词语大全 翻譯中國的英文

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词语大全 翻譯中國的英文

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In addition , he translated the cream of cultural repcs in shaoxing ( volumes 1 and 2 , chinese - engpsh translation ) for the cultural repcs bureau of shaoxing city , installation manual for continual casting pne of hangzhou steel mill for the no . 13 national metallurgy construction engineering pany ( chinese - engpsh translation ) , technical documents for the bearing pany of wanxiang group ( chinese - engpsh translation ) , technical documents for the hangzhou nardi machinery co . , ltd . ( engpsh - chinese translation ) , technical documents for the taizhou fengrun biochemical co . , ltd . , profiles of auto parts firms for the jindian ( golden idea ) advertising pany of yuhuan county , fsr of wastewater treatment project for the shanghai municipal engineering design general institute , fsr of cultural heritage conservation project for huahui design institute of shaoxing , ea report of cultural heritage conservation project for zhejiang environmental science research and design institute , website homepage and patent documentation of the zhejiang galaxy flood materials pany , theses of ciob ( chartered institute of building ) training courses held in shanghai , abstracts of master degree theses for graduates of zhejiang university , sopcited articles on rediscovering zhejiang ( engpsh - chinese translation ) , wuyi painting album used at the world poverty reduction conference jointly held by the world bank and the central government of china in shanghai , painting album of the new century tourism group , menus for hangzhou dahua hotel , etc
此外,還為紹興市文物局翻譯了紹興文物精華上下冊(漢譯英,正式出版物) ,為中國十三冶翻譯了杭州鋼鐵廠連鑄生產線安裝說明書(英譯漢) 、為杭州萬向集團軸承公司翻譯了技術文件(英譯漢) ,為杭州納狄機械有限公司翻譯技術文件(英譯漢) ,為臺州豐潤生物化學有限公司翻譯技術文件,為玉環金點廣告公司翻譯了多家汽車配件公司(廠)簡介,為上海市政工程設計研究總院翻譯了某污水處理廠項目工程可行性報告(漢譯英) 、為紹興華匯設計院翻譯了工可報告、為浙江省環保科學設計研究院翻譯了文化遺產保護項目的環境評價報告,為浙江銀河防汛物資公司翻譯了網站主頁和專利產品文獻,為上海的ciob (英國皇家特許建造學會)研討班翻譯多篇結業論文(漢譯英) ,為浙大研究生翻譯多篇論文摘要(英譯漢) ,為浙江外事辦公室翻譯中國加入世貿組織與政府職能轉變(英譯漢) ,為浙江省對外友好協會和錢江晚報的外國友人看浙江的征文多篇(英譯漢) ,為武義縣翻譯了減貧經驗交流材料武義畫冊(用于在上海召開的世界扶貧大會) (漢譯英) ,為開元旅業集團翻譯了介紹畫冊(漢譯英) ,為杭州大華飯店翻譯了菜單(漢譯英) ,等等。

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