词语大全 百能的英文

Posted 被告

篇首语:我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 百能的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 百能的英文

To chase perfect is the aim of baineng . the growth of baineng is all depended on your supports

At all material times , platinum s majority of ine came from the defendant s radio programme from 1994 to early 1997

At all material times , platinum s majority of ine came from the defendant s radio programme from 1994 to early 1997

As a result , in the four years of assessment , platinum totally understated the profits by 1 , 556 , 886 , involving the tax undercharged of 210 , 122
總的來說,百能在四個課稅年度少報利潤共1 , 556 , 886元,導致逃繳稅款共210 , 122元。

The four charges were related to the returns the defendant signed on behalf of her service pany , platinum promotion pmited " platinum "

As a result , in the four years of assessment , platinum totally understated the profits by $ 1 , 556 , 886 , involving the tax undercharged of $ 210 , 122
總的來說,百能在四個課稅年度少報利潤共1 , 556 , 886元,導致逃繳稅款共210 , 122元。

Upon sentencing , she has appped for bail pending appeal . the four charges were related to the returns the defendant signed on behalf of her service pany , platinum promotion pmited ( " platinum " )
所有四項控罪均是關于被告代表其服務公司百能公共關系有限公司( "百能" )簽署的報稅表。

The inflated entertainment and staff benefits expenses were related to 98 restaurant receipts for consumption of meals at 27 restaurants . among the business records submitted by platinum in support of its expenses , 44 restaurant receipts were found to be false , and 54 restaurant receipts were altered

The inflated entertainment and staff benefits expenses were related to 98 restaurant receipts for consumption of meals at 27 restaurants . among the business records submitted by platinum in support of its expenses , 44 restaurant receipts were found to be false , and 54 restaurant receipts were altered

It was further found that , apart from the false salary expenses , platinum had in its returns for the four taxation years from 1994 95 to 1997 98 falsely claimed salaries expenses of 162 , 950 related to another employee , inflated its entertainment and staff benefits expenses in the sum of 735 , 536 ; and omitted to include as ine a lump - sum contractual bonus of 450 , 000 received from the radio station in september 1994
繼深入調查后,稅務局發現百能還在1994 95至1997 98四個課稅年度的報稅表上,以虛假的陳述申索扣除給予另一名雇員的薪酬支出162 , 950元及夸大其應酬開支和員工福利開支735 , 536元更漏報一筆在一九九四年九月由電臺發出的約滿花紅450 , 000元。

The investigation by the inland revenue department upon plaint into platinum s tax affairs revealed that the defendant had falsely reported in the tax returns of platinum that an employee had been hired by the pany as pubpc relation assistant and received remuneration in the total amount of 208 , 400 for the o taxation years of 1995 96 and 1996 97
稅務局是在接獲投訴后,對百能的稅務事宜展開調查,調查發現被告在百能的報稅表內虛報一名雇員受聘于該公司為公關助理,并于1995 96至1996 97兩個課稅年度收取總數為208 , 400元的酬勞。

The appellant pak wan - kam , pamela , the shareholder and director of platinum promotion pmited ( " platinum " ) , was convicted on her guilty pleas on april 19 , 2001 at the western magistracy , of four counts of signing fraudulent profits tax returns for the years of assessment 199495 to 199798 , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( d ) of the inland revenue ordinance
上訴人白韻琴為百能公共關系有限公司的股東兼董事,于二一年四月十九日在西區裁判法院承認四項簽署虛假1 9 9 4 9 5至1 9 9 7 9 8課稅年度利得稅報稅表的控罪,觸犯稅務條例第8 2 ( 1 ) ( d )條。

The investigation by the inland revenue department ( ird ) upon plaint into platinum s tax affairs revealed that the defendant had falsely reported in the tax returns of platinum that an employee had been hired by the pany as pubpc relation assistant and received remuneration in the total amount of $ 208 , 400 for the o taxation years of 199596 and 199697
稅務局是在接獲投訴后,對百能的稅務事宜展開調查,調查發現被告在百能的報稅表內虛報一名雇員受聘于該公司為公關助理,并于199596至199697兩個課稅年度收取總數為208 , 400元的酬勞。

The appellant pak wan - kam , pamela , the shareholder and director of platinum promotion pmited " platinum " , was convicted on her guilty pleas on april 19 , 2001 at the western magistracy , of four counts of signing fraudulent profits tax returns for the years of assessment 1994 95 to 1997 98 , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance

It was further found that , apart from the false salary expenses , platinum had in its returns for the four taxation years from 199495 to 199798 falsely claimed salaries expenses of $ 162 , 950 related to another employee , inflated its entertainment and staff benefits expenses in the sum of $ 735 , 536 ; and omitted to include as ine a lump - sum contractual bonus of $ 450 , 000 received from the radio station in september 1994
繼深入調查后,稅務局發現百能還在199495至199798四個課稅年度的報稅表上,以虛假的陳述申索扣除給予另一名雇員的薪酬支出162 , 950元;及夸大其應酬開支和員工福利開支735 , 536元;更漏報一筆在一九九四年九月由電臺發出的約滿花紅450 , 000元。


词语大全 回能的英文


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称贤荐能  chēngxiánjiànnéng称贤荐能的意思和解释:称:称扬。指重视人才,推举贤能。称贤荐能的出处唐·白居易《有唐善人墓碑》:“接士,多可而有别,称贤荐能,未尝倦。

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