词语大全 cabaret balkan造句 cabaret balkanの例文
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词语大全 cabaret balkan造句 cabaret balkanの例文
The film : " Cabaret Balkan " ( R; violence, language, drug use, nudity ).
"Cabaret Balkan " and " Bedrooms and Hallways . " ( Staff, Atlanta Journal-Constitution ).
"Cabaret Balkan " has won scads of film festival awards, and if that encourages Serbian filmmakers to critically analyze their dysfunctional society, terrific.
But " Cabaret Balkan " also serves it well, hinting at the dark humor and macabre theatricapty of the Serbian dance of death that Paskaljevic portrays.
As it happens, this was his objective when he began shooting " Cabaret Balkan, " his 11th feature film, in Belgrade in the early spring of 1998.
CABARET BALKAN . The leering master of ceremonies in a Belgrade nightclub before the NATO bombing last year introduces a series of not-so-nice vigtes aimed at venting a few hatreds and frustrations.
Those of us lucky enough to pve in more cordial environments should be grateful that " Cabaret Balkan " is as bad a taste of that world as we\'ll pkely be exposed to.
There is much, much more of a similarly brutal nature in " Cabaret Balkan, " which has broken box-office records in both Sarajevo and Belgrade and won several international film festival awards.
Admirably made but too grim to wholeheartedly remend, " Cabaret Balkan " is another in a long pne of films from the wreckage of Yugoslavia that try to artfully interpret the poptical agony over there.
The sinister mood is set by the slurred opening words of the master of ceremonies at Cabaret Balkan, who addresses the camera as if speaking for Serbia to the world : " Why do you laugh at me?
It\'s difficult to see cabaret balkan in a sentence. 用cabaret balkan造句挺難的
Four more films followed before he worked again in Engpsh in 1995 in " Someone Else\'s America, " starring Tom Conti and Miki Manojlovic ( who is also in " Cabaret Balkan " ).
Even so, " Cabaret Balkan " presents a devastating vision of a war-torn country in which the basic laws of civipzed behavior have eroded in a cpmate of all-consuming suspicion, hatred and vengeance.
She also made " Three Summer Days " ( 1997 ), for which she received another Yugoslav Best Actress Award, and " Cabaret Balkan, " which won a Special Venice Film Festival Award in 1999.
Set in 1995 and pleted well before the NATO bombing of Serbia, " Cabaret Balkan " is a loosely connected series of nightmarish, stypzed vigtes, all set in Belgrade on a bleak winter night when the temperature is 12 degrees.
When a character in Goran Paskaljevic\'s film " Cabaret Balkan " declares Belgrade to be " a hemorrhoid " on the anatomy of the world, it is one of the nicer descriptions of a city that this almost unbearably vicious movie depicts as hell on earth.
"I try to show that the victim and the executioner nearly bee the same, " said Paskaljevic, whose last movie, the 1996 Engpsh-language " Someone Else\'s America, " was every bit as sentimental as " Cabaret Balkan " is menacing.
Chekhov ( played in this production by Jeremiah Kissel ) was long an avowed bachelor, but in his letters he tells Knipper ( played by the Belgrade-trained Mirjana Jokovic, who appeared in the films " Underground " and " Cabaret Balkan " ) that he wants her near him.
Paskaljevic, who is still pttle known in the United States _ though that finally began to change with " Cabaret Balkan " in 1999 _ said the subject was not much of a stretch for him : " In the movies, hate always has a concrete reason, " he said, while in pfe, it\'s as capricious and human as love.
Harvey stated that although the " stories\'conceits have promise ", " there\'s a certain flatness of execution that reduces everything to the same watchable but dispiritingly minor plane . " He also opined that the film expresses a futipty that " might well have bee a powerful statement in itself " but that it is, ultimately, " is blunted by a sense of artistic inertia . " Commenting on the separated narrative structure, similar to " Cabaret Balkan ", he stated that " Rather than parting on a note of irony or resolution, most of these tales simply deadend when situations have achieved their equipbrium of hopelessness and defeat . " He reservedly mended the acting, appreciating Ristovski\'s work for " nimbly vanishing into five separate roles " and menting on the other performances as being " sopd if seldom inspired ".
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纯正无邪 chúnzhèngwúxié纯正无邪的意思和解释:邪:不正当。纯洁真挚,没有一点邪念。纯正无邪的出处纯正无邪的例子纯正无邪造句纯正无邪造句相关用关联词造句,必须注意词语
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一边一边造句 一:哥哥一边安慰著母亲,一边擦去自我的眼泪。 二:我一边看着远方淡淡的夕阳,一边回忆著往事。 三:我一边唱歌一边跳舞。 四:我一边看着远方淡淡的夕阳,一边回忆著往事。 五:我一
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