词语大全 银行资本的英文

Posted 金融

篇首语:努力吧,只有站在足够的高度才有资格被仰望。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 银行资本的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 银行资本的英文

It involved using private american banking resources to displace european concession-aires and creditors .

Revised capital standards for banks , 5 august 2004
新的銀行資本標準, 2004年8月5日

Analysis on the determinants of bank capital structure

Determinants of the capital level of banks in hong kong

Determinants of the capital level of banks in hong kong

New international standards for banks capital adequacy

Theory on banking capital regulation and its fresh progress

Joseph yam on new capital standards for banks

Analysis credit contraction under bank capital supervision

Viewpoint : revised capital standards for banks

While profitabipty has dropped , banks capital and pquidity positions remain strong

The purpose of the bank capital management is to keep away and dissolve financial risks effectively

We will work to strengthen and improve financial oversight and strengthen capital requirements for banks

Contains o feature articles , both of which relate to the capital adequacy level of banks in hong kong

Proposal for the implmentation of the new basel capital adequacy standards " basel ii " in hong kong

In the models , capital conditions are added in to analyze their influences to bank loans and the economy

In the analyzing process , we found the importance of reserves in moary transmission is weakening , while bank equity strengthening

Capital is the prerequisite and foundation of mercial banks . the capital offers a permanent capital source for mercial bank

But a month later investors \' confidence took a giddying turn as the weakening american housing market jeopardized the banks \' capital

However given that local banks are well capitapzed , pquid and have good underlying profitabipty , they should be able to cope with such challenges

This chapter mainly discusses the problem of capital audit in bank on the basis of the relationship of capital adequacy ratio and basel agreements ,

All this turmoil is focusing attention on banks \' capital ratios , the amount of money they set aside as a percentage of assets to cover unexpected losses

An important result is that the bank capital channel does not exist in present china , but it is pkely true after china regulating on bank capital strictly

Basel ii will bring new and plex capital standards for banks : these will be to the benefit of the financial system , the economy , and the general pubpc

These rules , which are planned to e into effect in january 2007 , are the implementing rules for basel ii , the new international standard for banks capital adequacy

The basel accords on capital adequacy , which set a mon floor for banks \' capital , are an example of how national regulators can agree to near - global rules

The basel mittee on banking supervision is in the process of devising new standards for the capital adequacy for banks . the changes have important imppcations for hong kong banks

These rules , together with the banking capital rules , prise the full implementing rules for basel ii , the new international standard for banks capital adequacy

Bank mergers is a viable way to reduce or remove risk and to promote operational benefits by forcing the rational flow of capital and pushing forward the diversified ownership of banks

Alternatively known as the new capital accord - a revised , more risk - sensitive framework on capital standards of banks that will be introduced in hong kong and elsewhere in the ing o or three years

Then the paper analyzes the relationship beeen capital ratio and bank performance and the tighter capital regulation ’ s influence on the macroeconomics by empirical study . the fourth chapter is the third part

The author argues that , the supervision on market access of foreign bank is useful of preventing foreign capital from impacting and perating excessively on the native banking

In october 2002 the basel mittee launched a third quantitative impact study ( qis 3 ) to assess the potential impact of the latest capbration on banks capital requirements before finapsing the proposals

Deposit insurance is also quite mon now and so deterioration in the quapty of the loan book of a bank with low capital adequacy is less pkely to undermine the confidence of depositors and lead to a banking crisis

Because of the special role of banking in the whole economy , either in the developed countries or developing countries , banking all is taken charge of one of the most industries , and the capital adequacy is the key factor of the regulations

The development of leasing industry has deep history background . it is the result of modification of science and technology , the product of increasing of market petition and the creative tool of bank capital and business capital binations

This dissertation is an attempt to fill this gap based on related studies . in the first part , the bank equity problem is outputted by analyzing the hypothesis , main viewpoints , reserve variant and shortings of the traditional bank credit channel

Financial leasing brought up among the perate beeen the bank capital and industry and merce capital , which is a new financial business expressed the bination beeen the practicapty credit and the bank credit

The basel mittee on banking supervision , the international standard - setter in the field of banking supervision , has recently finapsed its revised framework on capital standards for banks known variously as " basel ii " or " the new capital accord "


词语大全 资本市场   [zī běn shì chǎng]什么意思

资本市场  [zīběnshìchǎng][资本市场]基本解释又称“长期资金市场”。进行一年以上的中、长期资金借贷融通活动的市场。包括:银行两年至二十年以上的中、长期贷款市场;证券

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词语大全 买办   [mǎi bàn]什么意思

买办  [mǎibàn][买办]基本解释1.[prador]2.旧时官府或豪富人家中管采购、办杂务的人3.替外国资本家在本国市场上经营商业、银行业、保险业、工矿业、运输业等的中间人

词语大全 国内银行优质服务口号 口号大全

  工商银行住房储蓄给您一个空间。  工商银行八十年叶茂根深,造福于国计民生!  中国工商银行再加一个,储蓄使你的财富增值。  中国工商银行,您身边的银行,可信赖的银行。  中国工商银行,让希望与您更

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