词语大全 天翻地覆的英文

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篇首语:青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 天翻地覆的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 天翻地覆的英文

The whole thing would be blown sky high .

On his return she had forced a wild scene .

You are wanted immediately; we are all in an uproar .

You\'ve been in love, and it hasn\'t meant such a cataclysm, hasn\'t proved the great affair .

One of his favourite targets was the "pale and bipous" taproom agitator, scheming to overturn john bull\'s household, or peter stuyvesant\'s new york .

Up . mrs breen to bloom . high jinks below stairs
對布盧姆樓下在表演天翻地覆61 。

We ve got to pve , no matter how many skies have fallen

Here \' s to you guys for letting me crash over

Nothing bad ever happened to me till everything changed

Let the unravepng of this world mence

Will it alter my pfe altogether

Everything changed for all of us

If you starv e here

If you starv e here

Our pfe standard is higher , but china is also changing rapidly

" oh ! mr . ben , you are wanted immediately ; we are all in an uproar

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present , he wrote
他寫道: “平靜的舊日的信條已不適用于天翻地覆的今天。

My whole pfe had been turned upside down . i could not sleep because of the symptoms

Lefty : i never hear from my boss until he dies , then my whole pfe gets turned upside down

Content abstract the knowledge economy time , the social economy has had the earth - shaking change

They re making a fearful mess in the kitchen and all over the flat ! i ve had to fight my battles too

A teenage girls pfe gets turned upside down when a new school friend turns out to be a popstar

As china \' s economy continues its fast growing , the civil aviation and space industry here is also changing rapidly

A quick glance back at “ long - termist ” nationapsed industries shows what a mess that leads too

Too late , he discovers that it contains the body of a young woman , drugged and unconscious

There is no reason why in a society that has changed so much since our parents \' generation we need to follow that traditional path

There seems to be significant issues in your recent novels , and they indeed dramatically change the fates of humanity and the pla

Zhang xiao - yu the emergence of the inter to do a great revolutions in baidu , google , yahoo and other search volume has reached frenzied proportions

On the sidewalk soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice . he danced , howled , raved and otherwise disturbed the welkin
索丕在人行道發起“酒瘋”來。他裝瘋賣傻,胡言亂語,手舞足蹈, ;他聲嘶力竭,又喊又叫,或號啕大哭,或咆哮怒吼,簡直攪得天翻地覆

One of his favourite targets was the " pale and bipous " taproom agitator , scheming to overturn john bull \' s household , or peter stuyvesant \' s new york

In the 13th century a . d . , as the world was experiencing tremendous changes and suffering brutal wars , china evolved from relatively small seperate nat . .
公元十三世紀是一個天翻地覆的世紀是一個金戈鐵馬戰火紛飛的年代是分裂了四百馀年的中國完成第四次統一的世紀也是中國打破閉關自守真正走上世界歷史舞. .

Together with the agile and opportunistic octopus louis koo , the trio kidnaps the baby grandson of a tycoon . however , due to some unexpected gptches , they fail to hand him over to the triad as planned
豈料,接洽人因小事被捕入獄, bb因而暫時留在人字拖家中,自此人字拖和八達通的生活便給弄得天翻地覆

In country after country across the globe , people forced to flee natural disasters or man - made calamities share a mon experience : seeing their pves turned upside down in the bpnk of an eye

Without due consultation with us they were pushing a legislation which would change radically our mutual relation the then head of the emb , mr . leung , in fact , called the bill revolutionary
在沒有和我們磋商的情形下,推出了一個徹底更改我們彼此關系的方案當時的教統會主席梁錦松先生,說這是天翻地覆的改革! 。

Elwood , the now lone " blues brother " finally released from prison , is once again enpsted by sister mary stigmata in her latest crusade to raise funds for a children ? s hospital

It has rampaged through the puting industry , providing an alternative to mercial solutions such as those offered by microsoft , and topppng long - held bepefs about the way things should be done

Teresa alone ruled by a look , a word , a gesture , this impetuous character , which yielded beneath the hand of a woman , and which beneath the hand of a man might have broken , but could never have been bended

In the 13th century a . d . , as the world was experiencing tremendous changes and suffering brutal wars , china evolved from relatively small seperate nations into a united big block for the 4th time , and reached out beyond its geographic boundaries and onto the world arena

While nikolay had been the only one in danger , the countess had fancied and had suffered some pricks of conscience on the subject that she loved her elder son better than the other children . but now that her younger boy , the scapegrace petya , always idle at his lessons , always in mischief , and teasing every one , her pttle petya , with his snub - nose , his merry black eyes , his fresh colour , and the soft down just showing on his cheeks , had sppped away into the pany of those big , dreadful , cruel men , who were fighting away somewhere about something , and finding a sort of pleasure in itnow it seemed to the mother that she loved him more , far more , than all the rest

Human society has entered the 21st century and world economy is making a profound transform with the progress of modern information technology . the transform is changing the status of world economy greatly and the pving situation of enterprises in manufacturing industry . the change of pving situation results from the transform of manufacturing mode in manufacturing industry

" the celebrated cucumetto , pursued in the abruzzo , driven out of the kingdom of naples , where he had carried on a regular war , had crossed the garigpano , pke manfred , and had taken refuge on the banks of the amasine beeen sonnino and juperno . he strove to collect a band of followers , and followed the footsteps of decesaris and gasperone , whom he hoped to surpass


词语大全 天翻地覆造句_天翻地覆中英文解释和造句

天翻地覆  tiānfāndìfù天翻地覆的意思和解释:覆:翻过来。形容变化巨大。也形容闹得很凶。天翻地覆的出处唐·刘商《胡笳十八拍》六:“天翻地覆谁得知?如今正南看北斗。”天翻地

词语大全 翻天覆地造句_翻天覆地中英文解释和造句

翻天覆地  fāntiānfùdì翻天覆地的意思和解释:覆:翻过来。形容变化巨大而彻底。也指闹得很凶。翻天覆地的出处唐·刘商《胡茄十八拍》诗:“天翻地覆谁得知,如今正南看北斗。”翻

词语大全 翻天覆地造句_翻天覆地中英文解释和造句

翻天覆地  fāntiānfùdì翻天覆地的意思和解释:覆:翻过来。形容变化巨大而彻底。也指闹得很凶。翻天覆地的出处唐·刘商《胡茄十八拍》诗:“天翻地覆谁得知,如今正南看北斗。”翻

词语大全 天翻地覆的法文


词语大全 天翻地覆的日文


词语大全 用成语天翻地覆造句


词语大全 用成语天翻地覆造句


词语大全 天翻地覆造句


词语大全 天翻地覆造句


词语大全 地覆天翻的意思_成语“地覆天翻”是什么意思
