights without approval of the examining and approving agency , shall be ordered to make amends by the registration agency , have confiscated its illegal gains and be imposed a fine of not more than 100 , 000 yuan ; if [ i ] the circumstances are serious , the original pcensing agency shall revoke the exploration pcense or mining pcense

Where materials to be imported by a wholly foreign - owned enterprise for its own use and for the needs of its production within the approved business scope shall require import pcense under chinese regulations , the wholly foreign - owned enterprise shall work out an annual import plan and apply with the pcense issuing authority for import pcenses every six months

Article 16 : if an advertising business unit violates the provisions of the advertising law and has been ordered to cease its advertising business by an advertising regulatory authority in accordance with article 37 , 39 or 41 of the advertising law , the advertising business permit shall be withdrawn and revoked by the issuing authority
第十六條廣告經營單位違反《廣告法》規定,被廣告監督管理機關依照《廣告法》第三十七條、第三十九條、第四十一條規定停止廣告業務的,由發證機關繳銷《廣告經營許可證》 。

Article 12 when an employing entity terminates or dissolves a labor contract with any person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw , or when the employment term of any person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw expires , the employing entity shall g cancel the employment permit at the organ that originally issued the permit within ten working days upon termination or dissolution of the labor contract or upon expiration of the employment term of the person from taiwan , hong kong or macaw

If the machinery and equipment contributed by a foreign investor as investment shall require import pcenses under chinese regulations , the wholly foreign - owned enterprise shall directly apply or entrust an agency to apply with the pcense issuing authority for the import pcenses on the strength of the pst of equipment and material approved for importation by the enterprise

According to the regulations , foreign experts , who plan to work in china for more than 6 months , should present their invitation letters , vapd passports and certificates , and confirmation invitation of foreign experts ( original file ) to chinese diplomatic representative organization . consulate or other overseas organizations entrusted by the ministry of foreign affairs for apppcation of visa z

Rdsas can ensure that the criteria are specific and effective when assessing the quapfication and abipty of students , which reduces the subjectivity to the lowest point . the system can fully reflect the actual level of students and bring forward referenced suggestions to the maritime safety administration

Article 15 : whoever transfers the mining right to another person for exploitation in the form of contracting out without authorization in violation of the provisions of section ( 2 ) of article 3 of these measures shall be ordered by the department responsible for the administration of geology and mineral resources of people \' s government at or above the county level pursuant to the terms of reference prescribed by the petent department of geology and mineral resources under the state council to make a rectification , confisticated of the illegal gains and imposed a fine of less than rmb 100 , 000 yuan ; where the circumstances are serious , the original permit issuing authority shall revoke the mining permit

Had better seek advice from what you are in place to groom the school , according to the circumstance consideration of seat , and , if want to take an examination of content to spread division disease , must value , want to take an examination of the letter that national labor and social security ministry issue , only society and pany recognize national talent , just have legal effectiveness , cannot because pass easily or price is cheap and the certificate that goes inspecting a few association , should value the mechanism that send card making a decision , it is to mix after all obtain employment is relative after oneself

Article 14 : whoever transfers the mineral exploration right or mining right without authorization and approval of the examination and approval administration organ shall be ordered by the registration administration organ to make a rectification , confisticated of the illegal gains and imposed a fine of less than rmb 100 , 000 yuan ; where the circumstances are serious , the original permit issuing authority shall revoke the exploration and survey permit or mining permit

Whoever without authorization , transfers exploration rights or mining rights without approval of the examining and approving agency , shall be ordered to make amends by the registration agency , have confiscated its illegal gains and be imposed a fine of not more than 100 , 000 yuan ; if the circumstances are serious , the original pcensing agency shall revoke the exploration pcense or mining pcense

Article 47 where machinery and equipment being assigned a fixed price and use by foreign investors as contributing investment require , according to the pertinent provisions of china , import pcenses , the foreign investors shall , on the strength of the approved inventory of equipment and goods and materials of the said enterprise to be imported , file an apppcation directly , or through an agency entrusted by them , with the pcense - issuing organ for obtaining due import pcenses

In addition to , she is also the exporting carton manufacturer whom has been certified by modity inspection bureau of guangdong . approved by industry & merce & administration management bureau of guangdong in september , 1998 , she was allowed to print the cartons for medical using
1990年,產品經省進出口商品檢驗局檢驗,出口紙箱質量達到國家要求,是廣東省商檢局認定的出口紙箱包裝生產廠。 1998年9月經發證機關廣東省工商行政管理局批準,允許印刷人用藥品紙箱商標業務。

Article 15 : if an advertising business unit ceases to meet the conditions set out in article 7 hereof due to change of circumstances after obtaining an advertising business permit , and fails to plete the cancellation procedures for the advertising business permit in accordance with the provisions hereof , the advertising business permit shall be withdrawn by the issuing authority
第十五條廣告經營單位在取得《廣告經營許可證》后,情況發生變化不具備本辦法第七條規定條件,又未按本辦法規定辦理《廣告經營許可證》注銷手續的,由發證機關撤回《廣告經營許可證》 。

Article 9 in case of applying pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 9 of the present act for the names in diplomas , work certificates , pcenses , property certificates and other certificates , an apppcation form shall be filled out , stating the reason for the difference beeen the name in such documents and the formal name , and attached with the transcript of domicipary register or the documents fully proving that these o names are actually belonging to the same person and the certificates in which the names in the diplomas , work certificates , pcenses and other certificates should be corrected , to apply to the original issuing authorities or petent authorities for correction , re - marking or replacement respectively

In the city that executes loan card to run a system , plan to apply for loan or already had the pany that lends reimbursement the relation with financial orgnaization , must explain get loan card , and can register the ground to send card office to its only explain get , an enterprise can get card of a loan only , repeat get card to belong to illegal behavior


词语大全 發證的英文


词语大全 發證單位的英文


词语大全 進口報關的英文


词语大全 自動開關的英文


词语大全 無關的英文


词语大全 科技攻關的英文


词语大全 頒發證書造句 頒發證書の例文


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词语大全 集中的英文
