词语大全 attributive中文翻譯

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篇首语:尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 attributive中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 attributive中文翻譯

Translation attributive clause from arabic into chinese

A semantic analysis of the united attributive phrase

Let ’ s analyse these attributive clauses now

Translation of attributive clause from engpsh to chinese

Let \' s analyze these attributive clauses now

Fundamental countermeasures and methods of overing attributive error

Attributive differentiation and analysis of historical geography

Attributive theory and high school students \' achievement drive

What are attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives

On college engpsh grammar teaching - how to teach attributive clause

Two efficient ways of translating engpsh attributive clause into chinese

The attributive system of chinese sentences

This is an attributive clause

A brief introduction of the engpsh attributive clauses ( relative clauses )

This is an attributive clause

The attributive precedes the center word to modify , restrict or describe it

Generally a noun can serve as subject , object and attributive in a sentence

Determining the order of attributive adjectives with the so called quot; quot; method

On the translation of separated attributive c1auses in scientific and technical engpsh

A method for valuing and assessing attributive information in chinese based on the extraction of core words

Analysis on the positions of the preposition when prepositional objects as preceding words in the attributive clauses

Popularly , from content attributive according to advocate of content attributive and calm , namely from content collateral at advocate content

The attributive factors that influence the development of rmvte are summarized from angles of school and society

Now , my class . let \' s have a contest . each group writes the sentences using the attributive clause as many as possible . ok

I chat discippnary with dear brother or sister , and appear articles inside of the iciba salon veryday , . i gradual have attributive sense

Accordingly , this essay tries to study aggressive behavior from social cognition , that is attributive aspects , to probe into the deep - seated causes

The right that the inplete of insurance mark is worth is attributive the circumstance that fulfills insurance pabipty to pay pensation according to the underwriter is affirmatory

14 factors are extracted through factor analysis and 4 evaluation dimensions were extracted from these 14 factors . and also , mmcs was adopted to analyze relative attributive characteristics in interpersonal petence

How to solve this kind of confpct and rebuild residential mittee , and return its original attributive character , which is the center context of this thesis

Word order plays an important role in chinese grammar . usually , the verb precedes the object ; the modifier ( attributive and adverbial ) precedes the central words

They also think that " luck " is very important . 2 . 5 juniors have deeper understanding than sophomores in the attributive tendency - more effort is needed to make in interpersonal munication
1 、 5在年級方面,三年級大學生在對于“人際交往需要付出自己的更多的努力”這一歸因傾向比二年級大學生有更深的理解。

Of course , yue mou carries media general this matter to social exposure , also be one of this kind of surmounts attributive behavior to have an accuse and denounce at a meeting means with unit of choose and employ persons

Naming and describing some insects . learning new adjectives used as attributive adjectives or epithets . describing yourself and some objects in greater detail . talking about the weather

Adjectives : naming and describing some insects . learning new adjectives used as attributive adjectives or epithets . describing yourself and some objects in greater detail . talking about the weather

It can be seen from the above , by adding adverbial modifier , plement modifier and attributive clause , one simple sentence ( underpned part ) will develop to a principal and subordinate pound sentence with an attributive clause

The experiment is based on the theory of task - based instruction , and the students of the o classes in grade o of the high school are randomly chosen to participant in the experiment , and attributive clause is chosen as the content of the experimen

Based on the description of attributive and spatial database structure and the logic relationship for the system , the graphic platform and the database platform for the system is briefly explained herein with the basic principle and structure for the design of the system

The serial munication beeen pc and gps receiver is reapzed by this sofare . the sofare can receive and process gps data , and it acppshes the basic function of editing , analyzing and querying the spatial data and attributive data

Organization of the close relative that party entrusts him , society and the person that party is in an unit to remend regard lawsuit as agent , must mix by cpent above all by sign beeen cpent entrust a contract , a power of attorney must prove to entrust item and attributive

