词语大全 后向散射系數的英文

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词语大全 后向散射系數的英文

Especially , the second part of the puting the backscattered field is given . 5

4 . based on the theory of kirchhoff approximating and the model of franceschetti facet field simulating , an algorithm for the puting the facet backscatter coefficients is presented
4 .基于kirchhoff近似理論和franceschetti地面場景仿真模型,實現了一種根據小平面單元與sar之間的幾何關系計算小平面單元后向散射系數的算法。

Based on the theory of kirchhoff approach and facet , the algorithm of puting the facets " backscatter coefficients is discussed . especially a method of puting part of the backscattered field is advanced

We , then , parameterized a semi - empirical model for the different land surface cover types . this semi - empirical model was appped to minimize the effects of the vegetation volume scattering and extinction in radar measurements
此外,目前星載合成孔徑雷達如ers - 1 2 、 radarsat等均為單一頻率、單一極化的雷達,無法從得到的單參數雷達后向散射系數中直接提取地表土壤水分信息。

This technique is mainly involved o steps : 1 ) vegetation effects correction : we used ndvi ( normapzed difference vegetation index ) derived from tm and avhrr measurements for spatial and temporal variations of vegetation covers at different scales

In this study , we demonstrate a technique using the multi - temporal c band hh polarized radarsat scansar data to estimate the relative soil moisture change . the experiment data from sgp97 covered a whole range of vegetation growing season and different type agriculture fields
研究證明,星載合成孔徑雷達( sar )得到的地表后向散射系數與地表介電常數有直接相關關系,從而能夠在水文模型要求的精度范圍內有效提取地表土壤水分信息。

Using a simple radiative transfer model for vegetation volume scattering and the integral equation model ( ibm ) for surface scattering with the field in situ measurements as the input , we pared the simulated and sar measured backscattering coefficients in different agricultural fields

Based on the vector radiative transfer theory and the characteristics of the sar technology , several sub - models for rice backscattering are constructed , including the leaf scattering model , the leaf extinction model , the trunk scattering model , the trunk extinction model and the water reflection model . then an integrated model for the first - order scattering mechanisms of rice , including all the main physical processes , is achieved

We discuss the representative phase unwrapping algorithms in detail , and make a prehensive parison among them by a series of unwrapping experiments with test and real interferometric data . due to the difficulty of phase unwrapping , we probe into the evaluation of unwrapping results with different algorithms , and present an improved approach in which the intensity image , coherence map and other quapty map is used synthetically to select the optimal unwrapping result . 4
此外,針對相位展開問題的復雜性,論文提出利用干涉數據幅度圖像、相干圖以及其它質量圖綜合評價相位展開質量以實現展開結果的優選; 4 、論文就較具代表性的干涉仿真方案進行了深入分析,在把握不同層次仿真方案實質區別及共性的基礎上,提出基于復圖像頻譜獲取待仿圖像后向散射系數的新思想,快捷、高效地解決干涉仿真過程的關鍵性問題。

For parameter a , there is a close relationship exist beeen a ( 9 , sr ) in o different radar incident angle that can be expressed as : with considering the effects of soil texture , we get the final expression of the inversion model : where mv ( t1 ) , mv ( t2 ) is volumetric soil moisture content in o different temp , c , d is soil type related parameters , and v ( t1 ) , s ( t2 ) is coresponding bare soil radar backscattering coefficients . inversion results show that for the c band hh polarized radarsat scansar data with a range of incidence angle from 20 to 40 , the soil moisture change value can be derived with an acceptable accuracy using the above model . the temporal and spatial soil moisture change patterns are associated with rainfall and vegetation cover , as well as the soil hydraupc characteristics
利用最新發展的電磁波散射模型研究了不同植被覆蓋地表雷達波對地表土壤水分的敏感性,建立了半經驗植被雷達后向散射模型; 2 ) .研究發現在農作物等矮小植被覆蓋地表,植被層直接后向散射與植被類型相關,且在植被生長期,雷達后向散射系數對植被含水量的敏感性要高于對植被高度變化的敏感性; 3 ) .解決了單參數雷達地表土壤水分反演問題中,雷達入射角和地表粗糙度的影響這一難點問題; 4 ) .利用土壤介電模型校正了不同土壤類型對反演地表土壤體積含水量的影響; 5 ) .在以上成果基礎上,建立了完整的單參數雷達地表土壤水分變化探測反演算法,經地表驗證,模型反演地表土壤水分變化值的精度為rmse = 0

2 ) radar incidence angle and surface roughness correction : to make radar incidence correction and epminate the surface roughness effects , a wide range of surface parameters ( soil moisture , surface rms height , correlation length , incidence angle ) was input to the ibm model to simulate the effect of surface roughness and radar incidence angle on the sensitivity of soil moisture to the radar backscattering coefficient . a simple model was estabpshed to simulate the effects of incidence angle and surface roughness . 3 ) estabpshment of soil moisture change inversion model : according to a modified ibm model simulation results , the bare surface backscattering coefficients can be expressed as a funtion of the dielectric ponent for a given surface roughness when the surface slope greater than 2 . 0 , which is vapd for most nature surface : in above equation , r0 is the surface reflectivity at normal incidence
本研究中,首先利用基于微波輻射傳輸方程的微波植被模型和積分方程( iem )模型模擬了各種地表土壤水分含量情況下,植被覆蓋、地表粗糙度(包括地表均方根高度和相關長度) 、雷達入射角對c波段(頻率4 . 7ghz )水平極化( hh )雷達后向散射系數的影響,在此基礎上,建立模型消除了植被覆蓋、地表粗糙度、及雷達入射角對雷達后向散射的影響,利用多時相50m分辨率radarsatscansar雷達后向散射系數圖像反演得到了地表土壤水分變化模式信息。


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