词语大全 動態效率的英文
Posted 制度
篇首语:男儿欲遂平生志,五经勤向窗前读。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 動態效率的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 動態效率的英文
And so i could be dynamically very efficient and actually get a higher price for my bricks
Today in austrapa i think that the allocative and the dynamic efficiency is much more important
And when we talk about efficiency in those terms we tend to talk about dynamic efficiency and allocative efficiency
Dynamic efficiency focuses on i ovation and measures how well a producer adapts to changes in co umers \' tastes for different goods and services
Dynamic efficiency focuses on innovation and measures how well a producer adapts to changes in consumers \' tastes for different goods and services
At last , the author proposes some suggestions to how to ameporate our country ’ s system of industrial disputes in pght of the theory of dynamic efficiency of system
The paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to protect the investors . economic efficiency is dynamic efficiency , based materially on the efficiency of division of labor and speciapzation of the individual
This article is an attempt to analyzing legal system by using the theory of economics as the basic tool . the author expounds his understanding about the concept of efficiency , and then discusses the concept of efficiency of system , on the basis of which the author analyses the problem of efficiency of the system of industrial disputes
在經濟學文獻中,關于效率概念的理解莫衷一是,如果從經濟學的中心問題? ? “知識問題”的角度去理解效率概念,則會發現效率的真正內涵在于促進有利于經濟發展的新知識的創造、發展和運用,這就是所謂動態效率。
There are four types of administration efficiency of local government : microcosmic efficiency / macroscopical efficiency ; technical efficiency / binatorial efficiency ; static efficiency / dynamic efficiency . we can measure these different efficiencies by different standards . but the main standards are : the degree of the rationapty of the administrative system , the degree of the flow in the management , the general effect in the society
Accordingly , the author proposes his suggestions on how to make our system of industrial disputes perfect . the concept of efficiency of system , as the major perspective of the article , is not the typically quantitative analysis to cost and profit about efficiency , but is an quaptative analysis to the essence of the concept of efficiency of system
The second is that monopoly produces some positive effects : as static efficiency to say , there are four mechanisms , namely economies of scale , economies of scope , internapzation of externapties and learning effect , which optimize the allocation of resources . monopoly advantages decrease of transaction cost . some extent monopoly has benefits to technology innovation and human capital accumulation
其次,壟斷具有正的效應:從靜態效率來看,壟斷存在四種優化資源配置的機制(規模經濟機制、范圍經濟機制、外部性內化機制和學習效應機制) ;壟斷有利于機會成本的降低,從而可以提高社會經濟活動的效率;從動態效率來看,一定程度的壟斷有利于技術進步和人力資本的積累,因而是動態有效的。