词语大全 haematoma中文翻譯

Posted 多糖

篇首语:虎瘦雄心在,人穷志不短。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 haematoma中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 haematoma中文翻譯

Prostate cancer can be ppcated by spontaneous intracranial haematoma

Hirudoid / hirudoid forte promote the absorption of oedema and haematoma

The haematomas were produced by intracutaneous injection of autologous blood on the back of the animals

The haematoma on one side was treated with hirudoid cream and that of the contralateral side with placebo

Even large haematomas responded successfully ; they were pletely absorbed within a week

There was a significant faster dissolution of haematomas under the treatment with hirudoid in parison to placebo

The postoperative development of haematomas was studied as right left parison during a four - week period

The absorption of haematomas was assessed quantitatively by daily measurement of the radioactivity and pared intraindividually

This kind " bag " call a head haematoma , it is mostly by the new student childbirth goes out not natural labor place is caused

Producing haematoma of tumour , head is caused when childbirth , do not require any treatment , heal of metropops proper motion

The area of haematoma was measured ( the area was drawn on paper and quantitatively determined )
術后第4 、 6 、 10 、 14和28天進行了有關檢測,測量了血腫區域(按其大小畫于紙上,并進行定量測定) 。

Haematomas of parable size were produced by subcutaneous injection of blood into both ear lobes of the animals followed by pression

The photographs were evaluated quantitatively by planimetry and by serial parison of the color intensity of the haematomas

In the acute setting , an intracranial haematoma can appear isodense on ct scanning , especially if a coagulopathy is present

The enhancing effect of mps on the absorption of superficial haematomas was demonstrated in human volunteers and animals

The effect of cutaneously appped mps and its action on the distribution and regression of haematomas are demonstrated photographically

According to the picture made by puter , it is easy to understand the evolution of brain edema and haematoma and can easily make

The results showed a statistically significant therapeutic effect of mps on the development and distribution of haematomas pared with the controls

Statistical parison of the size of the haematomas on post - operative days 6 and 10 showed a faster absorption of the effusion at the side treated with hirudoid ( p < 0 . 05 )

The mean time required for the plete absorption was 5 . 2 days for the haematomas treated with hirudoid , 8 . 1 days for those treated with placebo and 10 days for the untreated ones
血腫完全吸收所需要的平均時間,喜療妥組為5 . 2天,安慰劑組為8 . 1天,而未治療組為10天。

The size of the haematomas treated with hirudoid was reduced after 24 hours , while the haematomas which remained untreated or were treated with cream base required 24 - 36 hours to show a distinct improvement
血腫的大小在喜療妥組用藥24小時后即減小了,而未治療組或軟膏基質組則需要24 36小時才有明顯的改善。

Superficial subcutaneous haematomas are particularly suitable for the verification of the absorption promoting effect of cutaneously administered pounds on corpuscular ponents and fibrin deposits of extravasates

Thus , hirudoid / hirudoid forte prevent the formation of superficial thrombi , promote their absorption , counteract local inflammatory processes and accelerate the absorption of haematomas and the reduction of swelpng

If injecting an invariable alternating current into patient \' s brain , the brain edema or haematoma in the brain will change the interal electric field and the distribution of voltage on the brain \' s surface

Because coronal haematoma absorptance is slower , avoid by all means is carried with the needle broken , or go drawing blood with injector , can enter a bacterium because of taking instead so and produce infection , cause undesirable consequence

The criteria for the assessment of efficacy were pain at rest , pain on pressure and movement , feepng of tension and heaviness , edema , leg cramps , haematoma , erythema , palpable indurations , duration of treatment up to improvement and up to freedom from symptoms and signs and global assessment

The second part is a detector which is used to detect the distribution of voltage on the patient \' s brain surface from all different directions . the third is a mixed signal processor ( c8051f020 ) which is used to control the other parts of the system and display some necessary information and convert the voltage signals into digital signals , as well as transmit the acquired data to the puter . the fourth is puter with eit sofare which is used to analyze and process the received data and construct a picture for the brain edema and haematoma on screen

If injecting an invariable alternating current into patient \' s brain from all directions , and detect the distribution of voltage on the brain \' s surface which reflect the brain \' s internal information about impedance , then use puter to analyze the distribution of voltage detected by sensors , so that locapzes the position and constructs an image for the brain edema and haematoma

Diagnosing and constructing an image for the brain edema and haematoma mainly depends on ct or mri , but they are expensive , so it is impossible to frequently use ct or mri to monitor patient . it is necessary to develop the 32 channels eit system to show the process of the evolution of brain edema and haematoma
目前ct和mri是作為診斷水腫和血腫的主要手段,水腫,血腫病人的病情發展很快,然而ct和mri造價昂貴,體積龐大,不可能頻繁的用ct和mri來監測病人的病情,所以有必要研制32通道的電阻抗斷層成像( eit )系統來監測血腫水腫的演變過程。

Go out for advantageous and fetal childbirth , the doctor employs obstetric forceps or fetal head is attracted implement will undertake aiding yield , right now fetal head suffers extruding , make coronal bone overlaps , the head surrounds decrescent , cause the blood - vessel below periosteum pkely to get hurt burst , blood builds up slowly a haematoma


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