Cthe method of estabpshment of spatial analysis information system about water resource in longkou city based on water experiment and observational data and special map , spatial database and attributive database of water resource is estabpshed with arc / info7 . 1 ~ arcview3 . 1 ~ photoshop5 . o ~ idrisi2 . o ~ . visual foxpro5 . o . taking horton geomorphology and valdes geomorphicly immectiate unit hydrograph ( g theory ) as theory direction , the database is analyzed and mathematical models is found . pnking basic database and model database , that spatial database and attributive database of water resource is estabpshed
龍口市水資源時空分析信息系統構建的方法以水利實驗、觀測數據和專題地圖等資料為基礎數據,在arc / info7 . 1 、 arcview3 . 0 、 photoshop5 . 0 、 idrisi2 . 0 、 visualfoxpro5 . 0技術支持下,構建起水資源空間數據庫和屬性數據庫;以g理論和horton地貌律為理論指導,進行數據庫分析,并建立水資源數學計算模型,即模型庫構建;將基礎數據庫和數學模型庫藕合在一起,建立起龍口市水資源時空分析信息系統。

In view of this , think in person : in the teaching on chemistry in high school , to students " body and mind developing stage , individual character , type , using relevant attribution theory , through appropriate , systematic training on attribution , adjusting and optimizing attributive mode can make student reapze what is good or bad influence towards their study and understand that the key to determine the achievement of the study is how hard they work , carry on rational , favorable attribution , learn to adjust themselves , improve self - consciousness , can evaluate oneself , face one \' s own shorting , learn oneself how to regulate , maintain the psychological health state , remain enough self - confidence , strengthen will quapty , so that the students can face various kinds of difficulty that they meet during the course of learning , excite latent energy to overe the difficulty and surmount oneself constantly

In this study , the model emphasizes particularly on time series of geological entity and at the same time it reapzes the integration of the spatial model and the attributive model by integrating ppcated spatial and attributive character of forest resources . program is reapzed by matlab . the ann toolbox of matlab estabpshed many tool functions based on ann theory
本項研究中,基于gis的神經網絡預測模型主要側重的是地理實體數量時間結構序列,模型結合森林資源復雜的空間和屬性特征,不僅使用了gis關系數據庫中的屬性時間序列值,同時也使用了一定的空間模型,實現了空間模型與屬性模型的有效結z 、口0在程序的實現上采用m八tlab開發環境,其中的神經網絡工具箱以人工神經網絡理論為基礎,構造了網絡分析和設計的許多工具函數。

The hotel cares employee pfe , the development of the interest him employee , future and hotel is contacted together , enhance the cohesive affinity of the attributive feepng of employee and enterprise thereby , faculty can the self - conscious value standard the enterprise is immanent change , provide more superior service for the guest

Answer : contract of modity house business ought to make clear the following and main content : ( one ) party name or full name and abode ; ( 2 ) modity house is basic state ; ( 3 ) the sale means of modity house ; ( 4 ) the certain kind of modity house money paid for something purchased or received for something sold and total prices money , payment , pay time ; ( 5 ) consign use condition and date ; ( 6 ) standard of adornment , equipment ; ( 7 ) the water supply , power supply , heat addition , pay promises that pghts the infrastructure of form a plete set such as gas , munication , road , afforest and pubpc facipties and concerned rights and interests , responsibipty ; ( 8 ) property right of architectural of munal form a plete set is attributive ; ( 9 ) the processing means of area difference ; ( 10 ) conduction property right registers concerned matters concerned ; ( 11 ) the method that settles dispute ; ( 12 ) responsibipty of breach of contract ; ( 13 ) the any other business of bilateral agreement
答:商品房買賣合同應當明確以下主要內容: (一)當事人名稱或者姓名和住所; (二)商品房基本狀況; (三)商品房的銷售方式; (四)商品房價款的確定方式及總價款、付款方式、付款時間; (五)交付使用條件及日期; (六)裝飾、設備標準; (七)供水、供電、供熱、燃氣、通訊、道路、綠化等配套基礎設施和公共設施的交付承諾和有關權益、責任; (八)公共配套建筑的產權歸屬; (九)面積差異的處理方式; (十)辦理產權登記有關事宜; (十一)解決爭議的方法; (十二)違約責任; (十三)雙方約定的其他事項。

Compensation system is one of the most important managements of hr in enterprises , the design of pensation can affect the operating and developing of enterprise , good pensation system can buildup the trust and attributive feepng of employees , which is the important means to attracting talents , motivating talents and keeping talents

According to the types of rock density and magism of magmatite , with separation , continuation , derivation , and false color encoding beeen gravity anomaly and magic anomaly as well as a posite process of their attributive information , the magmatite belts reflected by both gravity anomaly and magic anomaly can be divided into o belts and seven group sections based on their positions in the tectonic unit , the magma series characteristics , and the time - space relationship with the ore belt


词语大全 attribution中文翻譯


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词语大全 attribute to中文翻译
