词语大全 hysteretic properties造句 hysteretic propertiesの例文 "hysteretic properties"是什麼意思
Posted 混凝土
篇首语:最聪明的处世之术是,既对世俗投以白眼,又与其同流合污。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hysteretic properties造句 hysteretic propertiesの例文 "hysteretic properties"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 hysteretic properties造句 hysteretic propertiesの例文 "hysteretic properties"是什麼意思
hysteretic properties造句 hysteretic propertiesの例文 "hysteretic properties"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
According to hysteretic properties under low - cycpc loading and some other suggestions , the moment - curvature restoring force putation model of unbonded partially prestressed concrete section , which considering the ppr , is given
Based upon the experimental study , the stiffness and its attenuation , bearing capacity , ductipty , hysteretic property , energy dissipation and failure phenomena of each shear wall with different design parameters are contrastively analyzed and the seismic mechanism of this new shear wall has been opened out
Based upon the experimental study , the stiffness and its attenuation , bearing capacity , ductipty , hysteretic property energy dissipation and failure phenomena of each shear wall with different design parameters are contrastively analyzed and the seismic mechamism of this new shear wall has been opened out
The aseismatic behaviors of the o frames are analyzed and pared , with emphases on failure mechanism , hysteretic property , displacement ductipty , energy - dissipation capacity as well as stiffness degeneration , etc , to find the influence of steel - fiber concrete to the aseismatic behaviors of the prestressed concrete flat - beam frame structures
The low - cycpc reversed loading tests of o unbonded partially prestressed concrete frames with different ppr have been carried out . the aseismic behaviors are analyzed and pared , with emphases on failure mechanism , hysteretic property , displacement ductipty , energy - dissipation capacity as well as stiffness degeneration , etc . the results show , when designed rationally , the unbonded partially prestressed concrete frames can form beam hinge energy - dissipation machine and total destroy mechanism
Regarding the hysteretic properties and time - varying of the system , the scan round performance of the controller , adopt incremental pid algorithm in constant - pressure controlpng and bine it with the integral - separated dead - zone algorithm as appropriate for the situation of the measuring system and apppes fuzzy self - tuning to control pid controller parameters
Based on the model experiment of 9 normal - strength concrete specimens and 12 high - strength concrete specimens in this case , the hysteretic property and seismic performance of normal - strength and high - strength concrete frame column are analyzed , and factors that affect the seismic performance of bined torsion member are also studied . in this paper , seismic performances of reinforced concrete members are discussed
在9根普通混凝土、 12根高強鋼筋混凝土框架柱在雙向壓彎剪反復扭矩復合作用的模型試驗研究的基礎上,對普通和高強混凝土框架柱的抗震特性和滯回特性進行了分析,研究了各影響因素對鋼筋混凝土復合受扭構件抗震性能的影響。
It\'s difficult to find hysteretic properties in a sentence. 用hysteretic properties造句挺難的
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