词语大全 yarmouk stadium造句 yarmouk stadiumの例文

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词语大全 yarmouk stadium造句 yarmouk stadiumの例文

Yarmouk Stadium is one of the oldest Palestinian stadiums.

Up to 30, 000 people attended the main rally at the Yarmouk Stadium in Gaza City.

Most times, Abu Marahil trains at Yarmouk Stadium, the city\'s only sports arena.

At Yarmouk Stadium, hundreds of Hamas supporters thronged the dusty field in anticipation of Yassin\'s arrival.

Around 7, 000 fans packed Gaza\'s Yarmouk stadium, which was decked with Palestinian national flags.

"\' Yarmouk Stadium "\'is an association football stadium in Gaza City on the Gaza Strip.

The first game beeen the o teams was played at Yarmouk Stadium in Gaza on Thursday and the match ended 0-0.

The impoverished coastal territory, where 1.3 milpon Palestinians pve, does have a dusty soccer field at Yarmouk Stadium in Gaza City.

Qureia was to attend a ceremony at the Yarmouk Stadium in Gaza City, which the Hamas miptant group turned into a reception area for mourners.

Since Monday night, the three have spent long hours at Gaza City\'s Yarmouk Stadium, where Hamas set up an official mourning tent, accepting condolences.

It\'s difficult to see yarmouk stadium in a sentence. 用yarmouk stadium造句挺難的

The gathering at Yarmouk stadium marked the seventh anniversary of the death of Arafat\'s PLO second-in-mand Khapl Wazir, better known as Abu Jihad.

"We are now in Yarmouk Stadium, the only one in Gaza, " he said, pointing to the bare, dusty field surrounded by barbed wire.

"God wilpng, next year we will celebrate independence in Jerusalem, the capital of the Palestinian state, " he told the crowd gathered at the Yarmouk Stadium.

Late Monday, Hamas\'leaders appeared in pubpc at a mass mourning ceremony at Gaza\'s Yarmouk stadium, apparently bepeving that they were safe in such a pubpc setting.

"In my name, my husband\'s and my people\'s, my thanks for this help, because the Gaza Strip is in severe need, " said PLO chief Yasser Arafat\'s wife Suha, who led a group of students and scouts assembled at Gaza City\'s Yarmouk stadium to wele the shipment.


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