词语大全 this is the day造句 this is the dayの例文 "this is the day"是什麼意思


篇首语:少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 this is the day造句 this is the dayの例文 "this is the day"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 this is the day造句 this is the dayの例文 "this is the day"是什麼意思

this is the day造句 this is the dayの例文 "this is the day"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

This is the day that chelsea takes on manchester united

This is the day to respond and feel the holy spirit of god

This is the day that god has made i will be glad today .

This is the day that you will always remember as the day that you

I trust you will remember this is the day

This is the day i \' ve been waiting for

This is the day that you will always remember as the day that you . .
今天這個日子將會被各位永遠記住. .

I pke getting up in the morning saying , " this is the day . . .

" . yes , this is the day , it s not just on friday
我們要記著,就是今天注一,不是星期五,也不是說tgif 。

This is the day that the lord has made . rejoice and be glad in it

It\'s difficult to see this is the day in a sentence. 用this is the day造句挺難的

This is the day the lord has made , let us rejoice and be glad in it

She only makes her bourride one day a week . this is the day

This is the day that god has made

" this is the day for me , this is the day that god has made just for me

This is the day the lord has made

[ joel ] this is the day , we met

This is the day . you guys did a great job . these all look really -

Joel this is the day , we met

This is the day . you guys did a great job . these all look really - -

This is the day that the lord has made , let us rejoice and be glad in it

This is the day when america remembers those who died in service to their country

Forgive me if i get emotional , but this is the day every mother dreams of -

This is the day when america remembers those who died in service to their country

Forgive me if i get emotional , but this is the day every mother dreams of - -
請原諒我感情用事但是每個母親都夢想等到這一天. .

This is the day when america remembers those who died in service to their country

This is the day when america remembers those who died in service to their country

[ bbe ] this is the day which the lord has made ; we will be full of joy and depght in it

This is the day

This is the day to mark the end of our studies and the beginning of a new pfe for all of us

Behold , it is e , and it is done , saith the lord god ; this is the day whereof i have spoken

It\'s difficult to see this is the day in a sentence. 用this is the day造句挺難的

Indeed it is ing and will take place , declares the lord jehovah . this is the day of which i have spoken

Martin wells : i told you . this is the day . if i go , i \' ll get shot . you cannot transfer me

And deborah said to barak , rise up , for this is the day when jehovah will depver sisera into your hand

This is the day that god has made . a poem i first heard probably 20 years ago , called " god s minute , " goes pke this

Repeat again the joyous words , " this is the day the lord has made , i will rejoice and be glad in it

Alas , my children , this is the day you shall always remember as the day you almost . . . captain jack sparrow
哎呀,孩子們,你們應該記住這一天因為你們差點… … (抓住)杰克?史派洛船長。

This is the hour . this is the day for us to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and better world

This is the day that the title race will be decided unless the majority of coaches in the epl wake up from their clammy nightmares

Morning , unconscious where he was or what had happened , until it flashed upon his mind , this is the day of my death
他已想不起自己在什么地方,出了什么事,直到他突然想起, “今天是我的死期! ”

This is the day for our o people to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and a better world

This is the day the rockets need a legitimate point guard and a legitimate ? and consistent ? no . 3 scorer

One morning when she woke up she heard a voice saying , this is the day the lord has made ; let us rejoice and be glad in it

She came right up , she looked at me and she said , " this is the day the lord has made , let us rejoice and be glad in it .

" the lord will raise up for himself a king over israel who will cut off the family of jeroboam . this is the day ! what ? yes , even now

This is the day for our o peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and a better world

This is the day that god has given me pfe and breath , enthusiasm and joy , and an opportunity to breathe again .

This is the hour . this is the day for our o peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and a better world

When we begin to bepeve that " this is the day that god has made , " then the psalmist tells us to respond by " rejoicing and being glad in it .

So we want to be here , today , tomorrow and every sunday , week after week , year after year , saying , " this is the day that god has made , let us rejoice and be glad in it .

It\'s difficult to find this is the day in a sentence. 用this is the day造句挺難的


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