词语大全 laboratory sample造句 laboratory sampleの例文 "laboratory sample"是什麼意思

Posted 食品

篇首语:正确的道路是这样:吸取你的前辈所做的一切,然后再往前走。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 laboratory sample造句 laboratory sampleの例文 "laboratory sample"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 laboratory sample造句 laboratory sampleの例文 "laboratory sample"是什麼意思

laboratory sample造句 laboratory sampleの例文 "laboratory sample"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Oilseeds - reduction of laboratory sample to test sample

Liquefied anhydrous ammonia - taking a laboratory sample

Oilseeds . reduction of laboratory sample to test sample

Management and preservation regulation of petroleum geology laboratory sample

Laboratory sample divider

Tests for general properties of aggregates - methods for reducing laboratory samples

Standard test method for total moisture in a refuse - derived fuel laboratory sample

Tests for general properties of aggregates . part 2 : methods for reducing laboratory samples

Chemical analysis of manganese ores . determination of moisture content on laboratory samples

Iso 664 : 1990 ; oilseeds - reduction of laboratory sample to test sample iso 664 : 1990 ; german version en iso 664 : 1995

It\'s difficult to see laboratory sample in a sentence. 用laboratory sample造句挺難的

Methods for analysis of dried milk and dried milk products - general introduction , including preparation of laboratory samples

Test for general properties of aggregates - part 2 : methods for reducing laboratory samples ; german version en 932 - 2 : 1999

Standard test methods for instrumental determination of carbon , hydrogen , and nitrogen in laboratory samples of coal and coke

Textiles - fibres and yarns - determination of mercial mass of consignments - methods for obtaining laboratory samples

The 9th round of the inter - laboratory sample testing program will be undertaken in may 2006 , with samples being distributed by vietnam

Textiles . fibres and yarns . determination of mercial mass of consignments . part 2 : methods for obtaining laboratory samples

Foodstuffs - measurement of radioactivity in foodstuffs - part 1 : guide on foodstuff samppng , transport and preservation - obtention of a laboratory sample
食品.食品中放射性測量.第1部分:食品取樣運輸和保存指南.實驗室樣品的obtention ?獲取

Whether it has , in view of the above report , conducted more laboratory sample tests on the canned luncheon meat of various brands ; if it has , of the test results ; and

Whether it conducts laboratory sample tests on the quapty of canned food on a regular basis ; if so , of the number of sample tests on each type of canned food every year

Who official ( shigeru omi , regional director for the western pacific ) said today ( friday ) china has had at least 26 outbreaks of avian flu this year , but has not shared any laboratory samples with international health organizations

A who official ( shigeru omi , regional director for the western pacific ) said today ( friday ) china has had at least 26 outbreaks of avian flu this year , but has not shared any laboratory samples with international health organizations

Spinning machine - a laboratory sample spinning machine for producing single and o fold yarns of appropriate count for subsequent knitting to produce sample swatches for washing testing in accordance with iws tm31

Whether it conducts laboratory sample tests on the bacterial contents of imported eggs ( including the surface of the egg shells ) ; if so , of the number of eggs tested each year , and the number of samples which have been found to contain the h5n1 avian influenza virus so far this year ; if not , the reasons for that ; and
有否抽樣化驗進口蛋(包括蛋殼表面)的帶菌情況;若有,每年抽驗多少只蛋,以及今年至今發現帶有H 5 N 1禽流感病毒的樣本數目;若否,原因為何;及

It\'s difficult to find laboratory sample in a sentence. 用laboratory sample造句挺難的


词语大全 sample造句 sampleの例文 "sample"是什么意思

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词语大全 sample造句 sampleの例文 "sample"是什麼意思

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