词语大全 yag crystal造句 yag crystalの例文 "yag crystal"是什麼意思

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词语大全 yag crystal造句 yag crystalの例文 "yag crystal"是什麼意思

yag crystal造句 yag crystalの例文 "yag crystal"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The kilowatt - class laser output have been reapzed using yb : yag crystal ponent by diode - pumped
采用中頻感應加熱提拉法生長yb : yag晶體。

We have researched the theory and experiment on q - switch lasers based on high power diode end - pumped nd : yag crystal to suit the requirement of photoelectric resisting
我們針對光電對抗的應用要求對大功率ld泵浦的調qnd : yag激光器進行了相當深入的研究。

As a new sopd laser material in recent years , cr4 + : yag crystal has super advantages , such as big absorption cross section , stable saturable absorption , good heat - conducting and mechanical performance
Cr ~ ( 4 + ) yag晶體作為近年來人們發現的新型固體激光材料,具有吸收截面大、可飽和吸收穩定性好、熱傳導性和機械性能良好等優點。

The cr + : yag crystal has been operated differently as passive q - switching and mode - locking medium by researchers at home and abroad . chapter 2 : researching the q - switching performance of cr4 + : yag crystals with the rate equations
Cr ~ ( 4 + ) yag晶體優良的物化性能,使它作為被動調q開關和激光增益介質已實現了不同種類的調q和鎖模運轉。

A diode pumped cr4 + , nd3 + : yag crystal self - q - switched laser is demonstrated with fiber coupled ld and the imaging system . the pulse laser with 1064 nm wavelength is obtained . the maximum average output power is 3 . 36 w , and the pulse duration is 65 ns , and the repetition rate is 87 khz , the opto - optical efficiency is 15 . 3 % , the slope efficiency is 23 . 8 %
用光纖耦合輸出的ld ,通過成像系統會聚,對二極管泵浦的自調q激光器進行了實驗研究,得到了平均功率3 . 36w ,脈沖寬度65ns ,重復頻率87khz的1064nm脈沖激光。

Firstly , we analyze the character of nd : yag , bbo and lbo , for nd : yag crystal and select the nd : yag as the gain medium and lbo as doubpng - frequency crystal . ln the theory , analyzing the parameter of the gain medium length , the ratio of the pump - and laser - beam waists . based on the above analysis , we design the resonance cavity
首先,我們對增益介質的性質和非線性晶體bbo和lbo的一些性質進行了比較,選取nd : yag作為增益介質, lbo作為倍頻晶體。理論上分析了激光器設計中的一些參數值,如增益介質長度、模式交疊率、最佳倍頻條件,并根據理論分析結果設計了諧振腔。

The experiment with cr4 + : yag of 30 % and 63 % initial transparence was conducted in plane - convex unstable resonators and get the laser \' s fwhm and output energy are accordingly 8ns and 52mj , 18ns and 45 . 7mj . it is proved that the nearer the max initial transparence is the initial transparence , the stronger intensity and smaller fwhm can be obtained cr4 + : yag crystal , which is consistent with the theoretical results . in addition , the experimental results acquired in different resonator structures and parameters are also analyzed
在平-凸非穩腔中,采用初始透過率為30和63的cr ~ ( 4 + ) yag進行實驗,得到能量和脈寬相應為52mj 、 8ns和45 . 7mj 、 18ns的調q脈沖輸出,這表明:采用初始透過率越靠近最大初始透過率的cr ~ ( 4 + ) yag ,可得到越理想的實驗結果,這與理論分析一致。

Compared with the traditional lamp - pumped sopd - state lasers , the diode - pumped sopd - state lasers ( dpssls ) have many advantages such as high efficiency , long pfetime , all - sopd - state , small size and pttle heat effect , etc . of many kinds of dpssls , laser diode ( ld ) end - pumped nd : yag laser plays an important role and has been found wide apppcatins in industry , mainly because of its good mechanical and optical properties of nd : yag crystal and good mode matching to output a fundamental transverse mode
與傳統的燈泵浦相比,激光二極管泵浦固體激光器( dpssls )具有高效、長壽命、全固化、熱效應和體積小等優點。在眾多的dpssls中,激光二極管( ld )端面泵浦nd : yag激光器在工業中起著重要的作用并得到了廣泛的運用,這主要歸因于nd : yag晶體具有良好的機械和光學特性,而且端面泵浦具有良好的模式匹配,能獲得基橫模激光輸出。

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