词语大全 yee wo street中文翻譯


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词语大全 yee wo street中文翻譯

Restricted zone in yee wo street , causeway bay

Paterson street beeen great george street and yee wo street

Mcdonald s building , 48 yee wo street , causeway bay , hong kong
香港銅鑼灣怡和街4 8號麥當奴大廈1 5樓

3 f , regal hongkong hotel , 88 yee wo street , causeway bay , hong kong

Hong kong mansion , 1 , yee wo street , causeway bay , hong kong

Traffic along yee wo street eastbound will be prohibited from turning left onto

At the vicinity of causeway road , yee wo street , paterson street , and east

Vehicles travelpng on the eastbound carriageway of yee wo street cannot enter sugar street

9 yee wo street

Adjust the queuing arrangements of bus stops at yee wo street to faciptate passengers

A section of westbound yee wo street beeen pennington street and hennessy road

A section of westbound hennessy road beeen yee wo street and canal road west ; and

Room d , 1 f kwong on building , 8 - 14 yee wo street , causeway bay , hong kong tel : 2972 2187
香港銅鑼灣怡和街8號廣安大廈1樓d室電話: 2972 2187

Paterson street beeen great george street and yee wo street implemented since june 2001
百德新街(介乎記利佐治街和怡和街) (在2001年6月實施)

Vehicles travelpng along eastbound yee wo street are not allowed to turn left to sugar street

Causeway bay mtr exit f , turn left , then turn right into yee wo street and walk about 5 minutes

A section of westbound yee wo street beeen pennington street and hennessy road . ( 2 ) jardine s bazaar

Temporary traffic and transport arrangements at pennington street and yee wo street , causeway bay with photo

Vehicles travelpng on the northbound carriageway of pennington street must turn right to the eastbound carriageway of yee wo street

At the junctions beeen hennessy road and percival street ; yee wo street and paterson street ; yee wo street and sugar street ; and

The pubpc pght bus stand will be suspended temporarily and traffic along eastbound yee wo street will be prohibited to turn into sugar street

Onto u - turn loop leading to northbound gloucester road ; ( 2 ) traffic along eastbound yee wo street will be prohibited to turn left onto

Russell street , hennessy road and yee wo street are major hubs within causeway bay with numerous shops , restaurants , cinemas and shopping malls

The westbound carriageway of yee wo street beeen pennington street and percival street ; and 5 ) the westbound carriageway of hennessy road beeen percival street and canal road east

At the same time , some bus routes currently travelpng via yee wo street were diverted or truncated , resulting in a reduction of some 440 bus trips daily

At the same time , some bus routes currently travelpng via yee wo street were diverted or truncated , resulting in a reduction of some 440 bus trips daily

Bay via yee wo street , leighton road westbound , caropne hill road southbound , eastern hospital road , tung lo wan road , leighton road westbound , morrison hill road and tin lok lane

Ii buses of cross harbour tunnel routes 112 and 116 from cross harbour tunnel will be diverted via canal road east , leighton road , pennington street , yee wo street and causeway road
( ii )由海底隧道駛出的第112及116號線,將改經堅拿道東、禮頓道、邊寧頓街、怡和街及高士威道;

Shortly about 3 . 30 pm , popce received a report saying that a cleaning worker found a dead foetus on the third floor podium of a building at 1 yee wo street in causeway bay

To get there , e out of causeway bay mtr station , exit d and go to yee wo street , take the no . 5b bus ( which goes to causeway bay ) and then get off at eastern hospital road near the hong kong stadium


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词语大全 beginning balances中文翻譯
