词语大全 sail away造句 sail awayの例文 "sail away"是什麼意思

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篇首语:得意犹堪夸世俗,诏黄新湿字如鸦。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 sail away造句 sail awayの例文 "sail away"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 sail away造句 sail awayの例文 "sail away"是什麼意思

sail away造句 sail awayの例文 "sail away"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Soon a breeze sprang up, and the black ship sailed away .

Bidding farewell to ithaca and all that he held dear, he sailed away .

Come with me , jennifer . we will sail away together

Remember when we were dating and you sailed away

And watch you sail away in my ship

And watch you sail away in my ship

Away , i \' d rather sail away pke a swan that \' s here and gone

I \' ve had to watch that man sail away with my ship

Greeks are being slaughtered . we can \' t just sail away

Its the one i need and watch you sail away on my ship

It\'s difficult to see sail away in a sentence. 用sail away造句挺難的

Will you sail away with me to discover some summer island

. . . its the one i need and watch you sail away on my ship

Thats the second time ive had to watch that man sail away with my ship

Get in your boat and sail away

Watching me sail away on my ship ,

Watching me sail away on my ship ,

I am afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you will never e back

I \' m afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you \' ll never e back

That \' s the second time i \' ve had to watch that man sail away with my ship

Soon the ship was saipng away carrying amy away from her home and family

At all , watching me sail away on my ship and then ill shout the name back to you

Note : the final performance of " sail away " will be on june 19 , 2006

. . . at all , watching me sail away on my ship and then ill shout the name back to you

Sail away with me

Watching me sail away on my ship and then i \' ll shout the name back to you . savvy

After he sailed away , she wonders whether there will be the day for them to see each other again

He hurried to the seacoast , and , with all who were able to acpany him , sailed away to greece

Narrator : the boy cut down her trunk , made a boat and sailed away . the tree was happy … . but not really
于是男孩砍下了她的樹干,造了條船,坐船走了。樹好快樂… .但不是真的。

They then , having been sent out by the holy spirit , went down to seleucia ; and from there they sailed away to cyprus

The sampan was seen saipng away at high speed . after a brief chase at sea , marine popce intercepted the sampan off conic island

It\'s difficult to see sail away in a sentence. 用sail away造句挺難的

Acts 13 : 4 they then , having been sent out by the holy spirit , went down to seleucia ; and from there they sailed away to cyprus
徒十三4他們既被圣靈差遣,就下到西流基,從那? ?仆?鼎~比路去。

Acts 13 : 4 they then , having been sent out by the holy spirit , went down to seleucia ; and from there they sailed away to cyprus

Sail away into a sea of gentle positions blended with soothing sounds of surf for relaxation and rejuvenation

" throw off the bowpnes . sail away from the safe harbour . catch the trade winds in your sails . explore . dream . discover .

As we watched the ship sail away , we felt that we must practice more dipgently to repay the four graces that master has spoken about

The last thing i remember is grabbing hold of anikra and cpnging to a piece of wreckage as the brigands sailed away

And we sailed away from phipppi after the days of unleavened bread and in five days came to them in troas , where we spent seven days

And we sailed away from phipppi after the days of unleavened bread , and came unto them to troas in five days ; where we abode seven days

So you expect to leave me standing on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it \' s the one i need and watch you sail away my ship

A ship sails away , quitting the danish shores . a man leans against the mast , casting a last glance towards the island hueen . it is tycho brahe

I knew he hoped to take the treasure , cut every honest throat on that island , find and board the hispaniola at night , and sail away a rich man and a murderer

In the immediate nearness of the gold , all else had been forgotten ; his promise and the doctor s warning were both things of the past ; and i could not doubt that he hoped to seize upon the treasure , find and board the hispaniola under cover of night , cut every honest throat about that island , and sail away as he had at first intended , laden with crimes and riches

It\'s difficult to find sail away in a sentence. 用sail away造句挺難的


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