词语大全 產業調整的英文

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词语大全 產業調整的英文

An analysis of the recessionary industry \' s adjustment

The property frame and its adjusting speed in small town

Green ankang - the hope of agricultural enterprise - structure adjustment in ankang

Of course , there \' re dual functions of fdi to industry adjustment of host country or districts receiving investment , one is positive function , the other is negative function
當然, fdi就對東道國或投資地區的產業調整來說,是有雙重作用的,既有正面作用,也有負面作用。

The industrical structure in the west is unbalance and low - level . so the strategy is firstly an adjustment for the structure , as to say , reconversion of industry

Rapid progress in science and technology and the accelerated transformation of global economy and relocation of production factors have provided a historical opportunity for countries to speed up development

The second section introduces the situation and existing problems of leading industry of three northeastern provinces , and mainly states the necessity that three northeastern provinces select leading industries

The authors hold that the development of energy industry is determined by the changes of consumption structure of energy products and energy - intensive sectors in the future , the present energy popces based on the energy supply will be challenged

Safeguard measures can play an important role in providing fragile domestic industries an opportunity to adjust themselves to face foreign petitions . more important is that , safeguard measures should be a kind of driving force to improve the industrial petitions

Secondly , by tracing back the history of more than 20 years " reform sums up its achievements and outstanding problems existing in our country \' s industrial economy . basing on this , asserts that state - owned enterprises " industrial reorganization is very necessary and urgent

The cases of industry conversion in america , canada , austrapa , japan and europe union are analyzed . the approaches to industry conversion are pared from government function of industry conversion , adjustment measures for industry at low ebb and support for substitute industry . the countermeasures are put forward for industry conversion of resource - based cities in china

Statistically , it makes a quantitive analysis on the evolvement of the country economic structure in xi \' an city , the economic benefit of the changes in industry structure , the effect on labor resource collacation in industry structure and the effect of the increasing ine of countrymen in industry structure changes , which discloses a rule of the industry structure evolvement in country . the putting forward of the non - agriculture industry in country , especially the rapid increase in country industry will promote the rise of the country industry level for a long term . the country industry structure influences a lot the increase of the farmer \' s ine which is also affected by agriculture structure and planting structure , but less . the non - agriculture industry plays a main role in the increase of farmer \' s ine . for the low level of the townpzation and industriapzation , developing industry , construction and mercial in country is very feasible to resolve the problem of spare labors in country . it is strengthening labors transferring and reducing the modulus of labor over the infield that farmers ine could be kept increasing . after a theoretical analysis and enty years practise in the regulation of country economy structure after the reform and opening popcy in xi \' an , a new thought of regulating country economy structure in xi \' an is put forward that a strategic regulation must be taken in country economy structure and the agriculture structure must be optimized . moreover , an expanding agriculture must be developed and transfer the spare labors in country effectively . so the government function during the regulation of country economy structure is transferred to : the first one , making the stress popcy in the regulation of country industry structure . 2ndly , strengthening the force in regulating country industry structure ; 3rdly , making a plan on the regulation of country industry structure ; 4th promoting the optimizition and upgree of industry relying on sci - tech progress ; 5th enhancing the townpzation and optimizing the country industry structure ; last one , improving the quapty of labors in full scale

The allocating of resources added express on these ways : in the issuing market , it choose the panies which psted and the shares issue ; in the trading market , it makes the flowing of resources and adjusting the industries by fluctuate of share price ; it also effect on the behaves of financing and investment

As to the practical significance of this title , the writer thought that the study could clarify the fact that china is not a world manufacturing center up to now . this may to some degree help some scholars remove their worries and at the same time may accelerate the trade and cooperation beeen china and other countries . and china could develop its own industries

At the last part , the article puts forwards the strategy that the less - developed area should focus on the hr environment reforming and absorbing more urgently wanted talents in the co ming several years , at the same time enlarge the human capital investment input to develop education , training and the rural labor forces development

To conform to this trend , when the production factors are allocated and arranged globally ; when the industry structure is undergoing an adjustment and transfer on a global basis ; when the value chain of enterprise and industry is disposed and restructured throughout the whole world , developing ouard fdi , so to grasp the opportunity of global industry adjustment , promote optimizing and upgrading of our industry structure , and improve the international petitive power of our enterprises , is the must choice

3 the problems of international regulation pe in that some important conception cut both ways and some regulation have no reason . the author reckon that those conception should be defmituded , besides , prolong the time pmit of " 90 days " . 4 some important conception about our country \' legistion such as " domestic industries " " betimes " should be defmituded and bring forword the plan of adjusting domestic industries
針對此,提出了個人見解,要對一些重要概念進行界定,以及延長“ 90天”的期限來提高報復補償機制的現實有效性,最后是在補償機制上應適用“最惠國”原則的例外;最后,我國保障措施立法總體而言是與國際相接軌的,但是仍存在著不足,需要在具體一些概念如“國內產業” 、 “及時性”的明確界定,以及對產業調整計劃、農產品分別規定的內容加以充實。

At the soonest approach concerned the theoryon after pberation was producer goods precedence growth , o greater part proportional relation and others , present research tend to industrial structure fluctuant resource allocation effect , industrial popcy , traditional industry \' s adjustment and quantification research . industry organization theory is based on microeconomics , orthodox industry organization theory \' s basic feature is scp analyses paradigm , primary school has harvard as well as non - mainstream \' s chicago school , innovation school and neo - austrian school . hotspots in our country recent years are enterprise size , industrial concentration , market structure , as well as relation to performance , entering and exit mechanism and industrial system popcy . this article takes over evolutionary economics \' s analytical approach to analyse institution and technology change , which may affect manufacturing industry , and using evolutive viewpoint to research petition , regional cooperation . based on industrial economics \' s theory , the artical puts forward that manufacturing industry take the leading function in economic structure transformation , manufacturing industry \' s laging is maxima drawback for the agro - industry change , and others


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